Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 201 Hard and easy to break

Chapter 201 Hard and easy to break
I feel that the so-called qi training sect is also a sect of practice. As the saying goes, practice one breath internally and muscles, bones and skin externally. No matter what the technique is, if it is practiced to the extreme, it will show unrivaled power. No matter what the old man The muscles, bones and breath are all very polished. The body is as strong as steel, as hard as iron. The breath is long and full of strength. They complement each other and the inside and outside are integrated. It is really difficult to deal with. I will cover the Xuanmen Hunyuan Bagua Fist. I covered my whole body and sealed all the vital points, but I couldn't resist his all-out attack. My body is made of flesh. This old man is indeed made of copper skin and iron bones, just like the iron cloth shirt with a golden bell cover. Suddenly, my hands and feet collided with his, and I grimaced in pain. I guess all the joints in my body were turning blue by now.

Moreover, this old man not only has a hard kung fu practiced horizontally, he must also be a practitioner. He pours his energy into his whole body, stabs fiercely, and when he lifts his legs and punches, the wind driven by him has a killing intent.

It is estimated that if he continues to hit me like this, my bones will be broken if he doesn’t hit my vitals.

Immediately, I gritted my teeth, took a deep breath, activated the spiritual power in my Dantian, concentrated it on one point, and quickly attacked, forcing the old man back a few steps.

Then I took advantage of this moment of respite and spent part of the time to activate the Yinrou Palm. Since I couldn't compete with the effort of my hands and feet, I could only use my special skill of Yinrou Palm to compete with him. This is what I can do Things that go out are also a very powerful weapon for me.

It is said that my ancestor also defeated many masters by relying on this Yinrou Palm. As a junior, I cannot lose the reputation of Yinrou Palm.

At that moment, I quickly activated my spiritual power and poured it into my palms. My fleshy palms were slightly heated, and my hands moved continuously. An inexplicable and powerful aura surrounded my hands. This made My confidence instantly increased a hundredfold.

Little old man, now I’m going to let you taste the power of my uncle’s feminine palm.

In an instant, I waved my Yinrou Palm, turning it into a palm shadow all over the sky. It moved at a moderate pace, and it seemed like the palm was moving slowly, but in fact it was surging inside, which had a great effect on confusing the enemy.

The old man seemed to have noticed the extraordinary origin of my feminine palm, and became a little more vigilant. However, under the wrap of my feminine palm, the old man had no choice but to wave his palms to fight with me. The two of us We were palming each other back and forth, not even very fast, just like an old man doing Tai Chi in the park, but actually we were competing with each other's internal strength. At the beginning, our two palms didn't collide with each other, we just waved our palms. Wrapping each other's arms, both of them seemed to be dying on the ground. No one took a step back, because once they stepped back, it meant that one party had lost. As long as a slight flaw was exposed, the palm of one party would hit the other. On one side's chest.

This old man has deep inner strength and long breath. This is the result of many years of practice. Although I have not been practicing for a long time, fortunately, the two old men of the Xue family recast the Dantian Qi Sea for me. My body is like a perpetual motion machine. Constantly absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth, constantly maintaining itself in a peak state.

If I had met this old man before, I would have been beaten to the ground by him. However, I am not feeling well now, and I have been trying my best to hold on.

The two of us stood there and entangled each other for more than ten rounds. Cold sweat broke out on my forehead, but the old man looked calm and composed. While wrapping his hands with me, he said lightly : "You kid, you are really a bit arrogant. How can you be so arrogant? It turns out that you are a person with real ability, but if you have real ability, you must also know how to restrain yourself. You are young and energetic, but you are stubborn and easy to break. Don't you understand this? ?"

Who doesn't understand the truth? My old man talks to me every day, and he even uses you to chirp in my ears. Go home and tell your grandson.

Immediately afterwards, the two of us went through a few more moves. Seeing that I ignored him, the old man increased his strength a little bit. I immediately felt the pressure from Shanda, and the Baili slate under my feet made a "click" "With a sound, it broke into pieces like a spider web.

No, I can't hold it anymore. The gap between the two of us is really too big.

I took a deep breath, gritted my teeth, and raised the energy in my Dantian Qi to an extreme. I made a few feint moves with my Yinrou Palm, broke free from his hand, and slapped the old man on the chest.

The old man smiled slightly, leaned back on the ground, then waved his hand, facing my palms.

There was a soft "pop" sound, and a huge force hit my palms. I heard the "click" sound of my bones, the blood in my body flowed backwards, my brain buzzed, and my body fell back. He fell and flew out.

Immediately, I hit a wall behind me hard, making a loud "bang" sound, and suddenly I felt that the sky was dark and the earth was dark.

I was fooled, and it turned out that this old man's palm power was no worse than mine.

A mouthful of old blood reached my throat, and I suppressed it back. My feet softened and I half-knelt on the ground.

Looking at the old man again, his body was also flying out, and his steps were "squeaking..." He took three or four steps back, and when he was about to hit the wall, he suddenly stopped.

I half-knelt on the ground, panting heavily, secretly holding my hand to regain my breath quickly, but the old man suddenly widened his eyes, looked straight at me, and said, "What a boy! You are so young. With such palm power, it seems that I really underestimate you, I have never seen a young man who can withstand my palm."

Why are you bragging to me?
Didn't I do nothing if I got slapped by you?
Fortunately, the energy in my Dantian was able to return quickly. Within half a minute, I stood up again. This time, I didn’t plan to confront him head-on. I really couldn’t touch him, so let’s use the magic weapon.

At that moment, I pulled out the Beidou copper coin sword from the yellow cloth pocket on my body, took a deep breath and rushed towards the old man again.

I have a belief in my heart that I must not lose the fight. Once I lose, I will not be able to find Luo Xiang and lose the whereabouts of the little spirit demon Mengmeng. This is unacceptable to me, so I must fight. win.

The copper coin sword in his hand swung into a sword flower and covered the old man's body. At first, the old man just dodged left and right, still looking unhurried. After dodging several times in a row, he came from behind. Take out something.

(End of this chapter)

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