Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2240 1 group of monks

Chapter 2240 A group of monks

Everyone got off the plane one after another, and couldn't help but look around vigilantly. It was so quiet on the green hill, it was a little scary, and it made people panic. As soon as I got off, I released Xiaomengmeng, so that It quickly patrolled around for us to see if there were any enemies ambush around.

However, it is simply impossible for Xiao Mengmeng to summon any ghosts on Qingshan to survey the enemy's situation for us. Qingshan is a Taoist holy land, and there are dense magic circles everywhere. Even outside the Cave Heaven Paradise of Qingshan, there are many frightening ghosts. There cannot be any lonely ghosts inside and outside Qingshan. What kind of ghost dares to come to Qingshan to cause trouble?
However, there are exceptions. Ghosts like Mengmeng will basically not have much impact on the outer mountains of Qingshan. As long as the magic weapon is not too powerful, Xiaomengmeng can shield it on its own and avoid any harm to it. It's also minimal.

Xiao Mengmeng turned into a scarlet evil spirit and flew towards the distance. Several of us showed our magic weapons and looked around. I even spread my energy field and felt every move around me.

Less than half a minute after landing, Brother Te'an on the helicopter suddenly shouted: "Report to the leader, should I stand by where I am or return to the original route? Please give instructions from the leader!"

The sudden sound of such a voice frightened several of us. This kid spoke as if he had been injected with chicken blood. The "ouch" voice was indeed very scary, especially when we are now highly nervous. It is really a bit scary. Can't resist.

But we can't say anything about this guy. This is his usual style.So I turned around and said to him: "Brother, thank you for your hard work. Just go back the way you came. We will leave on our own in a while."

"Yes, leader!" As he said that, the guy gave us a team salute, then started the plane and flew away in the distance with a rumble.

This guy has one boss at a time, which makes me feel uncomfortable, but having said that, we will soon become leaders. Not long ago, Mr. Wanfen said he would give a few of us a certain errand, and each of us would do a special job for us. With the certificate of the General Administration, any agency can be mobilized to assist in handling the case, isn't it their leader?
Letting this buddy go now is also for his sake. We are leaving in a while, and any brave person discovers his existence, and his life will soon be lost. We can't harm him. How to say is also a life.

Xiao Mengmeng turned around quickly, turned back again, quickly turned into a human form, shook her head with me, and said: "Brother Xiaojiu, I walked around all around, within a radius of hundreds of meters There is no ambush inside, we can leave safely."

I nodded and didn't speak. After looking around, I said: "This is the front mountain of Qingshan, and the entrance of the Dongtian Paradise of Qingshan is at a place in the back mountain. Let's go to the back mountain to have a look. I have discovered something, I have been to the cave heaven and paradise in Qingshan many times, I can take you in."

Everyone nodded and said yes.

Next, everyone did not dare to delay and followed me. We quickly headed towards the back mountain. During this period, Xiao Mengmeng helped us lead the way.

The few of us traveled very fast. During the two hours on the plane, we all ran for several weeks, and took the qi-replenishing and blood-clotting pills given by Xue Xiaoqi. Almost recovered.

After a short time, the few of us turned to the back of Qingshan Mountain, and when we were about to head towards the magic circle, suddenly, Xiao Mengmeng came to my side and whispered: "Xiao Jiu Brother, I feel someone is coming towards us, very fast..."

Upon hearing what Xiao Mengmeng said, everyone's expressions became solemn again, and Li Banxian said: "How far away are you from us..."

"A few hundred meters away, we'll be there soon..."

Since I didn't know who the other person was, I quickly winked at everyone. We separated and jumped into the grass on both sides of the road. We each shielded our own cultivation and waited quietly.

After hiding, I still thought to myself that the people from Gui Yongdao came very quickly and found us so quickly.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, we came here by helicopter, and the rumble of that big thing could be heard from miles away. It would be strange if the other party didn't notice us.

Gui Yongdao is always cautious and cautious in doing things. Even if they break through Qingshan, they will definitely leave a group of people to defend in the outer mountains of Qingshan to prevent foreign aid from coming. Before they arrive at the Cave Heaven Paradise in Qingshan, they can directly attack them. extinguished.

I thought that the people from Guiyong Road must be ambushing at the foot of the mountain or on the mountainside. Unexpectedly, a few of us did not take the usual route and took a helicopter directly to the mountainside, which disappointed them.

In fact, what makes me feel that something is wrong is that based on previous experiences, when Guiyong Dao attacked Xuanshan and Hongye Valley, they set up very terrifying magic circles around them. Those who came to support were very scared. We couldn't find the entrance to the magic circle for a long time. This time, the magic circle didn't seem to be arranged. We arrived at Qingshan easily.

I just remembered this, and I felt a little strange. I wonder if it was another conspiracy by Gui Yongdao.

This group of people is so insidious that people are always hard to guard against.

My heart was a little messy, nervous and restless.

After waiting for less than 2 minutes, we soon heard the sound of footsteps not far away. At that moment, I winked with everyone again. We must hold our breath and concentrate, and we must not show any lies. Once we are sure They were Taoist Guiyong. When they came to our side, we rushed forward and killed them all.

However, after a while, the group of people who hurried out from a distance surprised us a lot. They turned out to be fifty or sixty bald monks. The two leaders were wearing yellow cassocks with heavy faces. That is, his cultivation level is not low.

I glanced at Lao Li next to me to see if he knew who this person was. I didn’t feel like he was from Gui Yongdao.

Lao Li shook his head to show that he didn't know, and his face looked a little surprised.

In the blink of an eye, the group of monks came to the place where we were hiding. One of the old monks with long eyebrows suddenly stopped, as if he had discovered something, and said lightly: "It's such a heavy yin energy, it must be..." There is some powerful ghost nearby..."

As soon as these words were spoken, the monks showed off their magical weapons one after another and looked around with vigilance.

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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