Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2268 send them on the road

Chapter 2268 send them on the road

One of the reasons why I didn't let Zhou Yiyang go over and attack those people immediately was also because of my father. I wanted to see if he knew how to practice.

If he is really a practitioner, that would be amazing. I have been with the old man day and night for so many years, but I didn’t notice it at all. Maybe it’s because I didn’t observe carefully. Furthermore, since I started practicing, I have been at home. The time I spent there was very little, and I couldn’t go to Qingshan more than a few times a year. When I wasn’t practicing, I couldn’t tell that my dad was a practitioner.

Could it be that during the past few years in Qingshan, my father also worshiped a master and someone taught him how to practice?
While I was thinking about this matter, one of the people on Guiyong Road soon stood up and said in a deep voice: "Master Long Yao, the general trend is that Qingshan will soon be destroyed. I admire your As a human being, I don’t want to kill you, so you should put down your magic weapon and surrender quickly. As long as you submit to our Guiyong Dao, I promise to spare your life."

"Who are you? You are worthy of talking to a poor Taoist. How can I, my Qingshan Millennium Taoist Sect, die at your request? If you want me, a poor Taoist, to surrender, there is no way. Either you step over my body, or I will die." Kill you all. I only hate that little man from Longchuan. He actually colluded with Gui Yongdao and did such a thing to deceive his master and destroy his ancestors. He will become our Qingshan's eternal sinner. I can't wait to cut him to pieces with a thousand knives. Got it!" Master Long Yao said angrily.

The guy from Guiyong Dao who just spoke laughed and said: "Master Long Yao, to be honest, Master Longchuan has never been from Qingshan, but the disciple of my chief helmsman Peng Hufa of Guiyong Dao. He You are the one who led the art up the mountain. If you want to blame, I can only blame you, Qingshan, for coveting the cultivation foundation of Master Longchuan, so you led the wolf into the house. No one else is to blame. Now that you are about to die, I will be merciful and let you be a sensible person."

"What!? He...he is actually Peng Zhenyang's disciple?" Master Long Yao said in disbelief.

"It's true. Master Longchuan, since you are so ignorant of praise, then we have nothing to say. After killing you, we have to go back to deliver the report. The head of the elder Yifang must be a great achievement. "The man said again.

"Don't be arrogant. I have already notified my son Wu Jiuyin with the transmission talisman. At this moment, he has rushed to Qingshan. When my son comes, he will cut you all into pieces and chop them into pieces to feed the dogs. !" My dad said angrily.

The guy from Guiyong Road looked at my dad, laughed wildly, and said, "Wu Jiuyin? Where is he? Hahaha... I think Wu Jiuyin has been killed by Master Longchuan by now." Kill him? Wu Jiuyin didn’t know yet about Master Longchuan’s betrayal of Qingshan. As soon as Wu Jiuyin arrived at Qingshan, Master Longchuan came to deal with him personally. I heard that more than a dozen sniper rifles were prepared for Wu Jiuyin. , there are more than 20 special envoys of the Holy Religion. As soon as they step into the Cave Heaven Paradise of Qingshan, they will die. By the way... and Wu Jiuyin's brothers, if they can come over to save you, That’s the real hell haha..."

Hearing what this person said, my mother suddenly shouted in horror: "No... my son cannot die, I am only one son... you cannot kill him..."

Although my dad was also panicked for no reason, he was much calmer than my mom. He took my mom’s arm and comforted him: “Nine-fuck mother, don’t listen to these people’s nonsense. Our son has always been blessed with great fortune. He I know what he is capable of, but these people can't do anything to him, don't listen to their nonsense, my son is fine... he must be fine!"

My dad said this as if to comfort my mother, but also to comfort himself.

Over the years, I have known my dad’s temperament. In fact, he was so worried about me right now that his face changed. Seeing them like this, I felt sad in my heart. They are so old, but they still worry about me. Worrying about things and working hard, enduring such pain.

Seeing my parents behaving like this, the guy from Guiyong Road seemed particularly happy. Suddenly his face turned cold, and he waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's send them on their way!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the bald envoys and the black shaman monks rushed towards my father and Master Long Yao.

My dad slashed his sword forward, and a burst of sword energy struck out. Then I saw him take out a few yellow paper charms from his body, and quickly put them on the foreheads of the corpses around him. He went up, and then recited a few mantras. The corpses that he had attached with yellow paper charms suddenly ejected, and all of them turned into red-haired zombies. With a roar, they stood next to my mother. Protected her.

Seeing this scene, I was shocked and stunned, my God!My dad really knows how to practice. He was able to control four red-haired zombies with yellow paper talismans. This level of practice almost surpasses that of my grandfather.

My dad is the master who hides his secrets. Why didn’t I notice it before?
Moreover, my father used the cultivation method of our old Wu family - the technique of controlling corpses. Where did he learn this method?

After picking up the corpses of the four red-haired zombies, he protected my mother. Then my father took a sword and killed several black wizard monks. The sword technique was the most common Qingshan Hunyuan. The Bagua Sword has sharp moves and is actually more skillful than I am in using it.

Not only was I stunned, but Zhou Yiyang was also frightened by my father's sudden move. He opened his mouth wide and said in disbelief: "Oh my God, uncle actually knows how to practice. I have met him several times before. How come he can't I haven’t discovered it yet, and he’s still a master!”

As soon as those people rushed up to fight, the first person to meet them was the ghost slave raised by Master Long Yao. The long knife in his hand slashed left and right, very fiercely.

Master Long Yao suddenly recited a spell loudly and said: "The next time I write the magic talisman, hundreds of ghosts will come to the door. It is obvious that they are there, but they are not there, and they will appear quickly. The Supreme Lord is as anxious as the law!"

The sound of the incantation was fast and urgent, and it was finished in less than a second. Immediately afterwards, I saw the real Long Yao pinch a magic talisman, and from a certain place on his body suddenly emitted a series of black air, towards Looking at the people around Gui Yongdao and the Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect, several black witch monks were hit by the trick on the spot, covered by the black energy, lying on the ground, rolling and screaming.

Seeing that the time was almost up, I quickly took out the Qingshan Emperor Bell, shook it slightly, and silently recited the incantation. The corpses around my father all ejected in an instant, and all the corpses turned into green-haired zombies, heading towards Those guys who were besieging my father and Master Long Yao jumped on me.

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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