Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2171 Don't hurt me

Chapter 2171 Don't hurt me

"Who the hell are you? Get out of here. You dare to snatch my horse. Are you impatient?" A guy with dyed green hair stretched out his hand and pushed towards me. I just swayed slightly and hid. After passing by, the green hair flew away and almost fell to the ground.

I don't even care about gangsters like this. I have no fighting ability at all and I am too lazy to fight them.

However, the little green-haired man still refused to give up. After he pounced, he quickly turned around and said with a smile: "Oh, you're so damn good at beating him!"

The green-haired man said hello, and several freaks dyed with various colors around him rushed toward me. Now it was impossible not to do anything. I grabbed Zhang Hongmei's arm with one hand, and shot left and right with the other hand. In three to five seconds, those guys got a few big slaps from me and were slapped to the ground. They were all stunned by me and had no chance to fight back.

Zhang Hongmei, a teenage girl who was caught by me, had never seen such a scene before. She was so frightened that she turned pale and allowed me to pull her out of the bar.

It's normal for people to drink and cause trouble in bars, and there were many people watching at first. After we walked out, everything returned to normal.

Zhang Hongmei was dragged to the door by me, and then she reacted and said with some horror: "Uncle...who are you...don't hurt me, I'm still a student..."

"You still know that you are a student? At such a young age, you come to a place like this to play?" I said angrily.

"Uncle... I don't dare anymore. I'm going home right now. Please let me go." Zhang Hongmei said with a look of horror.

"I can let you go, but you have to answer a few questions from me and answer them honestly, otherwise I will be rude to you." I threatened.

"Okay, okay...just ask, I will tell you everything I know, as long as you don't hurt me..." Zhang Hongmei said.

I glanced around and found that there were a lot of people coming and going in front of the bar. It was inconvenient, so I pulled Zhang Hongmei and walked towards an alley next to the bar.

Zhang Hongmei asked me nervously: "Uncle... why did you bring me here? I'm so scared..."

"Don't be afraid, don't worry, I'm not interested in a baby as young as you." I said impatiently.

"Uncle... I have no money... I am just a poor student..." Zhang Hongmei said again.

Good guy, this little girl really thinks of me as a shameless scum who steals wealth and sex. Do I look that vulgar?

I pulled her not far away and came under a telephone pole, then let go of her arm. Zhang Hongmei lowered her head and was trembling slightly.

I looked at her and said, "I'm going to tell you about a person I think you must know. His name is Lin Shui'er."

Zhang Hongmei raised her head and looked at me, nodded quickly, and said, "I know her...she is my classmate, and we are still good friends."

This girl's lying skills are really top-notch, and her ability to adapt to changes is quite strong. Shui'er doesn't seem to think that their relationship is very good.

I didn't expose her, but continued to ask: "If you have such a good relationship, why do you want to harm her?"

Zhang Hongmei was stunned, looked at me and said, "Uncle, what do you mean? When did I ever harm Lin Shuier?"

Looking at Zhang Hongmei's eyes, there was some confusion and surprise. This look could not be faked. It seemed that she did not know about Shui'er being possessed by a ghost. This girl knew nothing about the yin and yang industry.

So, I then asked: "Okay, let me not talk about this first, why did you buy the jade Buddha hanging around Shui'er's neck?"

"I like it. It looks good to me, so I bought it." Zhang Hongmei probably thought that I was Lin Shuier's family, so she relaxed a little and was not as afraid of me as before.

I looked solemn and said coldly: "Little girl, you'd better be obedient. I'm not a good person. If you piss me off, you won't get anything good from me. Tell me honestly, who bought the Lin Shui'er Jade Buddha?" Where did you get the ten thousand yuan?”

When I said this, I slowly released the murderous aura in my body. This murderous aura was not something that ordinary people could bear. After feeling the murderous aura in me, Zhang Hongmei's eyes were filled with fear again. , said in a trembling voice: "This... this money is mine... my parents gave it to me..."

"You're still lying!" I immediately got angry and punched the wall on one side of him. While I was gasping for energy, I punched a hole in the wall, causing debris to fly and frighten me. Zhang Hongmei screamed out, tears suddenly rolling out.

"Uncle... don't hurt me... I said... I'll tell you everything..." Zhang Hongmei cried.

"Brother Biao...that's the kid. He was the one who caused trouble in the place just now. He even beat us and took my son away. He was so arrogant. He actually dared to cause trouble in Brother Biao's place!"

Just when Zhang Hongmei was about to say who ordered her to buy Shui'er's Jade Buddha, the green guy I beat up just now walked quickly towards me with a dozen burly men. come over.

The leader was a bald man with a scar on his head. On the half of his head with the scar was a tattoo of a tiger descending from the mountain. He looked very tough and walked towards us with an angry look on his face.

I glanced at them and felt very annoyed. They came to bother me at the critical moment, just to vent my anger on them.

"What the hell, do you know who owns this sentimental bar? You dare to cause trouble here? Do you think you don't take me, Dong Biao, seriously?" The guy who was called Brother Biao coaxed. said.

"Get out!" I said one word directly from my mouth without even looking at them.

The dozen or so strong men, including the green-haired one who had been beaten just now, were stunned.

Damn it, what's going on? Isn't this too arrogant?
"I didn't hear clearly what this kid said just now..." Brother Biao looked at me, and the flesh on his face trembled twice.

"Brother Biao, this kid just told you to get out..." said the green hair.

"Fuck you!" Brother Biao slapped the green-haired man on the face and said angrily: "Did I ask you to say anything? You are the only one who talks too much!"

The green-haired man let out an ouch after being beaten, and hid aside while covering his cheeks.

Next, Brother Biao took out a machete from his body, weighed it and walked towards me. As he walked, he smiled gloomily and said: "Brother, you are very awesome. What you just said Do you dare to say it again and let me hear it?"

"I told you to get out, are you deaf?" I smiled at Brother Biao.

(End of this chapter)

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