Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2147 How can I be willing to die

Chapter 2147 How can I be willing to die

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but feel a little melancholy in my heart. The favor I owe to the Wanluo Sect is too great. The Wanluo Sect invited so many experts to help me, and I have suffered a lot here. The settlement expenses alone are definitely indispensable. These The money must come from me, or my conscience will be troubled.

At this time, I discovered that the thunder that struck me just now on Monday did not cause much damage to me. At first, I thought I was seriously injured. I lost consciousness all over and looked very ugly. My whole body was scorched black, but now everything feels normal, my cultivation is slowly recovering, and there is a faint warm current from the palm of my hand, reaching directly to the sea of ​​​​Qi in my Dantian. This feeling makes me feel a little comfortable.

I held up the sword soul and looked towards Yiyang Yang. At this moment, my attention was not focused on the falling thunder. I didn’t know how many sky thunders Yiyang had attracted in total. The limit of Heavenly Thunder is nine Heavenly Thunders. After such a long time, I feel that it should be almost there.

There was a lot of chaos in the direction of Zhou Yang. I took a closer look and quickly spotted the figure of Charupeng. He was holding the dragon and snake halberd and was running towards Zhou Yang. On the road Almost no one from the Wanluo Sect could be his enemy, and they were all sent flying by him with his dragon-snake halberd.

It wasn't until he met Mad Sword King Aotian, Hua Monk Yue Qiang and others that he was slightly trapped.

At this time, it was impossible for Yiyang Yang's sky thunder to hit Charupeng. Once the thunder fell, not only Charupeng would die, but those around him would also be buried with him.

Zha Lupeng is very shrewd. He knows that dodging around is not an option. Only by rushing over and killing Zhou Yiyang will these thunders cease. When rushing towards Zhou Yang, there must be someone on our side. If a master comes to stop him, Zhou Yiyang will definitely be restrained and will not hit him with the sky thunder again. He can only lead the sky thunder to other places.

As soon as I saw this scene, I panicked. At this time, Charupeng was already anxious by us, and he was approaching Yiyang regardless of his own safety. However, the people on our side were exhausted and a little difficult to resist. .

No, I have to go over and help.

Thinking of this, I greeted Mengmeng and said, "Come on, come with me."

Mengmeng responded, followed me, and headed in the direction of Charupeng.

When I got there, I saw Wang Aotian, Yue Qiang, Bai Zhan and Monk Hua entangled with Charupeng. Except for Wang Aotian who could take a few of his moves, the rest of them couldn't stand a few moves with him.

Charupeng was not interested in fighting. After forcing them back, he continued to move towards Yiyue Yang, while I quickly arrived with Xiao Mengmeng.

When I rushed into the battle circle, I quickly attracted the attention of everyone. First of all, Wang Aotian looked at me in surprise and said in surprise: "Good boy, you were struck by thunder, but you didn't die? "

"Zhalupeng is not dead yet, how can I be willing to die?" I showed my big white teeth at Wang Aotian. I didn't have time to explain to him, so I hit Chalupeng in the back with a finishing touch. Chalupeng smiled slightly. He dodged in a flash, and appeared next to Zhou Yang in the next moment, throwing the dragon and snake halberd directly towards Zhou Yang.

I had the intention to use the Eight Steps to dodge, but my cultivation had not fully recovered yet. The speed of the Eight Steps was two beats slower. Before I could reach Charupeng, his dragon-snake halberd pierced him. Sun on Monday.

But when Zhou Yiyang received the thunder, a protective barrier would surround his body. The dragon-snake halberd did not pierce Zhou Yang's body, but fell on the protective barrier. The protective barrier was slightly In a flash, the runes shook, and soon there was a sound of glass breaking.

The next moment, Zhou Yiyang staggered slightly, staggered back a few steps, and spat out a mouthful of blood. The thunder that filled the Chi Kiss Bone Sword suddenly disappeared, and above the dark sky, that The dark clouds receded quickly, and with a few muffled whimpers of thunder, the strong wind suddenly stopped, and calm soon returned.

What's worse, Tianlei was forcibly terminated, and I'm afraid Yiyi Yang will not be able to escape the backlash.

Although Tianlei was very slow when it was drawn out, its retreat speed was astonishingly fast.

Zha Lupeng broke through Zhou Yang's spell with one move. With a shake of his hand, the dragon-snake halberd returned to his hand, and he was about to step forward again, killing Zhou Yang's life. But at this time, I had already used the magic spell to Zongbabu dodged to Zhouyang's side and blocked Zhouyang with his horizontal sword.

When Zhou Yiyang saw me, he was immediately shocked: "Xiao...Brother Xiaojiu...you are still alive..."

"Of course alive..."

Before I could finish speaking, Charupeng's dragon-snake halberd was already at my side. I moved my sword horizontally and was immediately knocked over by a strong force.

"I'm going to kill you all, leaving no one behind!" Charupeng said a little crazy, and came to my side in an instant.

When his dragon-snake halberd struck me again, I just wanted to dodge, when a sound broke through the air from behind me, as if a sharp blade flew past my scalp and went straight to Charupeng. Charupeng was so panicked at that moment that he quickly raised his dragon-snake halberd and struck it at the flying blade.

"Clang!" A crisp sound was heard, deafening, and Charupeng was shocked by the sharp blade and took five or six steps back before he stopped.

At that moment, I thought it was my great-great-grandfather who suddenly appeared, but after seeing the sharp blade, I knew that I was overthinking it, because that sword was not my great-great-grandfather’s at all. It was a sword I had never seen before. Flying sword.

It looked like a flying sword that was even more powerful than the flying sword used by Li Chao.

The flying sword swung out of Charupeng, and soon turned back, flying close to my scalp, too frightened me to move.

Which god is here to join in the fun again?I was filled with doubts.

"Whoever came here to die, get out of here!" Zhalupeng shouted angrily.

"It's me, Charupeng, long time no see..." A rich voice came from behind me.

I glanced at Zhalupeng warily, then helped Zhou Yiyang up on the ground, stepped back a few steps, and then turned to look behind me. When I saw this, I was ecstatic, but I saw that the people coming were a group of people. A special team of people wearing Yixian uniforms.

The leader was an old man wearing a gray Yixian suit. The Yixian suit looked old and had turned white after washing. This man looked a little fat. There were still a few hairs on the top of his head, but they were combed. It is very neat and tidy, and it is hard to tell how old it is, but its face is red, full of energy, and has great majesty.

(End of this chapter)

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