Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2173 Really a baby

Chapter 2173 What a treasure

Zhang Hongmei, who was sitting in the car, seemed a little nervous, she kept looking around in the car, and then asked me from the back row: "Uncle...you look very rich, although I don't know this car. What brand is it, but I think it must be valuable."

"Little girl, you know a lot. You went out to fool around at a young age and left your grandma at home alone. She is already old. If something goes wrong, you don't even have anyone to take care of you. Do you still know you are a student?" I said angrily.

"Have you been to my house?" Zhang Hongmei said nervously.

"Of course I have been there, otherwise how would I have found you." I looked back at Zhang Hongmei while driving.

Zhang Hongmei suddenly became a little nervous and whispered: "Uncle... can you not tell my grandma what happened today? My grandma is not in good health..."

"Then you go back to school honestly and don't fool around outside anymore. I definitely won't tell your grandma," I said.

It seems that this Zhang Hongmei is also a filial child. She is not bad at heart, but is a little rebellious. This has a lot to do with her family.

Zhang Hongmei responded, agreeing to my conditions.

I drove the car very fast, and soon drove out of the old city. When I arrived in the new city, I drove for a while. When I felt that the surroundings started to become a little deserted, Zhang Hongmei, who was sitting in the car, pointed out a place to us. , saying that there is a villa area in front, and Zhang Xile lives in the villa area.

Unexpectedly, this Zhang Xile family is quite rich.

We found a place and stopped the car. We wanted Zhang Hongmei to follow us to find Zhang Xile, but Zhang Hongmei said that this community is a high-end community. If people from outside want to enter this villa area, they must be inside the villa area. Only if someone confirms it.

We wanted to catch him off guard. If Zhang Hongmei notified Zhang Xile that we were coming to find him, he would definitely be suspicious, and maybe he would run away, so we couldn't enter through the main entrance and had to sneak in quietly.

Li Banxian and I discussed it and decided to let Zhang Hongmei stay in the car while the two of us went to find Zhang Xile.

Before leaving, I repeatedly told Zhang Hongmei to wait in the car and not to run around. I knew where she lived.

The little girl Zhang Hongmei nodded quickly and said that she would never run around and tell Zhang Xile.

Before leaving, I asked for her cell phone and said I would give it back to her when we came back later, just in case.

After getting the house number where Zhang Xile lives from Zhang Hongmei, Li Banxian and I walked half a circle in the villa area, found a deserted place, climbed over the wall, and then followed the house number given by Zhang Hongmei and walked all the way Found the door of Zhang Xile's villa.

This community is a group of villas, each with a single family. Each house has a large yard. People who can live in such a community must be rich or noble. When Li Banxian and I walked to the door of Zhang Xile’s house , looked through the fence and looked into the yard, and found that there was a big wolf dog in his yard. It seemed that he heard what Li Banxian and I were doing, and growled at us twice. Before the big wolf dog stopped barking, Li Banxian and I quickly took a few steps back and hid.

"There is a dog, how do you get in?" Li Banxian said helplessly.

"Don't worry, I have a way." As I said that, I took out a packaging bag from the Eight Treasures Bag of Qiankun, which contained ham sausages. I took out one, tore open the packaging, and put it on the ham. Some poison was sprinkled on it, and he walked directly across the yard and threw it towards the big wolf dog.

After waiting for about a minute, when we looked inside through the fence again, we found that the big wolf dog was lying motionless next to the kennel.

Then, Li Banxian and I turned over and jumped directly over the courtyard wall to the small garden in their yard. At this time, we looked towards their house and found that there were lights on in the living room on the first floor, and the light and shadow were flickering. It should be a family watching TV.

When I was about to walk towards the door of the house, Li Banxian grabbed my arm and whispered: "Don't move. This yard is not normal. There must be something arranged."

"No, a person like this still knows these things?" I asked curiously.

"It's not simple. The Feng Shui layout of their yard obviously took some thought. If I read it correctly, the owner of this house should be a person in the Yin and Yang industry. We'd better be careful." Li Banxian was wary. He looked around.

"Can you see what's going on?" I asked.

"Absolutely. There should be two dead skulls buried in front of the flower garden at the door of the house. They are used for sealing souls. There is no harm in it. They are used for guarding the house and guarding the courtyard. They are probably to prevent thieves. As soon as we walked to that place, I guess those two Ghosts will appear. You release Xiao Mengmeng and collect those two ghosts first." Li Banxian said.

I patted the Eight Treasure Bag of Heaven and Earth, and the little Mengmeng floated out and floated in the direction pointed by Lao Li. As soon as I arrived at that place, two women with disheveled hair slowly emerged from the flower bed. The ghosts all knelt down next to Xiao Mengmeng, as if they had said something. Xiao Mengmeng waved and put the two ghosts away.

Then, Xiao Mengmeng floated to our side and whispered: "Brother Xiao Jiu, these two ghosts are relatively pitiful. They are just low-level lonely ghosts. They were imprisoned here by the owner of this family. They will be taken back later." Let Uncle Hua forgive me."

I nodded, then looked at Li Banxian, and asked, "Are there any arrangements left?"

"I can't see it for now, let's go over there."

With that said, the two of us hunched over and walked toward the door of the house. When we reached the corner, we heard the sound of someone talking coming from the house.First, I heard a woman's voice saying: "My father, tell me, you have been tinkering with this broken jade Buddha all day long. It's like a treasure. Go to bed quickly. It's getting late."

"Hehe... Xiaolan, don't you know this? The jade Buddha I asked Lele to get back is really a treasure. Although I don't know what it is for the time being, it must be a very powerful magic weapon. , when I saw this thing for the first time, I felt the awe-inspiring aura it exuded. If sold to someone who knows the way, it is estimated to sell for at least 80 million. Do you think we have found a treasure? "A man said with a proud smile.

"This piece of shit can be sold for 100 million? I don't think the material is that good?" The woman just now said in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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