Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2002 Bloody Head

Chapter 2002 Bloody Head

Xue Xiaoqi wore a Yan-style groom's outfit with a big red flower on his chest, and strode forward. Bai Zhan and I followed closely behind him, greeting everyone's gaze, and walked all the way from the middle of the crowd. Walked by.

Along the way, you can always hear people talking. Some people praised Xue Xiaoqi for his talent. Some people also whispered about me and pointed at me. But I heard someone whisper: "Oh... that's it. Wu Jiuyin, the murderer who was rumored to make Gui Yongdao frightened after hearing the news, looks very kind-hearted, and doesn't look like a vicious person at all, so how did he become a murderer?"

"That's because you didn't see him fight with others. Just now, I heard from Dan Chengshan's people that as long as he makes a move, it's bloody. It's good to tear people into pieces, and some of them are directly beaten by him." It's gray, that's miserable, tsk tsk..."

However, the discussion was soon covered up by a burst of exclamations, because after we and Xue Xiaoqi came out, we were followed by Zhou Ling'er wearing a red hijab, supported by Yang Fan and Yi Yan , the west end of the village slowly walked towards us.

Zhou Ling'er doesn't look like much with her red hijab, but Yang Fan and Yue Qiang's fiancée Yi Yan are also very beautiful. Yang Fan is a girl who is clever and weird, with a pair of big eyes that are very expressive. It attracted a lot of people's attention.

And Yi Yan is as beautiful as a lady. She is very dignified when she raises her hands and feet. Under the gaze of so many people, she is not timid at all. She is just supporting Yang Fan and wearing bright red bridal makeup. Zhou Linger, wearing a red hijab, walked forward.

Not to mention the girl Zhou Ling'er, this girl is so beautiful that she seems to be unaware of the fireworks in the world. She is crystal clear and makes people feel like they dare not approach her easily.

It's a pity that Zhou Ling'er is wearing a red hijab at this time, so she can't see her appearance at this time and can't get a glimpse of her beauty.

Even so, the beauty of Yang Fan and Yi Yan made everyone present gasp in breath, and their eyes nearly popped out.

They are all people from the rivers and lakes, and they often do things informally, and they are very courageous. Some sluts whistled at Yang Fan and Yi Yan, asking if they have boyfriends, and if it is convenient for them to leave a phone number, etc. of.

Yi Yan turned a deaf ear to this, as if she didn't hear anything, but Yang Fan's little temper was not a simple one, so he just squinted his eyes and gouged him out. His little eyes were full of murderous intent, which immediately made many people restrain themselves a lot.

There were also some people who jumped into the field, saying they wanted to make trouble with the bridesmaids, and they wanted to use their hands and feet. Yang Fan, that girl, saw that the other party was higher in cultivation than hers, and she couldn't beat her, so she moved me out directly, saying that Wu Jiuyin's woman, those people who were frightened immediately returned to her position as if they were fleeing, not daring to blow their hair anymore.

Many people in the rivers and lakes know that I once wiped out the sub-helm of a state in Guiyongdao for a woman, killed an unknown number of people, and made a move on my woman, so I must weigh whether my head is enough to chop off of.

By the way, this girl Yang Fan said she was my woman in front of so many people, which made me a little embarrassed. She didn’t say it, or didn’t say it, so I could only pretend that she didn’t hear it and followed Xue Xiaoqi straight away. Came to the stage.

Not long after, Yang Fan and Yi Yan also helped Zhou Ling'er to our side and met with Xue Xiaoqi. When Yang Fan walked to me, he deliberately touched me with his shoulder and winked at me twice. , the smile was very cunning, but also very beautiful, which made me look a little dazed.

This little girl is so weird and weird, I can't do anything with her.

The bride and groom have already arrived, and the wedding ceremony will follow.

The general manager in charge shouted at the top of his lungs: "Bow down to heaven and earth!"

Then the couple knelt on the ground and bowed toward the front.

At this moment, someone suddenly appeared behind me and tapped me on the shoulder. I looked back and saw that it was Li Banxian and asked him what was wrong.

Li Banxian said with a somewhat solemn expression: "Xiaojiu, I feel something is wrong."

"What's wrong?" I frowned and asked in a deep voice.

"It seems that there is a group of people who haven't come. I just went to the Xue family's accounting office. The people from the Xue family over there told me that there is a group of people who haven't come. They are people from the Luoshan sect. The banquet has been prepared for them. However, their people have not been seen yet. Last night, people from the Luoshan Sect had already greeted the Xue family and said they would definitely come over to congratulate them today, but so far there has been no sign of anyone." Li Banxian said solemnly.

"Did you call and ask?" I asked.

"I called, but no one answered, so I felt a little strange. Could something have happened?" Li Banxian said worriedly.

Ordinarily, the Luoshan Sect was not far from Hongye Valley and should have arrived before the other sects. It was really strange that none of them came.

"Two thanks to the high hall!"

While Li Banxian and I were discussing this matter, the chief steward shouted again, and Xue Xiaoqi and Zhou Linger knelt down to their parents again.

"Husband and wife say goodbye!" The voice sounded again immediately.

"Then try to contact the people from the Luoshan Sect to see if they have come. Is there any delay?" I asked Li Banxian anxiously.

"I have already told the people of the Xue family, and they are trying to find a way to contact the people of the Luoshan Sect." Li Banxian said.

"Sent to the bridal chamber... the ceremony is completed!" The big steward shouted at the end.

The two newcomers were helped up from the ground, and just as they were about to be sent away, suddenly, Yue Qiang led a group of people and ran towards us, shouting loudly as he walked: "It's not good. It’s… it’s not good… someone’s killed!”

Yue Qiang's voice was full of indescribable horror. Behind him were a dozen people, each carrying several large boxes, walking towards us.

Everyone's eyes were turned to Yue Qiang and others, and several of us also approached him and asked him what happened.

Yue Qiang wiped the cold sweat from his head, glanced at the large boxes on the ground behind him, and cursed: "I don't know what evil ghost sent this as a gift. These boxes all contain bloody human heads. It looked like it had just been cut off, and everyone in the Xue family was frightened when they saw this scene. When I saw that the situation was not good, I quickly asked someone to seal the box and bring it over for you to see..."

With that said, Yue Qiang went over in person and opened the big boxes one by one...

 Good night~ Everyone, please don’t forget to vote every day. Remember to give it a five-star rating. Youlong is here to send you a midnight snack.

(End of this chapter)

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