Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 243 The Realm of Supernatural

Chapter 243 The Realm of Supernatural

When Xue Xiaoqi and I saw a successful move, we high-fived excitedly to celebrate, not to mention our pride.

The Thousand-Armed Buddha, who had been shaking the cattail leaf fan, was stunned for a moment, and said in shock: "What a shameful means, but he actually used poison!"

Xue Xiaoqi and I each carried magical weapons and walked towards the Thousand-Handed Buddha. I said coldly: "You old guy, you still have the nerve to say that we are dirty, wouldn't it be even worse if you steal things? It’s really shameless.”

"You don't even have hair, you know nothing. I, the Thousand-Armed Buddha, am a thief, and I don't steal from everyone. Don't think that you can just yell at me with some tricks. Today Let you see what Buddha can do!"

After saying that, the Thousand-Hand Buddha threw away the cattail leaf fan in his hand, swayed, and ran towards Xue Xiaoqi and me.

Looking at an ordinary old man, his explosive power is so powerful that he is as fast as a gust of wind, whistling.

As soon as Xue Xiaoqi and I raised the magic weapons in our hands, the Thousand-Hand Buddha passed by us and stood five or six meters behind us, holding two small bottles in each hand. He kept looking at it in his hand and said with some curiosity: "Is this the thing that numbed my children just now? It's really powerful. This thing is good, so I'll keep it."

With that said, the Thousand-Armed Buddha put the two bottles of Ma Bo Spirit Transformation Bulk into his pocket and smiled proudly at us.

Xue Xiaoqi and I looked at each other and were both stunned on the spot, and couldn't help but gasp.

Oh my god, he is really the legendary Thousand-Armed Buddha. He struck so quickly. Neither Xue Xiaoqi nor I felt that anything was missing from our bodies. He just waved it in front of us and everything on our bodies was gone. Me and No one in Xue Xiaoqi saw how he moved his hands just now, which was incredible.

His methods made me, Xue Xiaoqi, break into a cold sweat. If he had held two knives in his hands just now, wouldn't my and Xue Xiaoqi's lives have been long gone by now?

"Hey, you two boys, do you have any antidote on your body? My children have been paralyzed. How long will it take for them to recover?"

Before Xue Xiaoqi and I could recover, the Thousand-Hand Buddha asked again.

Xue Xiaoqi and I didn't know what to say. At this time, the Thousand-Armed Buddha said again: "Okay, you won't tell me if I ask you, so I can only get the antidote myself."

As he said that, Thousand-Armed Buddha swayed again, strode like a phantom, and ran towards me and Xue Xiaoqi.

This time, Xue Xiaoqi and I were on our guard, we dispersed and killed the Thousand-Handed Buddha.

However, the Thousand-Hand Buddha's hands were too bright, and his body was as soft as a snake. He was surrounded by me and Xue Xiaoqi, and his body kept twisting, avoiding the magic weapons of me and Xue Xiaoqi, and then With a flicker of his body, he once again moved to the other side of us. This time, there was another small bottle in the hand of the Thousand-Hand Buddha. It was the antidote that Xue Xiaoqi had just carried.

When Xue Xiaoqi saw what the Thousand-Hand Buddha was holding, he was immediately dumbfounded. He groped up and down for a while, and found that the thing he was holding was indeed his own. Xue Xiaoqi and I were shocked for a while. stunned.

This is also a state, a state of perfection, which allowed Xue Xiaoqi and I to thoroughly see what it means to have people outside the world and heaven outside the world. This is definitely it!

It is really full of wonders in the world.

He stole things so blatantly from Xue Xiaoqi and I, and neither of us noticed anything. No wonder we didn't feel that our things were missing at the bus station. Even now he is standing in front of us, looking out from us. We can't feel anything being stolen from us. This is definitely a humiliation for Xue Xiaoqi and me.

At that moment, my eyes narrowed and the corners of my mouth twitched slightly. Xue Xiaoqi immediately darkened her face and touched her waist.

I quickly activate my spiritual power and circulate it throughout my body through the eight extraordinary meridians. I gaze at the Thousand-Handed Buddha with all my eyes. When my spiritual power is activated with all my strength and spreads throughout my body, this allows me to improve my speed and agility. The absolute level has been greatly improved. This is the benefit of being a practitioner.

This Thousand-Armed Buddha is definitely a very difficult character, and Xue Xiaoqi and I had to be extremely energetic to come out.

Xue Xiaoqi was the first to attack. He pulled out several silver needles from his waist and threw them towards the Thousand-Hand Buddha. The direction in which the silver needles flew was to several key points on the Thousand-Hand Buddha's body. No matter where he was hit, Thousand-Armed Buddha probably wouldn't be able to move.

At the same time, I also ran towards the Thousand-handed Buddha, and the three points turned into a line. The so-called three points were my eyes, the copper coin sword in my hand, and the thigh root of the Thousand-handed Buddha. At this moment, all my spiritual power burst out, so fast that I couldn't believe it.

This time, the Thousand-Hand Buddha was in a hurry. While avoiding the silver needles that kept coming from Xue Xiaoqi, he also had to be prepared for my fatal sword.

His body was constantly dancing, like a swimming snake, and he seemed to be able to shrink his bones. With a "click-click" sound in his joints, his original body suddenly shrank by half. Xue Xiaoqi's The silver needles all hit the empty places.

But my sword was very cruel. The Thousand-Hand Buddha did not completely dodge, and the copper coin sword made a cut on the side of his thigh. The Thousand-Hand Buddha let out a muffled groan, and in a flash, he jumped to the roof, and then In another flash, he fell behind me and ran towards Xue Xiaoqi.

At this time, we completely angered the Thousand-Hand Buddha, and he began to use his killing moves. This old guy's hands were as fast as meteors, and he attacked Xue Xiaoqi fiercely. He didn't know what he was holding in his hand. Xue Xiaoqi had several small cuts on his body, and blood immediately seeped out.

Xue Xiaoqi's movements were not as fast as the Thousand-Hand Buddha, so he could only be restrained by it. When I saw it, I immediately scratched my head. I immediately used my hand skills and threw the copper coin sword away. The copper coin sword flashed red again. The light rose into the sky, made a slight buzzing sound, and stabbed towards the back of the Thousand-Armed Buddha.

The speed of the Copper Coin Sword was extremely fast, as if it felt a huge crisis. The Thousand-Handed Buddha finally gave up on Xue Xiaoqi and dodged to the side, but my Copper Coin Sword followed closely behind him. The hand technique changed again, and the copper coin sword immediately decomposed. With a "crash", it turned into dozens of copper coins and struck the Thousand-Armed Buddha all over his body.

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(End of this chapter)

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