Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2000 Alert the General Administration

Chapter 2000 Alert the General Administration
It's been a long time since this happened, but when I saw Nan Jiuzi, the scene of catching the thunder from the sky and killing the Drought Mother was still vivid in my mind. I just didn't expect that what Nan Jiuzi saw was mine. At that time, he actually recognized me at a glance. I didn’t know which Taoist priest had spoken to me at first. During this meeting, he even praised some of our brothers, which made us quite frightened. , and then Monk Hua took them to the village to entertain them.

The last time Nan Jiuzi dealt with Drought Mother and Son Ba, two people were killed by Drought Mother. However, Nan Jiuzi's name was too big. Even if he was damaged, he would still select one of Nanshan's masters. Two masters came out and rejoined the ranks of the Zhongnan Nine. There were always nine people, no more and no less.

At first, we were a little worried that people from Guiyong Dao would come and cause trouble, but Nan Jiuzi all came over at once, which was like a reassurance for us. Once these leaders came over, even the elder Qinglong would definitely resist. Can't help it, when a few thunderstorms come down, they will be smashed into dregs by the thunder immediately.

Afterwards, we welcomed our old friends Chen Xiangzhi and Li Yuanyao. They also brought their youngest son, who was already in his teens. The little boy was very cute. He called him uncle and uncle when we met. He was very sensible. .

They are Xue Xiaoqi's old friends. The locust wood sword in Xue Xiaoqi's hand was forged by them. When we went to the ancient ridge to forge the sword, the ancient ridge corpse monster we killed was the corpse ghost's mother-in-law. Senior brothers, they hadn't seen each other for several years, but they had experienced life and death together. This friendship was not revealed, so Yue Qiang picked them up and took them to the village.

I don’t know how many friends the Xue family has. Their popularity is really incredible. There are waves of people coming here, which is overwhelming. Some we know, some we don’t, but most of them know us.

When they were sending those people off, they could still be heard talking behind their backs. Some people sighed and said that the Xue family's pomp was still big enough. Wu Jiuyin, Li Banxian and others were invited to welcome them. They were the recent guests. The most powerful juniors in the Jianghu who have been in the Jianghu for a few years can invite them to come forward, and they are still here to help. How powerful is the Xue family?

Another person said: "You don't know this. The Xue family of the miracle doctor and the Wu family of corpse exterminators are family friends. Xue Xiaoqi and Wu Jiuyin are good brothers. When Xue Xiaoqi gets married, they will definitely come to help. , why don’t you try someone else? Even if the son of the leader of any sect gets married, Li Bai, the Nine-Yang Flower, won’t necessarily give him face, let alone attack him..."

"That's right... I'm just relying on friendship. Most people don't get this kind of treatment..." someone else said.

We have been busy until almost noon, and the number of people coming gradually decreased. The few of us standing at the entrance of the village were so busy that our lips were almost worn out, and the muscles on our faces were a little stiff when we smiled. It felt like A peerless master is not as tired as he is now.

When it seemed that there was almost no one around, suddenly a group of people came in front, and there were quite a lot of them. There were about twenty or thirty people. Among them was an old man who was the leader. He had a kind face and was wearing a Taoist robe. He followed us as soon as he came up. He handed them over to congratulate them, saying that they were from Nanyue Temple. They were saved by the Xue family back then and came to congratulate them this time.

The Taoist priest looked quite young, probably over 80 years old, and was very energetic. He told us that his name was Yang Zhenpeng. He came this time and brought many gifts in return for the Xue family’s saving of his life. Grace.

There were too many people coming like this, and we didn't take it seriously. We warmly greeted them and rushed into the village to rest. At noon, Xue Xiaoqi and Zhou Linger were going to hold a wedding ceremony, and it seemed that the time was almost up.

But this time, the Taoist priest named Peng Zhenyang did bring a lot of things. Twenty or thirty people brought at least a dozen large boxes. I don’t know what is inside. There are too many people. This is the first time I have seen someone bring so many congratulatory gifts.

Even a wealthy man like Wanluo Sect has never seen someone bring so many things.

Nowadays, it is no different than before. Most of them are gift money in the accounting office. These people in the world are not short of money. This time, Xue Xiaoqi will become a rich man immediately after his wedding. Very few people will bring so many boxes.

However, this man named Yang Zhenpeng was a bit old and his thinking was a bit old-fashioned. Perhaps he still maintained the old traditions. It was not easy to bring so many boxes all the way, so he sent someone to deliver them to the village.

After the group of people from Nanyue Temple were sent into the village, several more waves of people were ushered in. However, most of the people who came later, we didn’t recognize most of them. We exchanged polite greetings and everyone When the guests arrive in the village, someone will naturally arrange a place for them to stop and drink tea temporarily.

When there was no one around, Li Zhanfeng appeared out of nowhere, accompanied by seven or eight people from the special team, and walked towards us.

This is an old acquaintance, our mouths are numb from tiredness, to be honest, we are almost lazy to say hello, seeing Li Zhanfeng coming, Bai Zhan still said hello and said: "Brother Li, are you also here for a wedding banquet?" ?”

Li Zhanfeng smiled and said: "I guess I won't be able to drink this wedding wine today. Brother Xiaoqi is getting married. Many practitioners have come from all over the Yan Kingdom. Now the special team is paying special attention to this matter. , the General Administration of Special Operations has been alerted, and our special operation team has been ordered to send a large number of people to station around to prevent some friends from the world from drinking too much and causing trouble. I have to come over and take care of it myself. If there is a wedding banquet, We can only wait until everyone has dispersed, and then go over to ask Brother Xiao Qi for a wedding drink."

"It's okay to have wedding wine, but don't forget to give the gift." Monk Hua said with a smile.

"I'm poor, and what I do is drudgery. I don't appreciate my efforts, but I will definitely do my part. Naturally, I don't have the generosity of you guys." Li Zhanfeng teased.

After chatting for a few words, Li Zhanfeng suddenly looked at me and said, "Xiaojiu, can we take a moment to talk?"

I was stunned for a moment, looked at Li Zhanfeng and said, "Just tell me directly, there are no outsiders here, and you all know them."

Li Zhanfeng pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "Xiaojiu, can our special team arrange for some people to go in and take care of the situation? The higher-ups are paying special attention to this matter. If something goes wrong, it won't be good for us either." Explain."

(End of this chapter)

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