Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2273 The sedan chair of the white lotus

Chapter 2273 The sedan chair of the white lotus
It’s just that we didn’t see anyone along the way, let alone anyone from Guiyong Road, not even anyone from Qingshan.

This situation is a bit strange, making Zhou Yiyang and I a little uneasy.

After walking some distance further, I used the method of listening to ants at a hundred steps and began to observe the movements around me. I soon captured some information. Not very far away, I heard the sound of someone fighting and fighting. , and quickly told Zhou Yiyang about this matter.

Next, we quietly walked quickly towards the direction of the fight, our steps were as silent as civet cats.

After about five or six minutes, we climbed up the hillside on one side. This place was already very close to the Yin and Yang Realm.

After climbing up the hillside, the two of us hid our heads in the wild grass, looked down secretly, and soon saw a big scene.

In a large mountain valley less than 100 meters away from the Yin and Yang Realm, there were about 400 people on the Qingshan side, and [-] people on the Guiyong Road and Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect, making it a large, dark area.

Moreover, there was a fierce battle here just now. There were at least more than 200 corpses lying on the ground. Most of them were people from Guiyong Dao, and there were dozens of bald holy envoys. However, almost everyone on Qingshan's side also fell. There were 80 people there, there was blood everywhere on the ground, and the situation was very tragic.

Among the group of people in Qingshan, I saw Master Qingshan's head teacher Longhua, the deacon elder Longshan, and other elders who were not familiar with them. Some unfamiliar old Taoists, these old Taoists should be very old, the Taoist robes they wear are also tattered, and their hair is messy. Some old Taoists directly have a wooden stick on the top of their heads. It feels like a bunch of beggars.

I have been to Qingshan many times, and I have never seen these old Taoists, not even once. The ones I have the most contact with and often see are just those elders, but it is worth mentioning that these old Taoists look very different in their dress. It's a mess, but the cultivation level is definitely top-notch. Some of the older ones are probably over a hundred years old. There are at least thirty or fifty old Taoist priests like this, and I don't know where they all came from. of.

This group of people in Qingshan should be the most powerful force in Qingshan. At this moment, they all gathered in the Yin and Yang Realm, blocking the way of Gui Yongdao and these people.

Among the people like Qingshan, the youngest one must be a master of the Tao generation, that is, the disciple of Master Long Hua.

And I learned from Master Long Yao before that the seniority of Qingshan from junior to senior is Song, Yun, Dao, Long, Chen, Qing, Xuan... But it is not completely absolute, among the various Dao sects , if some Taoist priests don’t like their Taoist names, they can change them themselves. This is all done at will. Even if the master knows about it, he will not be angry. A Taoist priest can also have two Taoist names at the same time. This is among the Taoist sects. Not unusual.

Tao follows nature, and you can do whatever you want. This is the true meaning of Taoism.

Qingshan's strength is quite impressive, and neither Dancheng Mountain nor Xuanshan can compare with Qingshan's strength.

Just the old Taoists wearing tattered Taoist robes standing behind Master Long Hua, every one of them can stand alone.

I think their level should be higher than the Seven Elders of the Criminal Court in Dancheng Mountain.

However, although the strength on Qingshan's side is strong, the strength on Gui Yongdao's side is even more frightening.

The leader was none other than the old man Peng Zhenyang who had made a big fuss at Xue Xiaoqi's wedding. Behind Peng Zhenyang stood at least a hundred bald emissaries wearing leather armor, and behind those bald emissaries there were There are at least fifty or sixty red-robed black witch monks from the Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect. These red-robed black witch monks are considered to be the top power in the Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect.

The more than 100 people standing at the back should be the helmsmen of Gui Yongdao's various branches in Yanguo. They are all very powerful and their strength cannot be underestimated.

It is worth mentioning that there is a sedan in the middle of the group of people on Guiyong Road. There are only four people carrying the sedan. These four people are wearing ghost masks. The masks look very strange, especially the corners of the mouth. With a slight upturned arc, it seemed to be sarcastic and ridiculing.

And the sedan chair was all in the shape of Lin Lin, as white as snow.

This sedan is particularly eye-catching when it appears among the crowd, and it can attract our attention immediately.

The four ghost-faced masks carrying the sedan stood there motionless. They really didn't move at all. I observed them for a while, and they didn't even blink their eyelids. They didn't feel like living people.

Seeing the strength on Guiyong Dao's side, he was determined to destroy Qingshan.

At this moment, there was no reason why both sides suddenly stopped.

Seeing this, Zhou Yiyang suddenly patted my shoulder lightly, and we both retracted our heads. Zhou Yiyang said to me in a very low voice: "Brother Xiaojiu... That sedan in the middle of Guiyong Road is What's going on? It looks a little weird. Who do you think might be sitting there?"

Zhou Yiyang's words made my heart sink and I jumped twice. Just as I was about to say something, Zhou Yiyang immediately said, "Do you think it's another protector of Guiyong Dao, the one named Huang?"

I shook my head and said, "It doesn't look like it. The left and right guardians should have the same status. If the guardian Huang made the sedan, why didn't Peng Zhenyang make the sedan? This level is too high."

Zhou Yiyang trembled all over and said in surprise: "Could it be... Could it be that Bai Maitreya has left seclusion..."

When Zhou Yang said these words, I quickly covered his mouth, suppressed his voice and said softly: "You speak softer, Bai Maitreya was reincarnated in the 19th life. Freak, his cultivation level cannot be judged by common sense at all. Maybe this little movement can be heard by him, but I think it is probably Bai Maitreya. Do you still remember when we killed Elder Qinglong? Elder Qinglong said that Bai Maitreya will be released from seclusion soon. It has been a long time, and I think it is almost time for Bai Maitreya to come out..."

Zhou Yiyang's face changed drastically, and his voice was trembling as he said: "Brother Xiaojiu...then why should we fight? Bai Maitreya has come out, aren't we going to die if we go out? Hurry up and inform them to evacuate, we will go there too It’s just a drop in the bucket, it’s of no use at all…”

"Don't worry...just wait and see. Maybe there will be a turn for the better. The Earth Immortal from Qingshan hasn't appeared yet. Let's hide here and maybe we can make a sneak attack." I said.

(End of this chapter)

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