Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2011 Ice Blade

Chapter 2011 Ice Blade

I used [-]% to [-]% of the strength of my sword to hit the man with the sickle-like magic weapon again. The man caught it smoothly and fell back into his hand, staggering back. After two clicks, his face suddenly darkened, and he added: "He is indeed a master who can kill Xuanwu and Suzaku. He really has two clicks. Let's fight for hundreds more rounds!"

After that, the guy charged towards me again, and in a flash he was in front of me. The sickle-like thing hit me on the head. I ducked behind him in eight steps, and with one move Long Sanqianjun slashed at him, and the man tried to dodge, but suddenly some weeds and vines sprouted out from under his feet and tightly entangled his legs. He jumped down, Unable to move at all, he was startled, but the sword energy fired by Long Sanqianjun had already arrived in front of him. In desperation, he had no choice but to raise the shield-like magic weapon to block the sword energy. .

With a loud "bang" sound, the sword energy hit his shield hatefully, shaking his body suddenly.

At this time, I had once again dodged to his side with the method of Mi Zong Babu. Before he could put the shield down from the front of his head, I immediately stabbed his heart with a sword.

There was a "Puff" sound, and the sword passed over and directly pierced the man.

The shield in the man's hand fell to the ground, and he glanced at the sword soul pierced into his chest. He still looked shocked and said in disbelief: "How... is this possible..."

"You're the only one who wants to fight me for three hundred rounds, are you worthy!?" After saying that, the sword soul in my hand swiped horizontally and suddenly stirred, and a big hole was torn out of the man's chest by the sword soul. , blood spurted out, and he fell to the ground on the spot.

Damn it, I thought that all the people who came out of Guiyong Dao were more powerful than people like Elder Xuanwu Suzaku, but it turned out that they were nothing more than that.

The most important thing is that this guy underestimated the enemy too much and thought he was awesome. If he had been more careful, he wouldn't have died so miserably.

I used many methods at once, and before he could even start to show off, I quickly ended the battle with one sword strike.

Three hundred rounds of fighting, are you kidding me?I think this person can only last three rounds.

After killing this person with one sword, I rushed towards Peng Zhenyang again, and Peng Zhenyang also fought with Nan Jiuzi at this time.

At this time, I discovered that Nan Jiuzi was not only able to draw thunder from the sky, but when fighting with others, Nan Jiuzi could also arrange a very powerful sword formation. Nine people shot at the same time, from different angles. He went towards Peng Zhenyang and fought for four or five rounds quickly, but Nan Jiuzi didn't look like he was defeated.

After all, it is a sword formation that has been passed down in Nanshan for thousands of years, and it is a method developed by nine very powerful Taoists who have repeatedly practiced together. It is not that easy to break this sword formation.

At this time, Monk Hua, Yi Yiyang, Bai Zhan and Yue Qiang each found an opponent, which was the twenty or thirty men brought by Peng Zhenyang. They fought against each other. The masters of the world who surrounded them, They also squeezed towards the middle position, and many hidden weapons were fired at Peng Zhenyang.

Looking at this posture, Peng Zhenyang is not as scary as the legend says, and with the combined efforts of everyone, he may not be able to kill him.

I dodged to the side, hiding behind one of Nan Jiuzi, and found a gap. Then I showed my sword soul again, and activated the fire dragon shocking move in Xuantian Sword Art. As I The sword struck down heavily, and a dull dragon roar resounded throughout the world. Immediately afterwards, a fire dragon spurted out from the sword soul. It bared its teeth and claws and headed towards Peng Zhenyang, who was fighting with Nan Jiuzi. He was so drunk that he suddenly saw a fire dragon getting bigger and bigger coming towards him. A hint of surprise suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help blurting out: "Xuantian Sword Jue, that Wu Laogou's method !”

Damn it, I don’t know who Peng Zhenyang is scolding with these words. Is it my great-grandfather or my great-grandfather?

It's probably not possible for my ancestor. When my ancestor defeated the Qinglian Sect, this guy probably hadn't been born yet. It seems like he was scolding my great-great-grandfather.

But he can’t scold anyone, they are all my relatives.

After the fire dragon shocking move was performed, I followed up with the confusing move and entered the sword formation arranged by Nan Jiuzi. I carried the sword soul and killed Peng Zhenyang again.

The moment I entered Nan Jiuzi's sword formation, the hairs on my body stood up. I went there. In Nan Jiuzi's airtight sword formation, there was an extremely murderous aura. It felt like all escape routes were blocked. Dead, really strong.

I'm secretly glad that the target Nan Jiuzi wants to deal with is not me, otherwise I would definitely not be able to escape from this sword formation.

After the fire dragon with its fangs and claws flew towards Peng Zhenyang, he saw that Peng Zhenyang, who had been unable to take out his sword, suddenly shook his sword, and a long sword covered with cold air condensed in his hand. Without waiting, The fire dragon collided with him, and he quickly swung his sword towards the fire dragon. The sword hit the fire dragon's head impartially, and he split it open from the middle. His figure suddenly swayed and quickly became invisible.

At this time, I quickly approached Peng Zhenyang, hoping to take advantage of the joint attack of the fire dragon and Nan Jiuzi to sneak attack on Peng Zhenyang, and maybe I could succeed.

But Peng Zhenyang was much more powerful than I thought. The fire dragon I fought out had no time to display any power, and was destroyed by Peng Zhenyang's sword. The ice blade in his hand was full of cold energy, and it could I restrained the fire dragon, and his figure looked erratic in my eyes, so I was able to find a chance to survive in Nan Jiuzi's airtight sword formation, and kept avoiding it.

I didn't go there looking for death, but after careful consideration, I wanted to take advantage of the time when Nan Jiuzi was still able to trap Peng Zhenyang, and go over and make a sneak attack. Whether it would succeed or not, I would decide first.

As soon as I entered the sword formation, I ran straight towards Peng Zhenyang. As soon as Peng Zhenyang's ice blade came out, the shadow of the sword trembled and the cold air overflowed. I felt like frost was condensing on my body in an instant. Despite this, I kept flying towards Peng Zhenyang with my sword. The passing figure slashed hard with a sword. As soon as the sword was released, it seemed to fall on the ground. It was held by the ice blade in Peng Zhenyang's hand, and then he jumped lightly and struck a blow. A huge force suddenly came over.

(End of this chapter)

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