Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2119 Black Beetle

Chapter 2119 Black Beetle
"Lao Li, how long has this been? You are still here whining and whining, so we have decided that we will split up. You, Xiaobai and Yue Qiang will go by water, and we will go from above and be responsible for attracting the enemy's firepower." Monk Hua road.

"Lao Hua, you are wrong. It is not us who attract the firepower, but Lao Li and the others. Therefore, Lao Li and the others have a very arduous task, which is not much easier than ours." Zhou Yiyang said.

Lao Li quickly understood Zhou Yiyang's intention, nodded and said: "You mean to come out to do something while we are walking on the waterway to attract the enemy's attention, and we can sneak in at any time with the help of water-proof beads. Escape in the water and leave the enemy helpless?"

"That's what I mean. We need to make the battle bigger, retreat as soon as we win, and don't be reluctant to fight. This way most people will chase you, and the road ahead will be easier for us." I added.

Bai Zhan and Yue Qiang, who were still a little unhappy at first, suddenly smiled on their faces after hearing my explanation.

"Brother Xiaojiu, don't worry if we promise to complete the task. We will do a wonderful job." Yue Qiang said with some excitement.

Everyone quickly made the division of labor clear, and then we escorted the three of them to the big river. Li Banxian took out the water-proof beads and threw them into the water. The water-proof beads immediately floated on the water, forming a kind of Something like bubbles.

This situation made Mr. Die stunned in surprise, sighing that there was such a miraculous magic weapon in this world.

Li Banxian told us to be careful, so he, Bai Zhan and Yue Qiang got into the water-proof beads.

Under the control of Li Banxian, the water-avoiding beads slowly sank into the water, and soon disappeared. Then the four of us also turned around and left here. When we left here, we took off the guards we were wearing. It was immediately set on fire.

When we were doing things in Kunsang's general's mansion, we were wearing this outfit. If we were still wearing it now, the target would be too obvious, so we could only change into another outfit. Fortunately, this Qiankun Eight Treasure Bag I had already prepared a lot of clothes that could be changed. When I went to get the clothes from the Eight Treasures Bag of the Universe, I suddenly discovered something, that is, the Eight Treasures Bag of the Universe had begun to become empty. It seemed like it was almost full for a while.

Only then did I remember that Monk Hua and Yue Qiang had gone to search for Kunsang’s treasures. I asked Monk Hua what he had put in the Eight Treasures Bag of Heaven and Earth, and I almost stuffed it all.

Monk Hua told us quite proudly that at that time he was walking around with Yue Qiang in Kunsang's general's mansion. At first he didn't know where Kunsang's treasure was, but later he saw a group of Kunsang's men heading towards the backyard. After gathering everywhere, Lao Hua took Yue Qiang to see what was going on. Only after they went there did they find out that when Kun Sang’s original subordinates saw Kun Sang’s death, they also had the same idea as Monk Hua and wanted to divide Kun Sang. The place where the group of people swarmed was a treasury in Kunsang.

After Monk Hua and Yue Qiang waited for those people to open the vault, they rushed in together. They beat those people to death and escaped. Then they found many treasures in Kunsang's vault. Boxes upon boxes of gold, several safes containing federal coins, and some antique jades and rare treasures made Laohua and Yue Qiang's eyes go straight. How could these two be so polite as they just took all the treasures away? They stuffed them into the Eight Treasures Bag of Qiankun. There were so many things that they couldn't fit them all in. The two of them gave up and walked around the Peony Hall where we killed Kunsang.

It is worth mentioning that Yue Qiang also found a treasure on the wrist of Kun Sang's corpse, which was a magic weapon used by Yuan Chaochen before, called Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Po, which was exactly the same as the one I was wearing. When I first met Yuan Chaochen When they met, he had used this treasure, and even said that it belonged to his father-in-law, Kunsang, which seemed to be true.

Monk Hua said that he asked Yue Qiang to keep the Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Po by himself. After all, he found it by himself carefully. Furthermore, Yue Qiang’s cultivation level is still a little lacking compared to the rest of us. It just so happened that he had this treasure. It can also help him a lot.

I naturally have no objections to this matter. We are all brothers. It is not easy for Yue Qiang to come with us. We should give him some benefits.

Several of us put on new outfits, all wearing black night clothes, which made it easier for us to hide our figures, and then we all sped up and headed towards the primeval forest. On the way, I asked Monk Hua why he suddenly Qi thought that he was going to collect Kunsang's things. Monk Hua said with some embarrassment. He suddenly remembered that many of the temples on Ziliang Mountain were in disrepair. However, they were very poor in Ziliang Mountain. A group of great monks only knew how to repair them. He didn't have much income, so he just wanted to do something for his master. Using the ill-gotten wealth to rebuild the temple could be regarded as doing something within his ability for his master.

We did not expect that Monk Hua, who has always been idle, could say this, but everything is reasonable. With the money the Monk got, it is estimated that it will be enough to build ten Ziliang Mountains. When the time comes, these things will be used Just hand it over to Wanluo Sect and let them help deal with it.

Monk Hua is really interesting. Since you have this idea, just say hello to me. I have countless money in the Wanluo Sect, so there is no need to go to such trouble.

But then I thought about it, Monk Hua was also a very proud person. Maybe he wanted to use his own efforts to find the funds to repair the temple for Ziliang Mountain.

With the cover of the dark night, the four of us walked in a hurry and at a very fast speed. Although there were always pursuers behind us and helicopters hovering above our heads, the cultivation skills of several of us were good and we were able to hide our bodies well with the terrain.

With a distance of dozens of kilometers, we quickly got rid of the pursuers and headed towards the vast virgin forest.

As we were getting closer and closer to the vast jungle, Xiao Mengmeng, who had been scouting our way in front, suddenly told me something, saying that there was someone in front of us, near the forest.

We stopped immediately, and when we were thinking of going around from the other side, we suddenly heard a rattling sound, which seemed to be the sound of countless beetles crawling. When we looked back, we found I don’t know when a large group of black dung beetle-like bugs suddenly appeared on the ground, sticking to the ground, and were quickly crawling towards us. After a while, all directions were covered with this kind Gu insect...

(End of this chapter)

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