Chapter 2001
Regarding this matter, I feel a little entangled in my heart. Normally, in such a matter, the special team should indeed come forward to maintain order. However, there is one thing. The relationship between practitioners and the officialdom has been very anxious in all dynasties. Although people in the world are now very anxious about the officialdom. People's opinions have changed a lot, but if someone from the special team comes in, so many Jianghu people will definitely feel uncomfortable.

In particular, the people who come to the wedding banquet this time are not only righteous people, but also some crooked people. When they see people from the special task force coming, they must be frightened, and the people who come to the wedding banquet are frightened. , I definitely don’t feel very comfortable.

I didn't know how to tell Li Zhanfeng about this, when Monk Hua said straight to the point: "Brother Li, you have nothing to do with us. It's definitely okay for you to come to Xiao Qi's wedding, but you have to bring such If the people from the special deployment team go in, I'm afraid those Jianghu people won't start a fight, but they will start a fight with you. I think it's best for you not to go."

I pondered for a while and then said: "Brother Li, I don't want to embarrass you about this matter. Otherwise, let's take a step back. You can bring people in, but don't wear the clothes of the special team anymore, so as not to cause so much trouble." My friend's disgust, after all, this is a gathering of gangs and lakes, and your special team has passed by, many people will feel uncomfortable, and it will also make people feel a little unable to let go."

After hearing what I said, Li Zhanfeng nodded and said, "Okay, I'll arrange for dozens of experts to go in, all dressed in ordinary clothes, and blend in with the crowd. It's best to do nothing but cause trouble. Once someone makes trouble, we will Stepping forward to stop it."

"I think Brother Li is worrying too much. This is the territory of the Xue family. Several of our brothers are here. Who dares to make trouble at Xiao Qi's wedding? I guarantee that he will be beaten." I can’t recognize him.” Monk Hua said.

"Having said that, it's better to be careful. Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens if it's not?" Li Zhanfeng said with an apologetic smile.

"I think Brother Li is right. We'd better be careful. When your special team comes in this time, it's best to bring some firearms. If you encounter any problems, you can also take out the guns to deter some arrogant people. Senior." Li Banxian stepped forward and said.

We all looked at Li Banxian. We didn't expect that Li Banxian would say such words. It would be a taboo for the special team to use guns. If they were discovered by people attending the wedding, they would probably be beaten by a group.

Li Zhanfeng was stunned and said, "Banxian'er, what do you mean?"

"Since it is the special task force that is escorting Brother Xiao Qi's wedding, then we should simply do it more strictly. Even if the people in your special task force cannot carry guns, it is best to let some special agents come in in disguise. That way Only then can we be more stable." Li Banxian looked at Li Zhanfeng with a smile.

Li Zhanfeng turned to look at me. Obviously, Li Zhanfeng had no problem. He looked at me and asked me if I should do as Li Banxian said. I have complete trust in Li Banxian. No matter what he says, I will believe it. , because I know he will never cheat us.

Immediately, he turned to Li Zhanfeng and said, "Brother Li, just do what Ban Xian'er said."

Li Zhanfeng responded, said goodbye to a few of us, and left the place in a hurry, probably to make arrangements to send people to the village.

As for why Li Banxian did this, I didn't ask too much, I think he must have his own reasons.

The people here are almost ready to pick up. From six o'clock to noon, there are at least hundreds of people coming and going to attend Xue Xiaoqi's wedding, but we are very tired for the welcoming guests. I didn’t know how much I said just talking today, and I didn’t even have time to drink.

Seeing that no one came, we asked a few helpers invited by the Xue family to come over and take care of us. We returned directly to the village, because Xue Xiaoqi's wedding was about to start, and Bai Zhan and I were going to be the best men. No delay.

When we got there and took a look, we found that there were at least fifty or sixty tables on an open flat land at the west end of the village. All the tables were full of people, and it could be said that the seats were packed.

In fact, the Xue family did not publicize Xue Xiaoqi's wedding in a big way, but now that communications are so advanced, as long as you tell a few people, those who have been treated by the Xue family will soon get the news. Rushed over here.

Right at the west end of the village, a running water mat was directly set up, and the crowd was very lively, drinking and drinking, and the surroundings were accompanied by the thundering sound of suona, which was a very lively mirror image.

At the west end of the village, a temporary stage-like place was built with several stools placed on it. Behind the stools there was a tribute platform with chicken, duck and fish on it.

As soon as noon arrived, the gong sounded, and someone shouted loudly: "The auspicious time has arrived, the wedding ceremony has begun..."

The gong sounded, followed by the roar of firecrackers, and the drums began to play. Over there, dozens of people in charge of serving food began to get busy, carrying plates and placing wine and food on each table. Everyone drank and watched. Xue Xiaoqi's wedding.

Although this mountainous countryside is not as good as those high-end hotels in the city, and the food may not be as clean and delicious as those in those hotels, the people who can attend Xue Xiaoqi's wedding are also prominent figures in the world.

Although the conditions were a bit rough, everyone was happy, lively, and it was a warm and peaceful scene.

The table was full of food and wine, and then the man in charge shouted again: "The parents of the newlyweds are invited..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Yi Yang's parents and Xue Xiaoqi's parents walking towards the stage at the same time.

Zhou Yiyang's parents were really shocked when they saw the huge flowing water mat with hundreds of people in the village. Zhou Yiyang's father is also a practitioner. He couldn't help but see that the people present were not only practitioners, but also practitioners. They are all first-class practitioners. This is not a wedding, it is simply the rhythm of a martial arts conference.

Xue Xiaoqi's old man, Xue Yasong, looked very happy today. He walked slowly from the crowd and kept greeting the people around him. People in the crowd kept standing up, saying hello to Xue Yasong and saying congratulations. Class words.

After both parents sat down, the person in charge shouted again at the top of his voice: "The bride and groom are invited to come on stage..."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone looked towards the entrance of the village. Bai Zhan and I hurried over and found Xue Xiaoqi. One on each side, we led Xue Xiaoqi forward.

(End of this chapter)

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