Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2145 Defuse Lei Yi

Chapter 2145 Defuse Lei Yi
I have already made plans to die with Charupong, although it feels worthless, but I have to do it.

This old guy must be about a hundred years old at least, and I am still so young and have not yet married a wife. It is really not worth it to trade my life with such an old guy, but I must do it, for those of me who share the joys and sorrows and go through life and death. brothers.

I am not dead, none of these people I brought can live.

But I am not completely willing to die, I think I can save myself before I die, because when I was in Shifang, I once learned a Buddhist Mingzong technique from a very powerful monk in Shifang The method is called Heart-Destroying Palm.

This heart-destroying palm can swallow thunder, especially when fighting with others, it can instill the thunder contained in the palm into the opponent's body, so that the opponent will be eroded by thunder and damage the tendons, but this thunder is not Appeared out of nowhere, if you want to practice this heart-destroying palm, you must use formulas and spells to store some thunder from the sky in the palm of your palm during thunderstorms, so that you can retract and release it freely and severely defeat your opponent.

It's just that the thunders I collected are just some small lightning bolts, which are not very powerful. I don't know how to control the heat of the thunders. I dare not absorb all the thunders that day. I am afraid that it will be a mistake. No, it would not be worthwhile to hack myself to death.

So, when Zhou Yiyang slashed that thunderbolt towards us, I immediately activated the Heart Destroying Palm, clenched the sword soul in my hand, and pointed the sword to the sky. It felt like a trumpet lightning rod.

My purpose is obvious, which is to use the technique of Heart-Destroying Palm to transfer the thunderous intention that Zhou Yang cast on me into my palms and store it. In this way, the thunder will not fall on me that day, but on me. It was resolved by me using Heart Destroying Palm.

But it was very dangerous to do so, because Zhou Yiyang's thunder-inducing technique was so terrifying and so powerful that the thunder couldn't be diverted, and most of the thunder still fell on me, and I still couldn't escape death.

I had no choice but to make this last desperate fight.

"Boom..." The thunder finally rolled down that day, and I felt a dazzling white light flash in front of my eyes, as if I was hit by a fast-moving heavy truck, and my consciousness was temporarily blurred, and my whole body was numb. Yes, his body seemed to be blown away by that thunderbolt.

When the thunder fell, I didn't know anything, and I didn't know how long this state lasted. When I opened my eyes, I found myself lying in a wasteland with green smoke. Among them, there were still flames flickering all around.

The soul of the sword in my hand is still there, and small lightnings are constantly floating, and my body is also crackling, and there are also many electric currents rushing around, thunder rolling, my body is numb, and white smoke is still coming out.

The only conscious part of the body was the hand that moved the Heart-Destroying Palm. There was a warmth in the palm of the hand. This warmth went straight to the Dantian Qi sea and connected with each other. Gradually, the whole body regained some consciousness again. .

I took a deep breath, sat up suddenly, and then saw Charupong not far away.

Like me, this old guy was also hit hard by the thunder that fell from Zhou Yiyang just now, and he was about ten meters away from me.

When I saw him, my heart was still full of shock, damn it, why is this old clapper still alive?

But after thinking about it, I'm not so surprised, I am far behind his cultivation base, I am still alive, why can't he live?

The only difference between us is that he is standing and I am lying down, but this hometown is not much better than mine. The blood-red demonic energy that surrounded him before has disappeared, and his body is also White smoke was coming out, and there was a tiny electric current rolling on his body.

I remember that before the thunder was about to fall, the old man used the blood-red demonic energy to condense a Buddhist Mingzong's "卍" character on the top of his head, which floated above his head. Fa blocked a thunderbolt for him, so he didn't kill this old thing.

Despite this, I can also feel that he is suffering from internal injuries at this moment. After all, this is a majestic power that not everyone can bear.

Charupeng was more than ten meters away, and looked towards me, his eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he was a little surprised at the same time, maybe he also felt that it was a big surprise that the thunder did not kill me Bar.

The next moment, Nacharupeng raised the Dragon Snake Halberd again, gnashing his teeth and scolding: "Little beast, I must kill you!"

As he spoke, Nacharupeng dodged towards me again, but as soon as he moved, there was a huge roar above his head, and Yiyang Yang's second thunder had already brewed, and he watched It's about to fall again.

Zharupeng looked up and immediately stopped. The next moment, he suddenly glanced at me viciously again, then swayed, jumped onto the wildly growing vegetation, and headed towards the distance. Run away.

As soon as he jumped up with his front feet, the second thunderbolt suddenly fell down, landing exactly on the place where Charupeng had just stood. Debris flew everywhere, fire was everywhere, and many things were splashed everywhere by the thunderbolt. It all fell on me, and I took a deep breath.

But at this moment, my whole body was still numb from the lightning strike before, and it was a little difficult to move, especially my legs, which were still trembling.

Just when I was thinking about how to get out, someone above my head suddenly shouted: "Xiaojiu..."

I looked back and found that Monk Hua and Bai Zhan had somehow climbed into a fence that I surrounded with the Wood Controlling Green Gang method. This fence is at least six or seven meters high, and it is all intertwined with vines.

When the two of them saw that I was still alive and still sitting on the ground, they almost burst into tears of joy.

The next moment, two people jumped down from above. Laohua pulled me up from the ground, held me in his arms, patted my back hard, and said excitedly: "Oh... you are still here?" To be alive...it's great...I thought you'd been struck to death by lightning..."

"It hurts...can you be gentle...you beat me to death even if I wasn't hacked to death..." I gasped and said.

Only then did Monk Hua put me on the ground again. His face was still filled with uncontrollable excitement, and his eyes were red. The same was true for Bai Zhan. His pale face was covered with sweat, and he murmured to himself: "Still. To be alive...to be alive...to be alive...I really thought you couldn't even find your body that was struck by this lightning..."

(End of this chapter)

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