Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2291 Chapter 2293 The flying dragon is in the sky!

Chapter 2291 Chapter 2293 The flying dragon is in the sky!

I pondered for a moment, and soon came up with another idea. I had the Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Po in my hand, and I also knew the Heart Destroying Palm and the Yin Rou Palm.

After a while, I used the power of Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Break to activate Yinrou Palm and Heart Destroying Palm at the same time. Invisibly, my cultivation level increased several times. This is probably the most effective method for me at the moment. .

Thinking of this, I moved my hands in succession, bringing the Yinrou Palm to its fullest. At the same time, I also used the Heart-Destroying Palm, which almost activated all the thunder energy contained in my body, all converging into my two palms. Above, I clearly saw powerful thunder floating between the palms of my hands, and small currents rolling back and forth. When everything was ready, I was like a cannonball in the chamber. , Muzong followed two quick steps, and arrived at the side of Bai Maitreya. The Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Po was also activated by me, and with a "whoosh" sound, I slapped Bai Maitreya with both palms. , as soon as these palms came out, there was a faint sound of wind and thunder, and they fell suddenly.

There was a powerful sonic boom in the air, and it hit the Gang Qi barrier that condensed again from Bai Maitreya's body.

With this palm strike, the Gang Qi barrier surrounding Bai Maitreya flashed slightly and immediately collapsed. However, Bai Maitreya suddenly burst out with a powerful force and suddenly hit me. I couldn't stand it at all. Unable to dodge, he was hit hard by the aura emanating from Bai Maitreya's body, and his body was blown away more than ten meters away.

When I landed on the ground, I felt a tightness in my chest and a sweetness in my throat, and I almost spit out a mouthful of old blood when I was hit by that breath.

When he got up again, Bai Maitreya still stood there, motionless. Even though I broke his Gang Qi barrier just now, he still didn't move. He didn't even stick out a little finger, just relying on his The solid Qi field on my body knocked me out.

"Yes...this move is a bit interesting. It seems that I underestimated you just now. If you have any more powerful methods, just use them. You have one last chance, and it's my turn to take action." Bai Maitreya smiled cruelly.

I didn't say a word, just looked at him coldly.

It's a last resort.

If I can't hurt him with this move, then Bai Maitreya's killer move will be waiting for me. At the same time, what I think of is that even if I really hurt Bai Maitreya, I don't think he will let me go so easily. .

In any case, this move is a decisive move. Taking advantage of Bai Miroku's mood to play with me at this moment, I will give him a hard blow.

As soon as I gritted my teeth, I became ruthless.

In fact, I have been holding back a big move that I have never used, which is the last sword move of the Xuantian Sword Technique - Flying Dragon in the Sky.

As I have devoured the cultivation of so many masters, and not long ago I devoured nine golden-armored corpses in one breath. With all the power combined, I feel that I have the conditions to perform this last move.

Whether it works or not depends on this last move. Maybe this last move can not only hurt Bai Maitreya, but also seriously injure him.

Taking a deep breath again, I pinched a few spells, and exploded out all the resentment and innate spiritual energy sealed in the Dantian Qi Sea. Under the stimulation of that drop of essence and blood, these two extremely powerful forces All of a sudden it seemed that everything was detonated, and a thick black evil spirit suddenly filled my whole body. I don’t know if I used too much force this time. The moment this technique was activated, an image immediately appeared in my mind. After seeing the scene of the angry and wailing ghosts in the Wangchuan River, a violent emotion arose spontaneously, and there was only one word in my heart, that was kill!

His body was shaking involuntarily, and the scene in front of him was smeared with blood and a golden light.

The bloody color was probably caused by the infection of the demonic energy released by the resentment of the Wangchuan River. As for the golden light, it must be the innate aura that I devoured from the burial place of ancestor Chen Ting in Xuanshan.

The two huge forces complemented each other and were ignited by me together. They were all turned into endless energy and injected into the sword soul. Then, I pinched several spells in succession, pointing the long sword in my hand. He looked up at the sky, recited a spell silently in his mouth, and then shouted loudly: "The flying dragon is in the sky!"

When I read out the last four words, Bai Maitreya, who had been standing not far away, extremely calm, actually showed a look of uneasiness and fear on his face.

I think he must not have thought that with my current level of cultivation, it would be impossible for me to activate the ninth sword style of the Xuantian Sword Technique.

But Bai Maitreya doesn't know another thing, that is, the sea of ​​​​Qi in my Dantian that I have been recast contains two huge forces sealed. Once released, my cultivation level will not increase several times. It's simple, it should be directly upgraded to a level.

Not only that, I also felt that the energy of the nine golden-armored corpses that I had previously swallowed with the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra also played a role at this moment. It was quickly absorbed by my body and all gathered in the sword in my hand. In the soul.

The sword pointed at the sky, the thunder rumbled, the dark clouds rolled, and the lightning crisscrossed.

The sword soul in his hand hummed loudly, and the purple light had never been as dazzling as it is now. The runes on the sword body flowed, forming the shape of a dragon, looming, and then, erupted from the sword soul. A purple light shot out, rising into the sky.

A dragon's roar shook the world.

When I looked up, a long purple dragon really appeared above my head, rolling in the black clouds. The light on its body was endless, and its aura that looked down on the world was enough to defy everything.

The long dragon with fangs and claws, pulled by the sword spirit in my hand, quickly swooped down from the sky and headed straight for Bai Maitreya.

Bai Maitreya also looked up at the long purple dragon in the sky. Apart from a hint of fear, his face also had an elusive meaning. I don't know what he was thinking, but he still stood there motionless, but The long purple dragon quickly pounced on him.

When I used the ninth form of Xuantian Sword Technique, Flying Dragon in the Sky, I was a little confused at that moment. I didn't even think that I could really perform this ninth sword form. It was really amazing. This worked.

But after using this sword style, I suddenly felt as if my body had been hollowed out. There was a sense of weakness in all my limbs. My body swayed a few times and I couldn't help but stagger back a few steps. Almost fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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