Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2229 Under Liu Zhiming

Chapter 2229 Under Liu Zhiming

I looked back at Lao Li, but without saying a word, Zhuan'er continued to drive quickly.

Yes, compared with the Blackwater Holy Spirit Cult, Gui Yongdao does have some bottom line, at least they don't know how to use firearms, and if it's not absolutely necessary, they won't kill ordinary people very much.

But can anyone who can live in the blessed land of Qingshan Cave be an ordinary person?Even if they live in the Winter Paradise, the people in the small town of Qingshan are all family members of practitioners. With Gui Yongdao's urinating nature, can these people in the Paradise Paradise be spared?

I don't think it's possible at all.

The key is my relationship with Guiyong Dao, which is incompatible with water and fire. Basically all the four elders of Guiyong Dao died at my hands, except for the White Tiger elder, who was drained of his cultivation by me and left one life. Just hanging on for a breath.

No one knows where Elder Baihu, whose cultivation was devoured by me, has gone, and he probably won’t be able to figure out what will happen in the future.

I don’t even know how many of the Guiyong Road sub-rudders I killed, let alone how many of them I killed.

Once they find my parents on Qingshan, they will definitely kill them quickly.

When I thought of this, I wished I could sprout a pair of wings from my back, and immediately fly to the cave heaven paradise in Qingshan, find my parents, and bring them out.

Along the way, I didn't say a word. I ran forward as hard as I could, and mixed with the eight-step method, I unknowingly separated Bai Zhan and the others for a long distance.

Now I can only describe my mood at this time as "anxious". Only by running wildly can the indescribable feeling of nervousness and uneasiness in my heart be relieved.

After running all the way for about half an hour, I was almost approaching the edge of the Red Maple Ghost Valley, and I was almost at my limit at this speed.

When I looked back, I saw that Bai Zhan and the others had been far behind me, and they probably wouldn't be able to catch up for a while.

After stopping for a moment, I glanced in the direction of the village and quickened my pace again. I planned to contact the people from the special task force stationed in the village after arriving at the village. I think my grandfather had already communicated with them. , we need to use a sanitary helicopter to transport us to Qingshan.

After arriving in the village, I contacted them directly. When Bai Zhan and the others arrived, we could get on the helicopter and leave directly.

Thinking about this matter in my mind, suddenly, my heart beat wildly several times, and I felt quite frightened.

Because I suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of crisis.

After having this feeling, I immediately stopped, and at this moment, there was a sudden "whoosh" sound in the air from several places, as if a hidden weapon was hitting me. At the critical moment, I hurriedly swayed and used the eight-step method to move a certain distance to the side. Just as I was about to regain my footing, the hidden weapon came towards me again, so I had to keep on shooting again. dodge.

Just after I dodged, the hidden weapon suddenly roared and exploded.

Before the hidden weapon exploded, I took a look at the thing and found that it turned out to be a very ancient weapon - a bow and arrow.

The arrow that was shot had something tied to it, and it would explode as soon as it touched the ground. It was so powerful that the splash of soil fell all over me.

While I kept dodging, the flying arrows kept shooting towards me, and the arrows were very well prepared. Almost as soon as I moved my front foot, the flying arrows landed at my feet without any traces in between. stop.

Not only that, I also discovered that the flying arrow was not hitting me alone, which made me a little confused for a while.

"Who are you, get out of here!" I was already in a hurry, but a leopard suddenly appeared on the way, which made me even more annoyed.

However, after I shouted this, there was no response at all, and the flying sword kept hitting me.

While constantly changing my body shape, I raised my head and looked around. Only then did I realize that the arrow had come from above the tall maple tree. It was just pitch black now, and the other party must also be wearing black clothes. , I couldn’t tell where the other party was hiding.

But going on like this is not a solution. While dodging constantly, I directly touched the copper coin sword, and quickly sacrificed the Big Dipper copper coin sword formation, suspended above my head, accompanied by a huge roar , the countless copper coins and sword energy scattered around.

After the sword energy of this copper coin was shot out, the leaves of the surrounding maple trees almost fell off after I hit them. The maple tree was also riddled with holes. Then a few people carrying bows and quivers fell from the tree. The men in black were all mangled with blood and flesh, and they were all beaten out of the hornet's nest.

Of course the arrows around me were empty, I walked slowly towards the people who fell from the tree, looked down, and found that these people were all in Gui Yongdao's attire, and they were all ordinary Gui Yongdao's men and horses , but this archery skill is very good.

While I was observing these people carefully, someone suddenly laughed loudly, clapped his hands and slowly walked out from behind a thick tree. As he walked, he said: "Not bad... It is indeed the famous Wu Jiuyin." , You really have some tricks, you can still come out alive after being surrounded by so many zombies, it seems I underestimated you."

I squinted my eyes and saw that the person who came was a 35-year-old man, with a medium build, unattractive appearance, and a treacherous smile. It's Yi Shui'er's bow and arrow.

I looked at the man and said in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

"My lord, Liu Zhiming, it's a pleasure to meet you..." The man slightly cupped his hands and said with a smile.

"I don't care what kind of bastard you are. I don't have time to talk nonsense with you today. If you don't want to die, get out of here or I will tear you into pieces in a moment. I will do what I say."

That's what I was thinking. Although I didn't take these people seriously, it would still take a lot of time to fight with them. I rushed to Qingshan to save my parents. I had no time to talk to them. In this ink stain, if it had been normal, I would have just picked up the sword and killed him first.

The guy named Liu Zhiming smiled slightly, obviously not wanting to give me a way so easily. He just said lightly: "Master Jiu... you must be in such a hurry because there is something very important. Are you in a hurry?" Going to Qingshan? It seems a little late now, you may not be able to make it in time... Hehe..."

(End of this chapter)

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