Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2126 are all small scenes

Chapter 2126 are all small scenes

Now that I have the opportunity, I will definitely not let go of any master who is against me, because I realize that my cultivation level is still too low, and I will always be unable to compete against the top masters, such as the Black Water Holy Spirit Cult. The number one figure Zha Lupeng, such as Peng Zhenyang, the protector of Guiyong Dao, so I can only compete with such top masters by constantly improving my cultivation. If I want to quickly improve my cultivation, I can only A shortcut is to consume the cultivation of some masters through the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Meridian.

During this trip to the Mountain Kingdom, I also devoured the cultivation of many masters. The most powerful one was Elder Qinglong. He had practiced for at least a dozen years and had a strong cultivation. Even though I could only digest half of his The cultivation level is already very good, and then there is the cultivation level of the national master who was devoured in Kunsang's general's mansion, and the corpse ghost Granny... Today, they also devoured the cultivation level of Xi Nan, who has extremely high cultivation level. Because, when I am free and can digest these devoured cultivations one by one, I believe that my cultivation will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes. The strength to fight high and low.

At this moment, Master Xinan's neck was tightly grasped in my hands. He opened his mouth to say something to threaten me, but I didn't give him a chance at all and kept urging the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra to engulf me. With the power, Master Xinan's cultivation was quickly sucked into my Dantian Qi sea. Master Xinan's expression looked particularly painful. At first, he was able to mobilize all his cultivation to resist and prevent the Yin and Yang Eight Harmonies. The Wuliang Marrow Cleansing Meridian was swallowed up quickly, but he was also seriously injured at the moment. He had been poisoned by the Thousand-Year Gu just now, and he did not have much power to resist. As time went by, this Xi Master Nan finally couldn't resist it anymore, and the cultivation power on his body poured into my body like a flood that had opened a floodgate.

I simply can't describe the feeling at this moment. It's like a person who has been hungry for three days and suddenly sees a delicious meal. It makes me eat all the food. It continuously swallows up Xinan's cultivation and then transforms it. Into my Dantian Qi sea.

While I was devouring Master Xinan's cultivation, Zhou Yiyang's technique of attracting sky thunder still did not stop. Huge roars sounded all around, and dazzling light fell on the ground, accompanied by countless screams and mutilations. Broken limbs and arms were flying everywhere.

When I devoured all Master Xinan's cultivation and finally crushed him to ashes, the thunder stopped that day.

Taking a deep breath, I found that except for a few of us, there was no one alive around me. Most of the people brought here by Master Xinan died here, and a small number of them escaped.

At this time, Monk Hua walked to the corpse of the Sky Corpse that had just been blasted to pieces by the sky thunder. After searching for a while, he found the purple golden bowl that had been swallowed by the Sky Corpse. There was a lot of viscous liquid on it. I tore off a piece of cloth from the corpse, wiped it carefully, held it in my hand, and kissed it several times. It was so disgusting that I couldn't do it. I could swallow it like this without fear of the remaining poison on the purple gold bowl. Poisonous thing.

But it seems that after the zombies were bombarded that day, all the toxins were cleaned out, and Monk Hua seemed to be fine.

At this moment, I was full of energy, my Dantian was bulging, and I felt refreshed. I had made a lot of money tonight. As soon as I walked to Monk Hua, Monk Hua threw something at me. I took it and saw that it was exactly My corpse-laying ruler.

"Take it, I found it with great difficulty. The corpse was so fragmented that day when it was struck by thunder, so it's hard to find it." Monk Hua said.

Zhou Yiyang had just attracted Tian Lei, and his body was a little weak, and his face was a little pale. At this time, the Thousand-Year Gu that went to chase the fleeing black witch monks came back and got back into Zhou Yang's body. Not only did the Thousand-Year Gu It is the king of all poisons. It also has a special ability, that is, it can help people recuperate their bodies and clear their meridians. After it returns to Yiyiyang's body, it will help Yinyang quickly recover to its best condition.

As the thousand-year-old Gu continues to devour all kinds of powerful witchcraft in places such as Yishan Kingdom, this little guy's Taoism has also improved by leaps and bounds, and Zhou Yiyang has naturally benefited from it.

Mr. Die stared blankly at the messy battlefield all around, with a dumbfounded look. When I told him to leave quickly, he came back to his senses, glanced at a few of us, and said with some disbelief: "You... you guys are simply too powerful. I am getting more and more elusive about you. How much terrifying strength is hidden in you guys? Master Xinan, who has been rampant in Yishan Kingdom for decades, is just like this Were you killed?"

"Master Die, what's all the fuss about... Your master Qinglong is not much more powerful than them, and he was killed by us too? In the past few years, we have been through life and death, and have experienced many things. This is a small scene, not worth mentioning... ...Hehe..." Just after escaping his life, Monk Hua started bragging to Young Master Die. I admired him very much.

A few of us were talking when we suddenly heard the roar of a helicopter not far away. As soon as we heard this sound, several of us were startled. Mr. Die quickly woke up and said anxiously: " Move quickly...the enemy is catching up..."

With that said, a few of us sped up and rushed towards the dense forest ahead. As soon as our heads plunged into the old forest, two helicopters flew over. Without saying a word, they just faced the battlefield. Sweeping, the bullets hit the ground one after another like running water. The rubble flew away, beating the corpses left on the ground to pieces. Some bullets also hit us, and many trees were swept away. On the ground.

Under the strong fire suppression, we could only flee in panic. At that moment, we had to find a place with huge rocks to hide, and first avoided this crazy attack.

After the helicopter left hundreds of rounds of bullets around the battlefield, it flew directly over our heads, and then hundreds of heavily armed people followed the helicopter and swept over. We saw that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time. , we must keep running.

Fortunately, the cultivation of several of us is not weak. The foot strength of those chasing soldiers is much inferior to ours. Mr. Die is very familiar with the paths here and takes us on some remote and difficult paths. It is also very easy to hide your body, and it is not difficult to avoid being tracked by those people. Moreover, it is late at night, even if there is a helicopter, it is difficult to find our whereabouts.

 Good night~ It seems that there are still three chapters to be updated, I will definitely find an opportunity to make up for it.

(End of this chapter)

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