Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2284 Lack of a car

Chapter 2284 Missing a car

The huge figure of the golden unicorn swayed, and its aura suddenly reached its peak. At this time, the huge ice man was not far away from the golden unicorn, about ten meters away.

At this time, Dan saw the golden unicorn suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed out a jet of water towards the ice man, which happened to fall on the huge ice man. He didn't know how the golden unicorn could have so much water in his belly. water.

After the ice man was hit by the water sprayed from Jin Qilin's mouth, it instantly condensed into ice, freezing the golden Qilin in place. The ice man seemed to be possessed by the soul, shaking his huge body, but unable to move. Every cent.

At this time, Peng Zhenyang, unaware of Ming Li, directly commanded the rest of the ice men to swarm towards Jin Qilin.

Jin Qilin became angry and jumped on the spot a few times. When he saw the other icemen were about to rush forward, the golden Qilin suddenly opened his mouth and let out a deafening roar.

This behemoth roared without any warning, which made me, who was standing not far from it, confused. I almost fell to the ground. My body suddenly swayed and I staggered back a few steps. I felt my head buzzing. There was a buzzing sound, and his eyes began to become distracted.

When my vision gradually became clearer, I realized that the dozen ice men running towards us had been shaken to pieces by the loud roar and shattered into pieces of ice on the ground.

The cow... is too strong, Jin Qilin let out a roar, and even smashed those huge ice men to pieces.

However, this move performed by Jin Qilin slightly affected Chiyu. If an ordinary person was standing next to it at this moment, his meridians would probably be severed by the roar of the Qilin, and his seven orifices would bleed.

Even with my level of cultivation, I was shocked to the point where my blood boiled, I felt dizzy, and my steps were unsteady.

Some disciples with low cultivation levels on the Qingshan side were so frightened that they fell to the ground.

On the other hand, the helmsman at the helm on the other side of Guiyong Road was also shocked to the point where his mouth and nose bled, and he fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

It is indeed a ferocious beast that has been subdued by the three ancestors for thousands of years, and it is also the golden unicorn, the sacred beast of Qingshan. This outrage is so powerful that it is impossible not to accept it.

At this time, Bai Zhan was so frightened that his legs and feet were weak. He almost trembled and moved towards me. He said with a sad face: "Xiao...Brother Xiaojiu...What kind of monster is this? It's too scary..."

"Don't be afraid, my dear, this is Qingshan's sacred beast, the golden unicorn. I'm done with this. Once this golden unicorn comes, we have another good helper." I told Bai Zhan.

Bai Zhan looked the golden unicorn up and down, swallowed hard, his eyes were filled with awe.

At this time, Peng Zhenyang, who was standing not far away, was stunned. He condensed the running water veins into more than a dozen ice men. He wanted to go crazy, but was destroyed by Jin Qilin with a roar. .

Peng Zhenyang was also quite miserable. It was estimated that the water he drew out was the water from the mountaintop lake where Jin Qilin lived. So much water was pumped out of the lake, which immediately woke up Jin Qilin.

Jin Qilin must have been sleeping soundly at that time. After being woken up, he must not be happy. He thought to himself, who is this stupid guy? He dares to touch Tai Sui's head and suck my water. He is really tired of living. No, we can come out. Look, then the golden unicorn comes.

The appearance of this divine beast shocked the entire audience. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Jin Qilin.

Even the Earth Immortal who was fighting with Bai Maitreya quickly turned back and walked toward Jin Qilin in fear. The purple-haired zombies he controlled that had not been killed by Bai Maitreya also stood frozen on the spot. ,like a statue.

"Qingshan Xuanxu is sincerely frightened for disturbing the peaceful sleep of the Holy Lord. Please calm down the Holy Lord." The Earth Immortal cupped his hands, lowered his head, and said in awe.

The golden unicorn glanced at the Earth Immortal with its big amber eyes, and nodded slightly. The coquettish and cute look towards me just now was gone. Instead, it gained a great majesty, spreading around. Come.

Then, Jin Qilin opened his legs, shook his golden scales, and walked slowly towards Bai Maitreya's sedan. Every time Jin Qilin took a step forward, those on Gui Yong Road took a step back. .

In front of such a huge and ferocious beast that exudes great majesty, it seems that no one can muster any courage.

But there was no movement on Bai Maitreya's side, and the four ghost-faced masked men carrying the sedan were not affected at all. They still stood there peacefully, motionless, as if they were four sculptures.

When Jin Qilin was still more than 20 meters away from the sedan, Jin Qilin seemed to feel a great fear, which spread from the direction of the sedan. He suddenly trembled with fright, crawled with all his limbs, and moved towards the sedan. A huge roar came from the direction.

This time, everyone was prepared. They quickly covered their ears and opened their mouths wide to avoid being hurt by the terrifying sound, but they still felt that the blood in their bodies was boiling again.

With a roar from the golden unicorn, a hurricane swept towards Bai Maitreya's sedan.

The sedan was constantly shaking and the curtains were flying. I tried to see clearly who was sitting in the sedan, but I couldn't see it at all.

"This beast is quite interesting. Back then, I heard Mao Laosan mention that there was an ancient divine beast, the golden unicorn, living in a mountaintop lake above the Qingshan Mountains. It was captured by the three ancestors of Qingshan together. I'm very stubborn. When I saw it today, it was indeed extraordinary, so... I happen to be missing a carriage, so let this golden unicorn belong to me... Jiejie..." Bai Maitreya's sinister laughter came from the other side of the sedan.

This guy is so arrogant and wants to subdue the golden unicorn and make it his car. This ferocious beast is the sacred beast of Qingshan. It has lived in the lake on the top of the mountain for at least a thousand years. Qingshan has been obsessed with this golden unicorn for generations. He was very respectful and treated him like a god, but Bai Maitreya talked about the golden unicorn in an understatement, as if the golden unicorn was just a house cat, and he took it in like a bag.

A spiritual beast like Jin Qilin should be able to understand human language. Hearing Bai Maitreya's rebellious words, Jin Qilin suddenly became angry, and then roared again, opened his mouth, and pointed towards Bai Maitreya's sedan chair. A huge jet of water spurted out in the direction.

At this time, the sedan curtain opened, and the white arm came out again, and he pinched a magic spell. Before the water column with terrifying impact fell on his sedan, the water column suddenly fell elsewhere. , a big hole was dug out of the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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