Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2176 Grandpa, I was wrong

Chapter 2176 Grandpa, I was wrong

Mrs. Zhang was so frightened that I suddenly appeared next to her that she screamed again, trembling and hid behind Zhang Tai.

The reason why she was so surprised was because I was seven or eight meters away from them just now, and in just a split second, I arrived at her side. This speed can be called a ghost.

"You...what do you want to do? Don't hurt my wife, let alone my family." Zhang Tai said, blocking his wife.

"Dad...Mom...what are you doing, preventing people from sleeping?" As he was talking, a big boy in pajamas came down from upstairs, and he was rubbing his sleepy eyes. If I guessed correctly, In other words, this kid deceived the Jade Bone Buddha from Shui'er.

"Lele... leave quickly... don't come over!" Zhang Tai shouted towards Zhang Xile.

But seeing Zhang Sheele trembled all over, he glanced towards the living room downstairs, and instantly understood what was going on. He quickly turned around and ran upstairs.

And I used the Eight Steps of Lost Traces again, and in the blink of an eye I was next to Zhang Shearer, grabbed his arm, and amidst his screams, I flashed back to the Eight Steps of Lost Traces again. From the beginning to the end, Zhang Xile didn't understand what was going on. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was already in the living room.

Zhang Xile was completely frightened and immediately started crying. He looked at Zhang Tai and said, "Dad... what... what on earth is going on?"

"I told you not to come down, why didn't you listen?" Zhang Tai said helplessly.

"I...I wanted to run, but did I run?" Zhang Xile said even more helplessly.

"Okay, now that we can find you, none of you can escape. Don't worry, we are here to retrieve something without hurting your lives. Just stay here and let's solve it first. Let’s talk about that rat spirit later.”

After speaking, I walked to Li Banxian's side again and asked, "What should I do with this mouse spirit?"

Li Banxian didn't answer my question, but looked at Zhang Tai and asked, "Let me ask you, is what the mouse spirit said just now true? Did he help you do any bad things?"

I think Lao Li's question is in vain. How can Zhang Tai be willing to admit this matter?

As expected, Zhang Tai quickly shook his head and said: "No... no, the Great Rat Immortal has not done anything bad to me. Not only has the Great Rat Immortal not done anything, but I have also not done anything bad. Our family is all honest people. "

"Pah!" As soon as Zhang Tai finished speaking, I slapped Zhang Tai in the face so hard that his mouth became crooked.

"Since he has never done anything bad, what happened to Lin Shui'er's mother? He was imprisoned by you and is still lying on the bed unable to move. Do you dare to say that you did not do this?" I said angrily.

Zhang Tai froze for a moment, covered his cheeks, rolled his eyeballs, and immediately denied again: "What are you talking about? I don't understand, but I do know that there is a classmate in our family named Lin Shui'er who never moves. I’ve never met Lin Shui’er’s mother…”

Before he finished speaking, I quickly slapped the kid again, slapped him to the ground, sneered and said, "It seems like you don't want to tell me if I don't show you some color." What’s the truth?”

This time I was really angry. Just when I was about to go up to deal with Zhang Tai, Li Banxian stopped me and said, "Xiaojiu, don't worry about dealing with him. I have my own way. Let's deal with this rat spirit first." .”

I let go of Zhang Tai, walked to Li Banxian, and said in a deep voice: "Don't clean it up, just kill it, this kind of spirit monster, following Zhang Tai's side, probably is not a good thing."

When the old tree spirit heard what I said, he was trembling with fear and kept kowtowing to me to beg for mercy, asking me to let him go.

Li Banxian was also very embarrassed about this matter. He pondered for a moment and then said: "If this rat spirit has not done anything bad, we will definitely have to bear the consequences if we kill it. How about this, I will leave a mark on it. If this rat spirit does anything bad in the future, we can find it and kill it at any time, but let’s let him go this time.”

I didn't have much interest in this rat spirit, so I said, "Old Li, you can do whatever you want. I'll listen to you."

Lao Li responded, then pinched a formula, and imprinted it on the mouse spirit's forehead, and I saw a ray of golden light reflected into the mouse spirit's head.

The rat spirit seemed to realize what was going on right now. He lay motionless on the ground and let Li Banxian do whatever he wanted.

But seeing the old tree spirit shaking all over, he lay there again and nodded fiercely at Li Banxian, and then said: "Thank you, Taoist Master, for sparing your life... Thank you, Taoist Master, for sparing your life..."

"Let's go. Don't do evil again in the future. Even if you want to recruit a disciple, you must find a person with a good mind. If you do evil things in the future, don't fall into my hands. You will definitely regret it then."

With that said, Lao Li put away the bronze mirror. The rat spirit thanked him again and again, then turned into a wisp of black air and floated out of this place.

After the rat spirit left, the two of us walked in front of their family of three again.

"Your name is Zhang Tai, right?" Lao Li asked the male host.

"Yes...my name is Zhang Tai..." Zhang Tai swallowed and looked very nervous.

"Take it out..." Li Banxian stretched out his hand towards Zhang Tai.

Zhang Tai asked knowingly: "What do you want me to get...I don't have anything on me..."

"We all heard what you and your wife said in the living room just now. It was you who instigated your son to use Zhang Hongmei to trick Lin Shuier into getting the bone jade Buddha. He was playing with it here just now, but we heard everything clearly. Chu." Li Banxian said with a smile.

"You...did you hear it correctly?" Zhang Tai was still stubborn.

Li Banxian did not get angry, but just smiled and said: "Okay, you don't have to give it. I think you will get it in a while. Did you just ask who the two of us are?"

"Yeah, who are you?" Zhang Tai asked.

Li Banxian pointed at me and said: "Since you want to know, let me introduce it to you. This is Wu Jiuyin, who is known as the murderer in the world. He is the number one figure of Jiuyanghua Li Bai. My name is Li Banxian. Now you know Alright?"

As soon as Li Banxian finished introducing us, Zhang Tai's face suddenly turned livid, and he quickly knelt down and kowtowed to the two of us: "Grandpa...Grandpa...I was wrong, please forgive me. The Jade Buddha is right here with me, take it away..."

(End of this chapter)

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