Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2003 The Taoist Priest of the Luoshan Sect

Chapter 2003 The Taoist Priest of the Luoshan Sect
Yue Qiang led a dozen people, carrying many large boxes, and placed them in front of the stage. As soon as those carrying the boxes placed the boxes on the ground, they fled away from the place and stood far away. Some people's bodies were still trembling, obviously they were very frightened.

When Yue Qiang said that there were human heads in these boxes, many people's eyes were attracted.

The entire wedding scene suddenly became silent and deathly silent.

Afterwards, Yue Qiang walked quickly to the boxes, took out his sword, and opened the boxes one by one. A few of us went over to take a look, and it turned out that as Yue Qiang said, the boxes contained the exact contents. It's a bloody head.

Some boxes contained two, and some contained three. The blood was still completely solidified, and the person must have been dead for less than half a day.

As soon as I saw such a scene, I suddenly felt angry and angry. On Xue Xiaoqi's wedding day, someone actually sent several boxes of human heads. This was obviously to cause trouble. On the wedding day, sending human heads was obviously a sign of trouble. To bring bad luck to others.

No one would be able to accept that a good wedding was turned into this.

Seeing these heads, all the people present let out a sigh of relief.

Even Zhou Linger, who was standing on the stage, couldn't help lifting her red hijab, and glanced at those big boxes. At this glance, Zhou Linger's face was suddenly pale and bloodless, and her body shook twice , almost fainted.

This girl has been frail and sick since she was a child. She has no spiritual practice. She only saved her life in the Xue family. On her wedding day, she was sent several boxes of human heads. She must have been frightened.

Fortunately, Yang Fan and Xue Xiaoqi were taking care of her, so she didn't fall to the ground.

When something like this happened, I saw many people starting to gather here, and the scene suddenly got a little out of control.

At this time, Li Banxian stepped forward suddenly, and said in a deep voice: "Don't panic, everyone, please return to your own positions. If there is a sudden situation here, the Xue family will deal with it."

When Li Banxian was talking, Lao Hua, Bai Zhan and others followed up and stood firmly behind Lao Li. The meaning was obvious. However, if anyone wants to take the opportunity to cause trouble, we brothers will definitely not promise.

At this moment, Li Zhanfeng, who had been hiding in the crowd, had sneaked over with a team of 30 people, preparing to deal with sudden situations.

Until now, everyone is a little panicked, and they have not figured out who is responsible for the head in the box.

Today, Xue Xiaoqi and Zhou Ling'er got married. There were too many people sending congratulatory gifts, and there were many people carrying boxes. It was confusing for a while, and the Xue family didn't have enough hands. For a while, they couldn't figure out what these boxes were. Where did it come from.

It seems that Lao Li really had the foresight to specially ask people from the special task force to come over, and the official people to come forward can also have a certain deterrent effect.

The people of the Xue family and the Zhou family who were standing on the wedding stage could no longer sit there peacefully. I saw Xue Xiaoqi’s father, Xue Yasong, suddenly stood up, jumped down from the stage, and walked toward the couple. Big Box walked over and lowered his head for a single glance. A look of sadness and anger appeared on his face. He staggered back two steps and then said in a trembling voice: "These...these people are from the Luoshan Sect. I know two of them." , one is Master Leng Qiu from Luo Shan, and the other is Master Leng Xian from Luo Shan, he... How could they be killed with such high cultivation level?"

Hearing what Mr. Xue Yasong said, we lowered our heads and looked into the box again. Only then could we clearly see that the bloody heads in the box all had Taoist buns on their heads. They were obviously Taoist people. When they saw these bloody heads just now, everyone panicked and didn't have time to take a closer look.

There were seven or eight of these large boxes, each containing two or three human heads.

Moreover, Mr. Xue Yasong just said that two of them were Leng Qiu and Leng Xian from the Luoshan Sect. Since they could be called real people, they were all masters in the world. They were killed easily and their heads were cut off. It was also packed in a box, which is enough to show one thing, that is, the person who killed them had a very high level of cultivation, and the other party hardly had much power to resist.

Before, Li Banxian told me that the Luoshan sect had never arrived, and I asked Li Banxian to go over and ask the Luoshan sect whether they had come.

Now it all became clear. The Luoshan Sect's people came, but they were intercepted and killed halfway up the road, and their heads were brought to this place.

"Who did this!?" Xue Xiaoqi and Zhou Yiyang also came over. Zhou Yang looked into the boxes and asked with murderous intent.

No one expected such a thing to happen, and most people did not want such a thing to happen, but it still happened unexpectedly.

Mr. Xue Yasong was stunned for a moment, then his face sank, and he walked back to the wedding stage, cupped his hands towards everyone in the audience, and said in a deep voice: "Thanks to all my friends from the world for coming to Quanzi's wedding, Xue is grateful. Infinitely, my Xue family has been practicing medicine for generations and has always been kind to others. We have never done a single evil thing, let alone killed a person. We settled down in this Red Leaf Valley more than a hundred years ago and have cured countless patients. , the Xue Family Pharmacy in Hongye Valley, regardless of whether it is two hospitals, if they only ask for door-to-door treatment, the Xue family will not refuse. They have always adhered to the ancestral motto of doctors being benevolent and hanging the pot to help the world. But today, I don’t know who is in the world. My friend, the Xue family made a big joke like this. On the wedding day of Quanzi, he actually beheaded more than a dozen Taoist priests of the Luoshan Sect, and brutally cut off their heads and put them into these big boxes. Masters Leng Qiu and Leng Xian of Luoshan Sect have always kept a low profile. They stay in Luoshan's Cave Paradise all year round and seldom go out. As far as I know, these two masters have no enemies. But now they died tragically for no reason. I really want to know. , which friend did it? Do you dare to stand up and explain the reason? If it is the Xue family's fault, I will never deny it. Now in front of so many friends from all walks of life, how about we make a judgment?"

I think Mr. Xue Yasong’s words are in vain. The people gathered at Xue Xue Xiaoqi’s wedding are all masters from the north of the Sky Coral Sea. Not to mention anything else, Nan Jiuzi from Nanshan is standing here. No one would dare to make a fuss. Once someone comes forward and admits it, they will immediately become the target of public criticism. Not to mention the unjust death of the Luoshan sect member, it was Xue Xiaoqi's wedding that caused such a bloody scene. We brothers must not spare them lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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