Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 202 Let go obediently

Chapter 202 Let go obediently

When I saw clearly what the old man was holding, I was dumbfounded. The magic weapon was either a sword or a knife. Regardless of the style, it was still a decent weapon. The old man was indeed holding a Itchy scratcher, and it’s a tough one. Use this to scratch your itch, won’t you be afraid of pain?
But no matter what, this old man had something different in his hand. When he collided with my copper coin sword, he didn't lose at all, and every move was in the style of everyone. After more than ten moves in a row, I almost missed it. I almost want to cry. It seems that I am no match for this old man in this competition of weapons. What should I do?

However, I immediately had an idea. My copper coin sword is not only a weapon, but also a magic weapon. The Beidou copper coin sword formation that Granny Lin left for me is not for nothing. If I don’t use it now, when will it be better?
At that moment, he swept out a sword with all his strength, his footsteps hit the ground, and he flew back several meters away. He immediately threw the Beidou copper coin sword into the air, and at the same time pinched his fingers several times in succession, chanting a reminder in his mouth. Using the formula for the Beidou Copper Coin Sword Formation, the Beidou Copper Coin Sword Formation immediately buzzed and flew directly towards the old man.

When the old man saw that the copper coin sword in his hand could fly directly into the air under the pull of the magic formula, he was stunned. Just when the Beidou copper coin sword was about to hit him, the old man suddenly raised his head. With his hand, he took the tickle scratcher and hit it on the copper coin sword.

What I wanted was this opportunity. I pulled the hand again, and the copper coin sword spread out immediately, turned into dozens of copper coins, and hit the old man's limbs.

I have no grievances against this old man, and I definitely wouldn’t dare to take his life, so I just hit his limbs with these copper coins, and only used [-]% of the force. The purpose was to injure him without being able to fight back. power, that's enough.

But I still underestimated the strength of this old man. When the copper coins scattered and hit his limbs, a scene that shocked me happened. The coins hit him like a collision. As if they were standing on a copper wall or an iron wall, they all fell to the ground with a crash.

But I was just a little surprised, and I rushed forward quickly, and at the same time pinched my hands again, so that the copper coins that fell on the ground flew up again, divided into all directions and hit his limbs again.

A look of panic flashed in the old man's eyes. He probably never saw me fighting like this. Seeing the copper coins flying in all directions, the old man didn't even hide. The clothes swelled up, and his face turned red all of a sudden. He was lucky to make his body harder, but with the lesson from last time, I didn't use [-]% of my strength this time, but used On the tenth floor, I don't believe it can't hurt him.

Those copper coins were so close to him, and they were coming from all directions. He had no way to hide, so he could only resist.

In an instant, those copper coins hit him, making a "ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, , ,,,,,,),”) After practicing hard kung fu, the copper coin was still hit on his body and embedded in half of his body.

I saw the old man's eyes widening and his face filled with anger, obviously angry with embarrassment.

An old man of such an age, probably a master who has been famous in the world for many years, was injured by a young disciple like me. How could he swallow this tone of voice?

Immediately, the old man held back his strength and let out a loud shout. The copper coins embedded in his body suddenly flew out and hit me again.

When these copper coins flew over, they made a "whooshing" sound through the air. They were really powerful.

Really worthy of being a master.

But this copper coin sword is mine, how could it hurt me?
Halfway towards the old man, I changed my technique again. The copper coins flying towards me were pulled by an inexplicable force and combined into a copper coin sword again, which hung in front of me. He reached out and took the copper coin sword in his hand.

But what I didn't expect was that the old man's limbs were all bruised and bruised by my beatings, but he still had the energy of a boss. Taking advantage of the fact that I was holding a copper coin sword, he ducked towards me and shook hands. With his claws, he grabbed my heart directly. I subconsciously swung my sword to chop off his hand, but was grabbed by his hand like an eagle's claw. With a fierce tug, the copper coin sword fell. I was thrown away by him, and immediately, the other hand grabbed my neck, rushed forward a few steps, and directly pushed my whole body against the wall, making a "dong" sound. Loud noise.

The back of my head hit the wall, and I suddenly felt dizzy and the sky was dark.

When I came to my senses, I saw the old man staring straight at me with murderous eyes and scolding me fiercely: "You little bastard, you are so vicious. If I don't destroy you today, Will you be able to pay it back in the future?"

I saw the blood on the old man’s arms, which were all injured by copper coins. He strangled my neck tightly, making me a little breathless, but I still sneered at him and said: "Old man ... I just showed mercy to you... You... don't be dissatisfied. If I had hit you on the head with a copper coin just now... you would have died long ago..."

"You're looking for death!" The old man was really angry. He waved his palm and hit me on the head.

With such a big hand like his, hitting my forehead with one blow will definitely turn my brains into tofu brains.

But I didn't panic at this moment, and still said to the old man: "Let go... let go obediently, did you hear..."

The old man's eyes suddenly widened, with a look of disbelief on his face. The strength in his hand relaxed, and even the hand that was hitting me on the head stopped in mid-air. Then his body went limp. Slipped and fell to the ground.

In fact, when the old man's hand just grabbed my neck, my other hand had already reached into my pocket, took out the bottle of Ma Fei San Ling Shan that Xue Xiaoqi gave me, and quietly opened it He took off the lid and shook it gently, and the smell of Ma Fei Hua Ling San wafted out.

This smell is colorless and odorless. It only appears in the form of white powder when a large amount is sprinkled. However, I only have such a small bottle, so I naturally use it sparingly and don't dare to use it in large quantities. sway.

Even so, this Ma Feiling Spiritual Powder also played a powerful role, taking away all the strength from the old man.

(End of this chapter)

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