Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1991 It's Impossible

Chapter 1991 It's Impossible

Under the control of the innate spiritual energy and the condensed resentment of countless wronged souls and ghosts, the Yin-Yang Eight-Height Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra was able to operate at the maximum speed. When the countless sharp blades transformed from the wind pierced towards me, they did not fall on me. My body was disintegrated by the devouring power of the Yin-Yang Eight-Height Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra, and was transformed into my power, which was stored in the sea of ​​​​Qi in Dantian.

Although I cannot fully digest the energy that has been swallowed up, at least [-]% to [-]% of it will be transformed into my own power for my use.

Soon, most of the effects of this magic circle were quickly lost. Some of them had been devoured by me before I had time to activate them. Seeing that the black fog around me was getting lighter and lighter, a sound came from not far away. A horrified voice said: "How is this possible... How did you break the magic circle I set up... You don't understand Yin Yang Feng Shui at all... This is simply impossible!"

This voice belongs to Zuo Yuankui.

Yes, I do not know anything about Yin and Yang Feng Shui, but this does not mean that I cannot break this magic circle. The main reason is that the Yin and Yang Eight-Height Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra is too overbearing and can swallow up all materials that can be converted into energy. The magic circle needs the help of the power of the formation eyes and earth veins, but I can devour all of these powers. These are the foundation of the magic circle. Once swallowed, the magic circle will be unsustainable.

Furthermore, I don’t know what kind of magic circle this magic circle is. It has just been activated and has not fully played its due role. I quickly activated the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra. The most recent section As time passed, I became more proficient in the use of this magic circle, and I was able to absorb part of the power. I seized the opportunity and took action as quickly as possible. The hope of success was still very high.

I'm ready to fight to the death.

Fortunately I succeeded.

The surrounding black mist was quickly swallowed up by me. Then, in a corner of the lobby, I saw Zuo Yuankui holding a mahogany sword. In front of him, there was a altar and various flags. Flags were lined up on both sides, obviously trying to create a big formation, but before it even started, his formation was shattered.

Although Zuo Yuankui is powerful, he is not as superb as Elder Qinglong. I can't break the array arranged by Elder Qinglong, but there is still some hope in dealing with Zuo Yuankui's array.

When I looked up towards him, I found four of his sons lying on one side of the altar, and even Master Liu Xun and Liu were standing on Zuo Yuankui's side.

"Let's go! Take them out!" When Zuo Yuankui saw my terrifying look at the moment, he couldn't calm down and quickly urged Liu Xun to drag his sons away from here. Several people dressed as servants also appeared at the back door, helping Liu Xun take Zuo Yuankui's four sons away from here.

I looked back at Monk Hua and the others. They were standing at the door and looked towards me. Seeing that they were okay for the time being, I immediately headed in the direction of Zuo Yuankui. Flashed past.

While urging Liu Xun and others to leave with his son, Zuo Yuankui hurriedly took out three blue talismans from the table, threw them towards me, and shouted: "Jade The emperor has an edict, gods and inkstones are everywhere, metal, wood, water, fire and earth, thunder, wind, rain and lightning, thunder and lightning, are as urgent as laws and orders!"

Amidst the sound of the spell, the blue talismans suddenly flashed with blue light and turned into three lightning-like things, bombarding me.

The speed of the electric light was very fast, arriving in the blink of an eye, far exceeding the speed of the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Meridian. The three electric currents hit my body one after another, making me tremble and stagger slightly. Step by step, purple current flows through my body, let alone the sour feeling.

This electric current almost stopped my Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra technique, causing the steaming black evil energy on my body to suddenly subside, but then I shouted loudly, and the energy in my Dantian went crazy again. When I started to run, the black evil energy still steamed out from my body again. Not only that, even the blue current densely distributed on my body suddenly stopped, and was affected by the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra I used. Devoured.

After Zuo Yuankui was shocked, he took out a few blue talismans again and tried to hit me, but this time I didn't give him a chance, and he was in front of him in eight steps. , then grabbed his wrist, and exerted force on his hand to make the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Meridian run faster.

Soon, I could feel the strong power from Zuo Yuankui's body constantly being transmitted to my body through his wrists. This feeling made me feel comfortable all over, like a person who has been hungry for three days. , suddenly saw a table of delicious food.

But Zuo Yuankui didn't feel very comfortable. He struggled twice and couldn't break free from my hand, so he said with some horror: "Wu Jiuyin... what are you going to do? Let me go quickly! Do you know , If you want to kill me, what consequences will you face? I have many apprentices who work in the special task force. If you kill me, you will definitely not be able to live with it. "

I laughed sinisterly and opened my mouth and said: "Old man, let alone your apprentice in the special adjustment group, even if your father is in the special adjustment group, it doesn't matter. I will kill the son of Master Dan Chengshan at my command. You Who are you?"

After hearing what I said, Zuo Yuankui's arrogance disappeared. He just had a grimace on his face, the muscles on his face were shaking constantly, his mouth opened and closed, and he started to wail in pain.

While I was talking, my eyes glanced at Liu Xun who was dragging Zuo Dong's body at the door.

As soon as Liu Xun turned his head, he also saw my murderous gaze, so he trembled with fright, threw away Zuo Dong, who had fainted, and ran outside.

This kid is stumbling upon me behind my back. Last time I only broke off three of his fingers. This time he is doing something behind his back again. He wants his master to kill me. How can I let him go so easily?

I snorted coldly, freed up a hand, and transferred most of the power of the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra to that hand. I grabbed it in the air, and a huge suction force suddenly swept towards Liu Xun. Liu Xun, who had just run out a few steps, was pulled over by me. He hugged a pillar tightly and shouted loudly: "Master Jiu... Master Jiu... don't kill me, this is not the case." My idea is that the Zuo family wants to step forward and say that they are venting their anger on my behalf, which has nothing to do with me at all..."

 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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