Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2013 Buying Time

Chapter 2013 Buying Time
No one has this sour taste.

When the two palms collided, my mind was buzzing at that moment, it went blank, and I didn't feel any pain. Then my body flew upside down, and a deep hole was drawn on the ground.

It was more than ten meters away before I stopped, and all the voices disappeared in my ears.

Vaguely, I saw Peng Zhenyang's figure erratic again, continuing to run towards me. Just when he was about to run to my side, a golden light flashed from above my head and flew towards Peng Zhenyang, and then in front of Peng Zhenyang. Nan Jiuzi appeared again on both sides, blocking Peng Zhenyang's way.

In a daze, my body was pulled up from the ground, and someone patted my face twice. I looked blankly and saw Monk Hua's face dangling in front of me, as if he was saying something loudly.

"Little Jiu...Little Jiu..."

It took me a while to hear clearly that it was Monk Hua calling my name.

My somewhat absent-minded eyes suddenly focused, I shook my head and said, "I'm not dead...what's wrong?"

"Xiao Jiu... how do you feel?" Monk Hua helped me pat the dirt on my back with a worried expression on his face. The blood was flowing out, but now that I had withstood Peng Zhenyang's palm, I had some reaction. I suddenly felt that my chest was tight and my blood was surging.

Fortunately, I have Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Po, which helped me offset most of the force of Peng Zhenyang's slap on me just now. Otherwise, I would not be much better than the old man from Chongyang Palace at this moment. This old man is really too good. He is so powerful, he is worthy of being the great protector of Gui Yong Dao.

Taking a deep breath, I released some of the innate spiritual energy of Patriarch Chen Ting to wash my meridians, and I immediately felt much more relaxed. Fortunately, my body was fine, and I didn't seem to have any internal injuries.

I think it is not easy to be able to catch the palm of this old man.

"I'm fine...nothing's wrong at all." I glanced at Monk Hua and said.

"It scared me to death... I thought you were like the old Taoist priest from Chongyang Palace. You were beaten to death by him, but you were still a brat who could resist the beating." Monk Hua suddenly beamed when he heard what I said. , he was obviously very worried just now.

"This old man is very strong. Nan Jiuzi will definitely not be able to subdue him. Just now I broke into Nan Jiuzi's sword array and felt it. After a few tricks with that old man, Nan Jiuzi can hold on at best." In about ten minutes, this sword array will be destroyed. Now it's time for our Jiuyanghua Li Bai to make a move. Let's go together to see if we can control Peng Zhenyang and fight for Nan Jiuzi to catch the thunder Time, when the time comes, chop this old man to death!" I made a quick decision.

"Can we trap Peng Zhenyang with just a few of us?" Hua Heshang asked worriedly.

"If you can't be trapped, you will have to be trapped. Nan Jiuzi is our last line of defense. Once they can't hold on anymore, those people on the periphery will be as easy as killing chickens and dogs in the hands of this old man." I said in a deep voice. road.

"Okay, let's try it out!" Monk Hua gritted his teeth.

Saying that, Monk Hua stretched out his hand, took back the purple gold bowl that was sent flying far away by Peng Zhenyang's sword, and went to greet Zhou Yiyang and Bai Zhan and the others.

On my side, I began to activate the resentment sealed in the sea of ​​​​dantian and the innate spiritual energy swallowed up in the tomb of Chen Ting's ancestor, planning to give it a final try. The power of Nan Jiuzi's thunder-inducing technique is unparalleled. The Drought Mother can be chopped to death. As long as you buy them time, even if you can't chop the old thing to death, you can still seriously injure it. This is the most appropriate method at present.

Zhou Yiyang can also catch the sky thunder, but compared with Nan Jiuzi, the power of this thunder method is still much weaker. I'm afraid he can't restrain that old Peng Zhenyang.

Soon, Monk Hua finished communicating with Zhou Yiyang and Bai Zhan, and everyone gathered towards me, while the men brought by Peng Zhenyang were entangled by the other masters of Buddhism and Taoism.

I thought that the masters at the helm brought by Peng Zhenyang were so powerful. After fighting against them, I realized that they were not as strong as I thought. Although their cultivation was very good, their actual combat ability was a little worse. They were not as regular as us. People who lick blood from the edge of a knife have a strong ability to adapt to changes. It seems that they have stayed at the main helm of Guiyong Road for too long and have not seen much of the outside world. They think they are very good, as long as they do not have too much fear of them. , it’s not difficult to take them down.

At this moment, the people who had returned to the Yongdao helm brought by Peng Zhenyang were also besieged by everyone. Seven or eighty-eight people died, and there were not many left.

After everyone here gathered, I took a look one by one. Here were me, Monk Hua, Zhou Yiyang, Bai Zhan, Yue Qiang, Li Banxian, and Xue Xiaoqi was escorting the family members of the Zhou family and the Xue family to hide. .

Monk Hua must have told them my thoughts before, so I didn’t need to say anything more. I immediately said: "Brothers, the moment of life and death has come. In a moment, we all rush forward and use all our best housekeeping skills. Come out, trap that old man for as long as you can, even if it's the last one left, hold on and fuck him!"

"Kill him!" Everyone looked at me and said indignantly.

Immediately afterwards, I once again raised the sword spirit in my hand and shouted: "Kill!"

At that moment, the first one rushed towards Peng Zhenyang. When I rushed towards the Nanjiuzi Sword Formation, I shouted loudly: "Old seniors, please step back. We will deal with Peng Zhenyang. You can lead the thunder." !”

With that said, Nan Jiuzi's sword formation opened a gap, and we Jiuyanghua Li Bai and Yue Qiang were put into the sword formation. As soon as we entered the sword formation, the six of us attacked Peng Zhenyang. Surrounded, and as soon as Nan Jiuzi's sword formation was loosened, they all jumped back a few steps.

"Good boy! I'll leave it to you juniors. From now on, this battle will be remembered in the world. You guys are indispensable!" One of the old Taoists raised the long sword in his hand and pointed it at the sky. The runes on it circulated, and small electric currents began to roll through.

The other eight veterans did the same, piercing all the swords in their hands into the sky above their heads.

Suddenly the wind and clouds rolled, and the clear sky suddenly became dense with dark clouds.

As soon as a few of us entered the formation, we surrounded Peng Zhenyang. Peng Zhenyang held the cold and murderous ice blade in his hand, glanced at the few of us coldly, and then sneered: "Okay, in recent years, several juniors who have become famous in the world have all gathered together. You have become enemies of our holy religion time and time again. You will all die at the hands of me now."

(End of this chapter)

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