Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2012 1 point of frost, vegetation withered

Chapter 2012 A little bit of frost and the vegetation withered
The hand holding the sword soul suddenly went numb, and I almost let it go. Fortunately, I immediately activated the power of Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Po and transferred the power of Peng Zhenyang's sword to my feet, and the ground suddenly collapsed. After going down more than ten centimeters, even so, my steps still staggered back a few times, leaving a long series of footprints on the ground.

Before I could stand upright, Peng Zhenyang's voice came over and shouted angrily: "Every old dog or puppy of the Wu family deserves to die. You have made enemies of our holy religion over and over again. Today, I will destroy you Wu family first." puppy!"

As I was speaking, I felt a figure flicker in front of me, and a person appeared. His long sword flew away, and he swung away the sword that Nan Jiuzi had struck at him, and pierced my heart with the sword. , at such a close distance and at such a fast speed, I couldn't avoid it, so I simply got angry, and at worst, I could trade my life with him directly.

So, the next moment, I raised the sword soul slightly and activated the finishing move in Xuantian Sword Technique.

As long as Peng Zhenyang's sword touches my body, the purple beam of light ejected from my sword soul will also hit him.

No matter how powerful this old man was, the purple beam of light would still drill a bloody hole in his chest.

The worst case scenario is to change your life. If you kill me, you won’t be able to survive!
However, this old man obviously cherished his life. Although the coldness and killing intent in the sword qi rushed towards my face, it quickly shifted to the side, and the gushing out of my sword soul The purple beam of light shot out from Peng Zhenyang's side.

At this time, I stabilized my body and quickly dodged to the side. When the old man tried to kill me again, he lost the opportunity, because at this moment, Nan Jiuzi's terrifying sword formation once again attacked me. It's wrapped up.

His heart was beating non-stop, and he still had some lingering fears, and was almost killed by that old guy.

Originally, this old man could fight against Nan Jiuzi's sword array with his bare hands. Now, as soon as he took out the ice blade, its power suddenly increased greatly. It felt like Nan Jiuzi was a little unable to withstand it.

A battle of this level, especially Nan Jiuzi's sword formation, is airtight. Very few people can break in. According to this situation, Nan Jiuzi may not be able to hold on for too long. I have been thinking They were all thinking about whether they could make a sneak attack and hurt the old man all at once. Otherwise, after he broke through Nan Jiuzi's sword formation, he might not have a chance.

After hesitating for less than a second, I rushed towards Peng Zhenyang again. This time I once again activated the power of the essence of vegetation. Where Peng Zhenyang stepped on, the vegetation suddenly grew crazily and wrapped around him. Although these wildly growing vegetation were nothing to Peng Zhenyang, he could easily tear off the vines with just a few movements of his hands.

But in this way, it can still play a certain role. At least slowing down Peng Zhenyang, even to a tenth of a second, can reduce a lot of pressure on Nan Jiuzi, because in this short period A moment is enough to decide a person's life or death.

Being tossed about by the growing weeds and vines under his feet, Peng Zhenyang suddenly became a little annoyed. While he was constantly entangled with Nan Jiuzi, he subconsciously moved towards me, and then suddenly slashed at me with his sword. , a streak of frost passed by, and the air became extremely cold. Just when I was about to catch the sword with all my strength, suddenly a small figure came in and headed directly towards Peng Zhenyang. When Peng Zhenyang saw that After grabbing the thing, I quickly turned my sword and took two steps back. At this time, I felt happy. It turned out that the Thousand-Year Gu from Yiyang's body flew out.

Only this little thing can make Peng Zhenyang afraid. At this time, the Millennium Gu is no longer so weak. When it swallowed the Five Poison Gu Master in Guimen Village, it also had the poison of the flower-skinned lizard. The poison has restored [-] to [-]% of its strength, but there is no doubt about the toxicity of this little thing. If it touches even a little bit, it will immediately kill you.

Seeing the addition of Millennium Gu, my confidence immediately increased. I quickly picked up the sword soul again and made a sneak attack towards Peng Zhenyang.

Peng Zhenyang was now being attacked from three sides and was having a headache, especially the elusive Thousand-Year Gu, which he was even more afraid of.

Maybe the old man was really annoyed. He suddenly shouted: "A little bit of frost will make the grass and trees wither!"

Then, he threw out a sword, and dozens of ice lingzi flew out from the sword body, scattering in all directions, forcing Nan Jiuzi away. He patted his chest, and ice crystals condensed on his body. A ball of white frost then rushed towards me.

Peng Zhenyang was angry. He was temporarily forcing Nan Jiuzi back and using frost to block the Millennium Gu's attack. He wanted to get rid of me first. Before he even got close to me, Peng Zhenyang couldn't wait to kill me. , I slashed my sword vertically, and a thick layer of ice suddenly formed on the ground, and then countless icicles came towards me.

Seeing this scene, I became furious, shouted loudly, and used the move of "Wandering Clouds and Shocking Dragon" in the Xuantian Sword Jue. I ignited the power of the earth evil, and the sword energy spread across the ground. A deep ravine opened above, and a huge dragon rushed towards Peng Zhenyang sweeping the gravel, grass and trees.

Two powerful forces collided together, the Qi field exploded, and soil rose into the sky. Before I could figure out what was going on, I was hit by a chill, and the sword soul in my hand condensed. A ball of frost spread to my body, and then I was thrown away and fell to the ground. The ice particles on my body fell to a certain extent, and then Peng Zhenyang's erratic figure rushed towards me again, stretching out his hand. He pinched my neck directly.

All this happened in an instant, and I didn't even have time to lift Soul Sword again, because the hand that was holding Soul Sword had already been so cold that I couldn't feel anything.

But I didn't give up my resistance. I quickly raised my body and slapped Peng Zhenyang with my palm.

I used all my strength with this palm. The feminine palm was mixed with the heart-breaking palm to activate it. With [-]% strength, I slapped out with one palm. The air exploded. Peng Zhenyang's somewhat erratic face came closer. The murderous aura was very strong. She suddenly He changed his claws into palms and slapped me directly.

The Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Po immediately started to work, helping me to remove most of the power Peng Zhenyang had exerted on me. However, I was still sent flying more than ten meters away by him, and my body drew a half-meter deep ravine on the ground. come out.

 Um, good night~ I'm not too sleepy yet. Let's see if I can write another chapter. I can't wait to go to bed soon.

(End of this chapter)

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