Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2259 Unsolved Mysteries

Chapter 2259 Unsolved Mysteries
Just now he had a chance to kill us all. He directed and acted in a play. This play was for us to win our trust. When we saw him being chased by those from Gui Yongdao, In that scene, and the way he pretended to be seriously injured, I had no doubts about Master Longchuan, thinking that he was really at the end of his rope, fighting stubbornly against those on Guiyong Road, and would rather die than surrender.

His purpose in directing this play is to make us people relax our guard, so that he can take the opportunity to kill us all.

We were really just a little bit away from being wiped out. If Lao Li hadn't had a suspicion about him, I would have been the first person to have his head chopped off.

This time, once again, I changed a lot of my views on Master Long Chuan. He is so scheming that I feel that he will soon surpass Yuan Chaochen. He is sinister, vicious, unsentimental, ruthless, and cruel to the point of being outrageous.

He is not only able to kill fellow disciples he has lived with for decades, but also to kill apprentices he has taught for decades. He can also kill innocent old people and children. Such a cruel thing is to bully his master and destroy his ancestors. things.

Where did the real Longchuan who always had a smile on his face go?Every time I come here, as long as I meet him, he always cares for me and asks me for my welfare. Although that kind of greeting has a hint of hypocrisy, I can accept it calmly, but I can't accept it no matter what. This person is as vicious as a devil in front of me. Ordinary Longchuan Zhenren.

In fact, from the very beginning, I realized that something was not right about this Mr. Longchuan. From the first moment I saw him, I felt that I could not get close to him. I have never understood why I was so attracted to Longchuan. A real person would feel this way. Now I finally understand. It turns out that Longchuan Zhenren has been acting all the time. He keeps a false smile to everyone. He lives a very depressed life. From the moment he entered Qingshan, he has always been acting. Living a hypocritical life.

Today, he revealed his true nature, and the emotions he had suppressed for decades finally broke out today. He showed his cruel minions, stretched out his hands, and plunged Qingshan into a bloody storm. .

Today, I am going to take action and kill this devil myself.

The sword in my hand was lifted up by me again, and it buzzed for a while, its runes flashed, and purple light flashed.

Master Longchuan also raised the sword in his hand. A bit of cold air spread from the sword, and it actually made a buzzing sound.

The cultivation level of Master Longchuan in front of me is very good. He is not as weak as I thought. This action shows that in addition to Qingshan's cultivation method, he must have also practiced some of Peng Zhenyang's methods. If he doesn't give After all the sweetness of Mr. Longchuan, I think he is not willing to tolerate it in Qingshan for decades.

"Wu Jiuyin, actually I should have killed you a long time ago. I should have taken your life in the cemetery at the foot of Qingshan Mountain, but I was too careless. I didn't expect you to reach this point today. , became a huge stumbling block for us on the road to return to bravery. At that time, it was easy for Pindao to kill you. He was just worried that Qingshan and the special team would pursue you, so he didn't kill you. Now that I think about it, it would be a bit more than the gain. You should be killed..." Master Longchuan said gloomily.

His words shocked me all over, and my thoughts flew back to several years ago. At that time, not long after Xiao Mengmeng had just used the flower essence of the other shore to recast the Dharmakaya. According to the instructions of Master Long Yao, I took Xiao Mengmeng to a place not far from Qingshan. Practicing in a cemetery allows Xiao Mengmeng to swallow the Yin Qi in the cemetery. This can not only increase Taoism, but also have a great stabilizing effect on Xiao Mengmeng's recent recasting.

At that time, in that cemetery, Xiao Mengmeng and I met two mysterious men in black. They set up a cauldron to devour the souls of the lonely ghosts around the cemetery. Until now, I still I don't know what that tripod is.

At that time, Xiao Mengmeng and I had a big fight, but the two people suddenly ran away without knowing why.

I had almost forgotten about this matter, but when Master Longchuan mentioned it today, I realized that the two men in black were Master Longchuan and another person.

"Were you the one in that cemetery back then?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's me. I failed to kill you back then, and now my intestines are turning green with regret. Today I have to spend so much effort to kill you, but it's almost the same now. You will still die in my hands. "Master Longchuan chuckled.

I said who has the guts to do these crooked tricks at the foot of Qingshan? It turns out that the people who are doing these tricks are people from Qingshan.

I really never thought of it.

Today, Master Longchuan also helped me solve an unsolved mystery.

We were both almost ready. The sword spirit in my hand flashed and I rushed straight towards the real person Longchuan.

At first, I just made tentative moves to test how high the cultivation level of Master Longchuan was, so I just used some ordinary methods. This sword technique was also learned from Qingshan Hunyuan Bagua Fist. It can also be called Qingshan Hunyuan Bagua Sword. Our two swords collided together, making a clanging sound. This sword technique is not very mysterious, but it is the most basic sword technique of Qingshan, and it is also a sword technique that has lasted for thousands of years. , but once mastered, it can be used both offensively and defensively, and it is also extremely lethal.

The sword technique I used was also used by Master Longchuan. Regarding this sword technique, Master Longchuan was much more familiar with it than I was. After all, he was someone who had practiced on Qingshan Mountain for decades. On my side, he used this sword technique much more calmly than me, and he also had many unique insights. However, while fighting, I found that his cultivation was not stronger than mine. After all, I had also devoured the cultivation of so many masters. for.

After feeling the level of his cultivation, I suddenly changed my sword moves and directly used the Xuantian Sword Technique, launching a violent storm of attacks towards the real person Longchuan.

At the same time, I also activated the power of the essence of vegetation, causing the weeds and vines on the ground to grow quickly and wrap around Master Longchuan.

All kinds of methods were used, and Master Longchuan suddenly felt tremendous pressure. He was pushed back step by step by my sharp sword attack. The weeds and vines growing out of him on the ground also made him miserable.

After using the Xuantian Sword Technique to fight him for more than a dozen moves, I used a finishing move to hit Master Longchuan in the chest.

Master Longchuan had no way to hide, and the vines under his feet were entangled again, so he had to block the magic weapon on his chest. The purple beam of light hit his sword, and both the man and the sword flew out. .

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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