Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2250 The leather armor is hard

Chapter 2250 The leather armor is hard
"Wu Jiuyin, don't bully others too much. I'm warning you. Our Holy Lord was very angry about what you did in Tongnan Continent last time. We let you go last time. Don't push yourself too far. If you still dare to cheat with us, If you are the enemy of the Water Spirit Sect, the Holy Lord will find you sooner or later and kill your whole family!" One of them threatened a black shaman monk.

"Are you threatening me?" I looked at him with a smile.

"You can think whatever you want. If you let us go today, we can give you a few nice words in front of the Holy Lord." The black shaman monk said again.

Let me go, these two guys really treat me like a fool, no one would believe their deceptive words.

At that moment, I sneered and said: "Did you two get kicked in the head by a donkey? First of all, the last time Nacharupeng didn't let me off the hook, but was defeated by Wanfen, the number one master in Ouchi, and fled in embarrassment. ; Secondly, you two are nothing more than two dogs in front of Chalupeng. How could he take you two in his eyes? What you say is useless; Thirdly, Mr. Chalupeng No matter how you come, I will be waiting for you in Yan Kingdom at any time. If he dares to come, I will make sure they never come back."

After a pause, I then said: "Okay, I've finished my words, now it's time for you to die!"

As I spoke, I plunged my sword straight in, and instantly reached the side of the two black shaman monks in red robes. The two guys knew they couldn't run away, so they had no choice but to take out the magic weapon and fight with me.

These two people could have posed a considerable threat to me a few months ago, but now, I won’t say anything.

After three or five rounds, these two guys were beaten so hard by me that they had no power to parry. They cast Gu generals on me, but I quickly dodged them with the Eight Steps of Mystery.

After two more moves, I swung my sword over and cut off one of them's arm.

The two guys were completely frightened by me. They were in a panic. After using a few more moves, I chopped off their heads one after another. I took the two bloody heads and returned to the place where they were. I threw them away. Among the corpses.

Basically, everyone's heads below the archway were lost, except for the dozen or so holy envoys who came out of the main helm, and Hong Lie, the helmsman of the Huibei sub-rudder.

When I turned back, I thought that these dozens of Holy Envoys would be almost wiped out. However, things were not what I thought. They were even more tenacious than I thought.

I took a few steps forward and rushed towards the dozen holy envoys with the sword soul in hand. I looked at Bai Zhan not far away and said, "Why are you so slow?"

"Brother Xiao Jiu, the leather armor on their bodies is extremely hard and harder to beat than the golden armored corpses. You will know after you try it yourself." Bai Zhan said very depressedly.At the beginning, I noticed the leather armor worn by these bald heads. I thought to myself, how old are these people? There are still people wearing such things. But I didn’t expect that the leather armor they wore would be so indestructible. If it were ordinary leather, Armor and protective gear are nothing to us people. Even if they are made of pure steel, the magic weapon in our hands can pierce it with a sword.

Each of us has a magic weapon, which one is not a supreme magic weapon, cutting iron like clay.

Thinking of this, I quickly joined the battle group and found a person to fight with a few moves. Each of these holy envoys from the general helm is very strong, and they are stronger together, but if I fight alone, If so, they cannot be my opponents.

These holy envoys were trained into killing machines by the chief helmsman of Guiyong Dao. Each of them is equivalent to a master of the level of Elder Suzaku, and is basically equivalent to an elder from Qingshan. If there are many people, it is not difficult to defeat Qingshan. Son.

I went through seven or eight moves in a row at the moment in front of me, and finally found an opportunity. I struck him with a sword, which landed on his leather armor. The sword passed by, and the place where I started was extremely soft. The soul of the sword Such a magic weapon couldn't break through his leather armor, and it was even knocked back.

If there really is some skill, this leather armor must have been refined.

The guy in front of me also relies on his leather armor to be invulnerable. He only attacks but not defends, and his moves are extremely fierce. The wind-splitting sword in his hand is terrifying and whirring, and he attacks me with one move after another.

I thought to myself that this was not the way to go, I had to find a way to break through the leather armor he was wearing.

Thinking of this, I suddenly had an idea. I quickly put away the sword soul and rushed forward to fight with the holy envoy. This time, I used the move of Yinrou Palm and found an opportunity. It was patted on the body of the holy envoy.

This time, it finally worked. Although the sword couldn't split it, the feminine palm had the momentum of beating an ox across a mountain, and it could instantly expand my palm power several times.

As soon as the palm passed by, the special envoy let out a muffled grunt, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and flew back quickly.

Before he could hit the ground, I swung behind him in eight steps, and the sword spirit flew out and struck him on the neck.

A naked head rolled to the ground, and blood sprayed all over the ground.

Yes, the whole body is covered with armor, and the head is the weakest link.

When those special envoys saw that I had killed one of their companions, they immediately became angry. Three more people soon separated and came to kill me. They used the same wind-splitting sword and the same moves. They seemed to have copied them. Like other robots, although it is powerful, it still lacks something, that is, the actual combat experience of fighting with people, and its brain is definitely not as flexible as mine.

Seeing the three of them rushing towards me, I immediately used the shocking fire dragon move in the Xuantian Sword Art. A ball of purple flames spit out and immediately formed the shape of a leaping dragon, wrapping around the three of them. And go.

The fire dragon would never give up until it hit its target. Two of them hid quickly, and one of them was quickly hit by the fire dragon. Purple flames rose up from his body, and he let out a tragic wailing sound, which lasted only a moment. , the man was burned to death. Interestingly, after the man was burned to death, the armor was still intact.

It seems that they are not without flaws, at least they are afraid of fire, and some parts are still exposed.

At the moment, I saw the two people continuing to charge towards me. While parrying, I once again activated the Wood-Controlling Qinggang Technique and used it towards the holy envoys. Although the wild grass and vines did not have much effect. , but it can make their actions much slower.

In a battle between masters, a tenth of a second can determine life or death. A slower speed can definitely speed up the time for these people to rush to hell.

Sure enough, while I was fighting with these two people, the Thousand-Year Gu quickly got into the head of a holy envoy...

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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