Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2206 There are more powerful

Chapter 2206 There are more powerful
Hearing this, the few of us sitting in the car couldn't calm down immediately.

The special task force sent out so many people, and there were also Te'an soldiers with loaded weapons and ammunition to follow, but the whole army was wiped out in one fell swoop. This is incredible, but what happened to them?
Hearing Old Liu speak like this, everyone couldn't help but gasp in air.

There was a brief silence in the car. Old Li thought for a moment and then asked: "Old Liu, you just said that the local special team and special security soldiers were all bitten to death by zombies. Are there any signs of struggle at the scene? Or Are there any corpses of zombies they killed?"

Old Liu shook his head and said: "There must be traces of fighting. After all, he is also a member of the special task force. If he has no means, he will not be able to enter this department. Even the bullets in the guns of those special security soldiers are almost all shot." It's over, but we can't kill any zombies. Now only the corpses of our people are left, and no other corpses are seen. So this matter has attracted the attention of the people from the Special Investigation General Administration We attach great importance to it. People from the General Administration of Special Operations are here. People from the Northwest and Yanbei departments are also here. Now they are all gathered near the Red Maple Ghost Valley. This matter has become a big deal. All the casualties have increased. It has been over a hundred since we got up. In order to resolve this matter as soon as possible, the special task force has gathered a lot of capable forces here to try to calm this matter down quickly to prevent the situation from deteriorating further."

Hearing that Lao Liu said the matter was so serious, several of us couldn't help but look at each other and felt that this matter was indeed a bit unbelievable.

"Is it true that not a single zombie body was left behind?" Monk Hua said with some disbelief.

"No... I've searched all over and found none. Since last night, the special task force has notified various departments to seal off the entire area around the Red Maple Ghost Valley. We are searching for the whereabouts of those zombies. We are coming to pick you up. At that time, there was no definite news that a zombie had been found, and I don’t know what the situation is now." Lao Liu said very depressed.

"Are the bodies of those who were bitten to death still in that village?" I asked again.

"The corpses of those in the village have been moved, but the people here haven't had time to move out yet. They are all in the village. Mr. Wu Jiuyin, you are a descendant of a family of corpse exterminators, and you know all kinds of zombies. Go over and see what happened. There are no living people and no dead bodies. It makes people panic, and even the people in the special team feel a little frightened." Old Liu said uneasily.

"What's the specific situation, let's go over and have a look. I don't dare to jump to conclusions without seeing any evidence." I said seriously.

In fact, when I said this, I thought of my grandfather. I am a descendant of a family of corpse hunters, and so am I. My grandfather knows as much as I do about all kinds of corpse transformations and zombies, and he has seen them. There are more people than me, and they must have more experience than me.

This business is our old Wu family's specialty. It's really hard to find anyone else. No wonder my grandfather asked me to come over.

After all, the magic weapons to restrain zombies are all on me. The corpse-laying ruler, the Qingshan Imperial Bell, and the corpse mirror are all used to restrain zombies.

As we talked all the way, we arrived at the entrance of a very remote village. The surrounding area had been cordoned off and guarded, and people from the special task force and special security soldiers were standing guard in all directions.

If you want to enter this village, you have to pass many checkpoints. If Lao Liu hadn't brought us here, we might not have been able to enter.

Under the leadership of Lao Liu and another person, we entered the core of the village. There is a large courtyard here, which should be the existence of the village committee. Lao Liu told us that my grandfather is in this courtyard. In the courtyard.

There were several members of the special task force standing guard at the entrance of the compound, as well as several Special Security soldiers. After Lao Liu showed his ID, they let a few of us in.

As soon as I entered the entrance of the compound, I smelled a very strong smell of death and blood, and the other was the corpse smell that I was most familiar with.

This is the smell of zombies.

A few of us quickly entered the yard. The first thing we saw was several rows of corpses lying sideways in the yard. They were densely packed and covered with white cloth. I glanced at them, and I was afraid there were fifty or sixty people. A dead body is here.

When we walked into the courtyard, we quickly saw my grandfather and Director Zhang Jingzhang, accompanied by an old acquaintance, Mr. Wan Feng, who is known as the number one master in Ouchi. He was also here.

When we came in, we didn't attract their attention. They just gathered around a few corpses and discussed something in a low voice. Everyone's face was not good-looking and looked very heavy.

Old Liu walked up to them quickly, and said: "Director Wu, Director Zhang, Mr. Wan, Wu Jiuyin and the others have been brought back by me..."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of several of them turned towards us.

My grandfather hurriedly waved to me and said: "Xiaojiu... you kids, hurry up and take a look..."

Hearing what the old man said, we quickened our pace and walked to them. First we said hello and exchanged a few words. Then, the old man went straight to the topic and said to me: "Xiaojiu, come here and take a look at these zombies." , what’s the origin?”

I frowned, and when I looked at the corpses lying on the ground, I couldn't help but be startled, but I saw that these zombies were dark and shiny, and shone with a cold light under the sunlight. It was strange. But they were actually wearing armor. Although it was almost corroded, some of their appearance could still be seen. The most obvious feature was their fangs, which were all black and as hard as steel.

The fangs of ordinary zombies are white, and only one kind of zombie has this feature.

"Grandpa... Judging from the physical characteristics, these transformed zombies should be armored zombies, and they should not be very powerful zombies." I said.

"Yes, this armored corpse may not be very powerful to you kid, because our old Wu family specializes in dealing with all kinds of zombies, and you also have a magic weapon to restrain zombies, but for the people of the special team But it’s a big problem. Last night, people from the special team went to search the mountain. They encountered these armored corpses and lost several people on the spot. Come and take a look, there is a more powerful one here..."

As he said that, my grandfather lifted up a piece of white cloth not far away. When he opened it, he found that this zombie was different from the ones next to it. The whole body was bronze.

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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