Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2202 Black blood clot

Chapter 2202 Black blood clot

There is a saying that goes well, it is called pity for the hearts of parents in the world.

No matter how bastard Mr. Bai is, no matter how little he is a thing, he is still the son of his father and his mother. If he suffers here, his parents will definitely not be able to bear it. After all, his parents are not at fault.

From the beginning, we had no intention of putting this young man to death, we just wanted to teach him a lesson.

Even if the Bai family doesn't come to plead for mercy, Yi Yiyang will let the thousand-year poison remove the poison from the Bai family in three days.

At this time, Master Qiu Xu came over, and we happened to do a favor and said that for the sake of Master Qiu Xu, we would spare the life of Mr. Bai.

This way everyone has face.

After helping Mr. Bai's father up, I turned around and glanced at Yiyi Yang. Yiyang nodded, and then walked towards Mr. Bai who was lying on the stretcher.

Young Master Bai was trembling all over, and at the moment his body was covered with a white cloth.

Seeing Zhou Yiyang passing by, the people carrying the stretcher immediately dispersed to both sides.

Zhou Yiyang stretched out his hand and pulled the white cloth aside. As soon as the white cloth was taken off, a stench suddenly spread everywhere, making people feel dizzy.

I don’t know what kind of poison the Thousand-Year Gu was for Young Master Bai. Why does it smell so bad?

Out of curiosity, I walked over and looked down. I saw that Mr. Bai was wearing a pair of underpants. His skin was dark and purple. Every once in a while, there would be a patch of skin as big as a baby's fist. , like the shower head in the bathroom, there are many holes.

In fact, this hole is not scary. What is scary is that there is something in this hole. Disgusting insects like maggots are squirming in the hole. This is also the case in many parts of Mr. Bai's body. Just one look at it makes him scared. I was sweating all over my body.

It's so disgusting and terrifying.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Zhou Yiyang, which meant, you damn, you just cast a poison. Why did you cast such a disgusting poison? If I had known, I wouldn't have come over to see him.

Zhou Yiyang's expression also looked helpless. He didn't even expect that the Thousand-Year Gu would actually cast such a poison on Mr. Bai.

When the two guys carrying the stretcher saw Mr. Bai's appearance, they couldn't bear it on the spot. They retched several times and ran out of the door, vomiting in the corridor.

At this time, Mr. Bai's old father came over, took a look at his son who had been tortured and turned into a human being, and said sadly: "Today, my son made a fool of himself at the wedding. He fainted on the spot, and also... Foaming at the mouth and unconscious, he was sent to the hospital immediately. We thought he had epilepsy, but when we walked to the hospital, it was not the case... The child was swollen at first, then turned black and purple, and then White spots appeared all over the body. After the white spots rotted, many holes appeared, and bugs were crawling inside. Many doctors were frightened. They used disinfectant...and used tweezers to pull out the bugs one by one, but the more and more That's right, the more bugs he has in his body... he will eventually lose control."

After a pause, the old man took a deep breath and said: "I have been in the society for decades, and I know that there are such mysterious masters in the world, and they must have been manipulated by others, so I then found his master, Wuchen Zhenren of Yuanxu Temple. Wuchen Zhenren said that my child was bewitched and pointed out a clear path for me. Then I sent him over. How...you must save him..."

"Don't worry, your son will not die and will wake up soon." Zhou Yiyang said calmly.

At this time, the Taoist Master Wuchen stepped forward, bowed to the ground in front of the few of us, and said a little at a loss: "Master Jiu... Masters... Today, it is the poor Taoist Wuchen who has no eyesight, and has collided with the power of everyone." , if he knew that my disciple had offended Li Bai, the famous Jiuyang flower in the world, it would be impossible for Pindao to let him attack you, and Pindao would not dare to offend these masters... Pindao would like to apologize to you again. !”

"You mean, if Young Master Bai meets someone else instead of us, he can be bullied casually?" Zhou Yiyang raised his head and looked at the Wuchen Taoist Priest.

As soon as he asked this question, the cold sweat rolled down the head of Taoist Wuchen, and he said in a trembling voice: "No, no, no...it is a poor Taoist who has failed to discipline his disciples well. He will definitely restrain them in the future and will not let them go." If he continues to act recklessly..."

Zhou Yiyang ignored Master Wuchen again, but squatted down, stretched out his hand, and touched Young Master Bai's Tianling Cap.

At this time, the Thousand-Year Gu flew out from Yiyang Yang's hand and followed his Tianling Cap directly into Young Master Bai's body.

When Zhou Zhouyang stood up from the ground, Young Master Bai had stopped trembling, and after a while, the swelling on his body began to subside quickly, and then the patches of white spots began to heal, and the bugs in the holes disappeared.

"Go to the washroom quickly and get a basin." Zhou Yiyang ordered loudly.

The Taoist priest Wuchen heard it, and hurried over, took out a large washbasin from the wash room, and held it with both hands.

As soon as the basin was brought over, Mr. Bai coughed violently several times and suddenly sat up from the ground.

It was too late and then it was too late, but Zhou Yiyang grabbed Mr. Bai's hair, pulled his head over, and said to Na Wuchen: "Put the basin on the ground."

Master Wuchen quickly followed the instructions. As soon as Young Master Bai lowered his head, he opened his mouth and vomited. However, what he vomited out was also extremely disgusting. They were black blood clots, vomited in the basin. It was still shaking slightly, and there were many tiny insect eggs squirming on top of the black blood clot.

Young Master Bai vomited into the basin several times. He vomited most of the basin of black blood before he stopped. He looked extremely weak.

But after vomiting the black blood clots, Mr. Bai seemed much more awake. He looked around, and finally his eyes fell on the few of us. He couldn't help but be stunned, his eyes filled with deep fear.

"Dad...I...why am I here..." Mr. Bai said tremblingly.

"Why don't you kowtow to these gentlemen and apologize, and also thank Master Qiuxu. If he hadn't come to plead for mercy, your life would have been saved..." Master Wuchen standing beside him said quickly.

"Child, don't say anything. It's good that you can survive... Listen to Master Wuchen and kowtow to your benefactors to make amends. Don't be stunned!" Young Master Bai's father also urged.

Several of us quietly looked at Young Master Bai, the one who was clamoring to kill us.

 Good night ~ add another chapter

(End of this chapter)

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