Chapter 2104
The person wearing this golden monk robe was not a black witch monk, but a serious monk with very clever tactics. With a flick of his hand, the rosary beads scattered and flew towards several of us respectively.

The chanting power contained in the rosary is very terrifying. If it hits the body, the feeling will definitely be unbearable. Seeing the rosary flying towards us, the magic weapons in everyone's hands showed up one after another, and they shot at the rosary that kept coming. past.

The huge rosary was heavy in the hand, and it felt like a cannonball was hitting us, but we picked it up and flew out one by one.

"Boom, boom," there were several explosions in succession, and most of the rosary beads that we picked up flew towards the door. As soon as the rosary dropped to the ground, it exploded quickly, but it didn't look like a real cannonball. In that way, there were shrapnels flying everywhere, but a kind of telepathy exploded directly. There were more than a dozen guards at the door rushing towards the house. They were immediately splashed with blood and body parts by the energy generated by the explosion of the beads. All over the floor.

It was the big monk's large string of rosary beads that blocked our offensive. Yuan Chaochen didn't seem to be trying to fight us. At the same time that the big monk threw out the rosary beads, Yuan Chaochen quickly retreated with Chen Yu and the corpse ghost mother-in-law. Finally, even the great monk who threw the rosary also retreated.

At the same time, a group of guys with guns and some ordinary black witch monks rushed up to block our way. Monk Hua threw the purple golden bowl in his hand, and it instantly became huge, blocking the bullets. Sparks flew everywhere.

The purpose of our coming here is to kill Yuan Chaochen, so when we saw Yuan Chaochen and the others retreating, we continued to cover up Yuan Chaochen under the cover of the Zijin Bowl, and blocked the way for the black shaman monks in front of us. The guys with firearms were so incompetent that they were chopped down to the ground by us in almost one or two rounds. But before we could rush to Yuan Chaochen's side, suddenly something appeared in the hall. There was a huge fluctuation in the Qi field. I still don’t know what was going on. From Yuan Chaochen’s footsteps seven or eight meters away, a powerful force of earthly evil suddenly rose up from the ground and enveloped a few of us. Yuan Chaochen looked at us with a sinister smile, his smile full of ridicule and disdain.

I chopped off the head of a black shaman monk in front of me with one sword, and then used the Eight Steps of Mystery to dodge in the direction of Yuan Chaochen. However, as soon as I reached Yuan Chaochen, I was suddenly pulled up from the ground by the force. The evil force of the earth was blocked, and he was forced to take a few steps back.

This is a magic circle, similar to the one arranged by Li Banxian to trap Elder Qinglong. The only difference is that the runes floating on the magic circle are different.

When Yuan Chaochen saw me doing this, he immediately smiled at me and said gloomily: "Wu Jiuyin, you are really stupid, you have already killed Elder Qinglong, do you think I will have no defense against you? I have set up a dragnet here a long time ago, waiting for you to get into it. You are so stupid that you rushed in with others. Therefore, you must pay the price for your behavior, which is to drag your best My brother will be buried with you...hahaha..."

I couldn't break through this magic circle, so I quickly retreated to Li Banxian and others. At this moment, Li Banxian and the others had killed all the people who came to stop us just now, but when they came back to their senses, they discovered that all of us No one can get out.

Monk Hua was a little unwilling to give up, and quickly took out the purple golden bowl, and hit it towards the magic circle that enveloped us. The magic circle shook slightly, only causing a slight ripple, and soon returned to calm. Everyone now Just panicked.

"It's useless...Wu Jiuyin, you will definitely die today, but it's a pity that this house will be buried with you." Yuan Chaochen laughed triumphantly.

"Elder brother..." Elder Qinglong's female disciple took a few steps forward and looked at Mr. Die who was with us. She seemed a little reluctant to leave. She was quickly stopped by Yuan Chaochen: "Miss Cang Li ,what are you up to?"

"Wu Jiuyin and the people around him deserve their punishment. I have no objection to you killing him, but can you spare the life of my senior brother Mr. Die?" Cang Li said with a frown.

"Miss Cangli, even now, you are still protecting Mr. Die. Do you know that if it weren't for him, Elder Qinglong of your Blood Witch Village would not have died. He killed your master with his own hands, and why are you still protecting him? Want to defend him? Are you crazy?" Yuan Chaochen said angrily.

At the mention of Elder Qinglong, Cang Li was shocked, and looked at Young Master Die with hesitation. Regardless of Elder Qinglong, there must still be feelings between the brothers and sisters. After all, they have been together day and night for so many years, and now Young Master Die wants to If he died with us, Cang Li would be a little reluctant to let Mr. Die die because of this.

However, Young Master Die smiled bitterly at this time and said: "Little Junior Sister, you don't have to worry about me. I don't have anything to worry about in this world anymore. Master killed my parents, and I led people to kill him. It's a big revenge." It has been repaid, and my wish has been fulfilled. Just take care of yourself and never do anything harmful to nature again."

"Elder brother..." Cang Li looked at Young Master Die blankly and couldn't help but shed a few lines of tears.

Yuan Chaochen suddenly reached out and lifted up the tablecloth on the table next to him. At this time, everyone looked at the thing covered by the tablecloth, and they all couldn't help but gasped. What kind of table was that? There was a pile of neatly stacked explosives. Once this explosive was ignited, it would probably blow up nothing within a radius of several hundred meters.

"It's all over, Wu Jiuyin, have a good trip. Let's meet again in the next life..." As he spoke, Yuan Chaochen took out a lighter from his body, grabbed the fuse of the explosive, and smiled gloomily at me, Then he lit the fuse and threw it on the ground.

Afterwards, Yuan Chaochen slowly retreated with the people in the room.

Kunsang, who was sitting in the middle of the hall, also stood up, held the two beauties in his arms and walked slowly past us. He didn't forget to look back at us and said, "Just a few idiots want to kill me." Come to Kunsang’s territory, have you been kicked in the head by a donkey... Hahaha..."

With that said, the group of people quickly left the hall and closed the door.

The fuse is very long, but half of it has been burned by now. With such a large amount of explosives, the few of us will definitely not survive.

"Old Li, can this magic circle be broken?" Bai Zhan asked anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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