Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2101 Acceptance of Inspection

Chapter 2101 Acceptance of Inspection

The guards guarding the gate asked very detailed questions. When they learned that Mr. Die was the eldest disciple of Elder Qinglong of the Blood Witch Village, they were immediately in awe and became much more polite. They asked us to wait at the door for a while and then they would inform Yuan. General, be back soon.

Mr. Die nodded and then turned back. He just looked back at us and didn't say much.

At this time, we also discovered that there were several cameras at the entrance of this manor. Every move we made was under the surveillance of the other party. It was really inappropriate to say more.

In Jiaozhou, Yuan Chaochen suddenly transformed into General Yuan. This is very interesting.

We were still slightly excited at the thought of meeting that boy soon.

As long as Mr. Die brings us to see Yuan Chaochen, the rest of the matter will be easy to talk about. The few of us rushed forward and killed that kid Yuan Chaochen. After killing him, we rushed out of this place. Let us let the fish jump in the sea and let the birds fly in the sky.

As long as Charupeng does not come to arrest us personally, we are still very confident that we can break through the opponent's siege.

As a member of Shifang's royal family and the number one figure in the Blackwater Holy Spirit Cult, Chalupeng is too old to set an example every day and follow those people around in the mountains and forests. Apart from him, we There's really no one I'm particularly afraid of.

The six of us brothers are already very powerful together, and it’s really not something that anyone can control.

Moreover, there is a Mr. Die around us at this time, and his cultivation level is also very good. The only pity is that his life Gu was swallowed up by the Millennium Gu, and his strength is greatly reduced. During this time, I have not lost Giving Young Master Die the tonic brought from Red Leaf Valley helped his body recover a lot.

We waited at the door for more than ten minutes. The guard who had just gone to report quickly turned back and said a few polite words to Mr. Die.

The guard said that General Yuan was receiving a very important guest, and he asked us to go to the manor to rest for a while, and then come to invite us over after the guest has left.

Mr. Die agreed without even thinking, and then we were led directly into the manor by the guard.

This manor is very big, beyond imagination. It is very luxuriously built and feels like a royal garden. However, it is not all Yan-style buildings. It is half south and half north. It feels very different. There are three steps, one post, and five steps in the manor. , all of them are armed personnel with live ammunition, and there are also black wizard monks and many practitioners in this manor. The guards in the manor are not too panicked when they see people dressed like us, and those outside are obviously worried. People like us have become commonplace.

We walked in this huge manor for about twenty minutes before the guard took us to a house. He told us to wait here for a while. After a while, General Yuan sent the guest away and someone would come to invite him. We go over there.

Mr. Die took advantage of the posture of Elder Qinglong's disciple, waved his hand, and let the guard leave.

Not long after, several long-legged beauties dressed like Wen Shan brought us tea and cakes for us to enjoy slowly.

These women look similar to those in Yan Kingdom, except that their skin looks a little darker. After all, it is very hot here all year round, and being dark is the most normal thing.

Mr. Die glanced at us, and just as he was about to open his mouth to say something, Li Banxian shook his head at him, indicating not to speak, and Mr. Die shut his mouth. When I looked around the room, I found that in this room There are actually cameras inside. I wonder what the hell that guy Yuan Chaochen is doing.

Could it be that he has noticed that something is wrong with us?He still knows that we are here to cause trouble for him...

When I thought of this, I felt a little uneasy. With Yuan Chaochen's scheming mind, maybe he could really see some clues.

Be patient, the few of us sat here without saying a word, it was really boring. After waiting for more than an hour, Mr. Die couldn't sit still. I could clearly see that he was a little nervous, probably because he was afraid. Exposed.

Suddenly, Mr. Die slapped the chair, and in a flash of internal energy, he knocked the chair to pieces. After hearing the noise, two armed men came in quickly from outside and asked Mr. Die what happened.

Mr. Die said angrily: "But you are asking what the surname Yuan means? If you don't want to see me, just say so. There is no need to leave me here for so long. If he doesn't want to see me, I will just go back."

With that said, Young Master Die waved his hand, and we all stood up immediately.

Mr. Die was using the provoking method. The two pawns were immediately startled and quickly said they would report it again.
This time the speed was quite fast. Ten minutes later, the two pawns came back out of breath, saying that General Yuan has invited us to hurry over.

Mr. Die then snorted coldly, led us out of here, and followed the two pawns out of the room.

This made me vaguely feel that something was not quite right, as if something was wrong in some link.

If Yuan Chaochen really found out something was wrong with us, or knew directly that we were here to kill him, he would have taken action long ago after waiting for more than an hour, but he didn't. He still wants to see us now, which makes me a little bit agitated. I can't figure out what kind of medicine Yuan Chaochen is selling in the gourd. I don't really believe that he is meeting someone very important.

After walking for about ten minutes, we were brought to a magnificent house. There were still many guards guarding the front of the house. In addition, there were several black witch monks with high cultivation standing at the door, threatening He looked at us seriously.

Mr. Die was about to go in, but someone stopped him with his hand. Mr. Die raised his brows and asked what he meant, but the man said politely: "I'm sorry, Mr. Die, you have to undergo inspection if you want to enter here." , all magic weapons cannot be brought in. I am also following orders, and please Mr. Die understand the hardships we face as subordinates."

As soon as I heard that person say this, I thought to myself, what's wrong, our magic weapons are all in my Eight Treasures Bag of the Universe, wouldn't the Eight Treasures Bag of the Universe also be confiscated soon?

Mr. Die raised his brows and suddenly became unhappy. He sneered and said, "Then I have to remove all the poison from my body and give it to you? The poison on my body is the most deadly thing. Can you Can you defend yourself?"

"This... couldn't be better." The man said with some embarrassment.

Young Master Die sneered again, and shouted in the direction of the door of the house: "General Yuan, I came here with sincerity, but you keep making things difficult for me. It doesn't matter if you don't see me, I will take people out of here."

(End of this chapter)

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