Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 244 Cunning Rabbit 3 Cave

Chapter 244
As soon as the Beidou Copper Coin Sword Formation came out, its sharp edge was revealed, and it immediately turned into dozens of copper coins, which were scattered in different directions and struck towards the Thousand-Handed Buddha.

But the reason why the Thousand-Armed Buddha is called the unique thief relies most on his speed. He felt the huge sense of crisis brought to him by the Beidou Copper Coin Sword Formation. In an instant, his body swayed, and he used the clavicle technique again, and used his clavicle technique again. The body shrunk to half of its original size and hid towards a small tree nearby.

The dozens of copper coins immediately hit the tree where the Thousand-Handed Buddha was hiding, and with the sound of "ping, ping, ping, pong, pong", all the dozens of copper coins hit the trunk of the small tree immediately, Tree debris flew everywhere, turning the small tree into a hedgehog.

When the copper coins fell on the trees, I heard the Thousand-Handed Buddha groan at the same time. He immediately stepped out from behind the tree, reached behind his butt, and pulled off two or three coins. The bloody copper coins were thrown to the ground viciously, and he said angrily: "Good boy, you really have some skills. Lord Buddha is just joking with you, but you are so serious about killing me, Lord Buddha doesn't want to play with you anymore..." "

As he said that, the Thousand-Handed Buddha swayed and ran towards us again. I made a hand gesture again, causing the copper coins that were hit on the tree to condense together again, and re-formed the copper coin sword, towards us. He flew towards me, but before the copper coin sword could reach my hand, the Thousand-Handed Buddha was already close. With a shake of his hand, he threw out a large amount of things and hit me.

"Xiaojiu, be careful!" Xue Xiaoqi shouted and pushed me, but saw a dozen small blades flying past where I was standing, all of them stuck in the wall. They were all as thin as cicadas. The small blade of the wing is the kind of blade used for shaving. It is very sharp. When I realized it, the copper coin sword had already flown over, but the Thousand-Handed Buddha suddenly jumped up and jumped up. I held the copper coin sword tightly in my hand and ran into the house in a flash.

After he entered, he closed the door of the house tightly, locking Xue Xiaoqi and me out of the house.

He stole my corpse mirror and wanted to take away my copper coin sword. This was clearly the rhythm of fighting me to the end. How could I let him go?

Xue Xiaoqi and I got together, and we were a little confused. Why did the Thousand-Armed Buddha run into the house when he couldn't defeat us two brothers?
Could it be that he wants to be like a coward, thinking that we can't do anything to him by hiding in the house?

At this time, I turned my head and glanced at Xue Xiaoqi, and saw that his chest was covered in blood and was soaked in blood. I couldn't help but asked with some worry: "Brother Xiaoqi, are your injuries okay?"

Xue Xiaoqi then remembered to take a look at himself, took out a medicine bottle, sprinkled it on his chest, and then said to me: "It's okay, this Thousand-Handed Buddha didn't strike hard, it was just scratched by some small blades." , the wound is not deep.”

It seems that the Thousand-Handed Buddha is still merciful and did not kill, but I will not remember his kindness. He stole my corpse mirror and took my copper money sword and must return it to me. There is no discussion.

Looking at the two wooden doors in front of me, I took a deep breath, activated the spiritual power in my Dantian again, and slowly pushed a palm forward. This is the feminine palm passed down from our family's ancestors. It was perfect. With one palm strike, the door of the house made a loud "clang" sound and the cave door opened.

I wanted to duck in, but Xue Xiaoqi grabbed me, took out a small bottle, and sprinkled it into the room. I didn't know what kind of medicine it was, but it wasn't a good thing anyway. Xiaoqi thought carefully, fearing that there was an ambush in the house, so he used poisonous powder to clear the way, and then the two of us entered the house in a flash.

But after entering the house, Xue Xiaoqi and I were immediately dumbfounded. The house was empty, with no one around. Where had the Thousand-Armed Buddha gone?

Immediately, Xue Xiaoqi and I walked into the bedrooms on both sides and searched each other, but found no trace.

When Xue Xiaoqi and I gathered in the main room, we were all confused. It was really strange. A living person disappeared after entering the room and disappeared out of thin air?

We clearly saw Thousand-Armed Buddha entering this room, and in the blink of an eye, he disappeared.

Xue Xiaoqi looked around, and quickly said: "Even if the person entered the house, he must still be here. Let's go around early, and we will definitely find it."

Immediately, Xue Xiaoqi and I searched the house again, rummaging through boxes and cabinets, and made Thousand-Armed Buddha's residence look like a chicken coop.

"Xiaojiu, come here, I found the Thousand-Armed Buddha!"

Suddenly, Xue Xiaoqi from another bedroom shouted to me, and I immediately walked towards Xue Xiaoqi. I saw Xue Xiaoqi lifted up a mattress that he was wearing, and there was a folded mattress underneath. There is a dark hole under the flap, which leads to nowhere.

Just now, the Thousand-Hand Buddha must have escaped from here. I was thinking about my two magic weapons and was about to jump into this cave to find the Thousand-Hand Buddha. Xue Xiaoqi grabbed me again and took out a After opening the red medicine bottle, all of it was poured into the hole, and the lid was quickly closed again.

"What kind of medicine is this?" I asked curiously.

"It's similar to the effect of Ma Fei Hua Ling Powder, but it's more intense. After you inhale it, you won't be able to get up for a long time."

Xue Xiaoqi said, opened the lid again, took out the antidote, and the two of us smelled it respectively, and then I took the lead and jumped into the hole. A passage was dug in the hole, and there were lights in the passage. The path, which could only accommodate one person walking forward, ended only seven or eight meters away. There was an escalator climbing up not far away. Xue Xiaoqi squeezed in from behind me and took out the red powder again. He slapped open the lid of the escalator and threw the bottle of red powder up.

Then, Xue Xiaoqi and I climbed up from the hole.

After Xue Xiaoqi and I both came out, we discovered that the location we were in was actually behind Thousand-Armed Buddha's house, and a large trash can had been moved next to it.

It's really a good plan. This Thousand-Armed Buddha is really a cunning rabbit. Even the escape route has been set up long ago, just in case someone comes to the door one day. No wonder no one can catch this old guy.

"That person is there!" Xue Xiaoqi suddenly pointed towards the top of our heads.

(End of this chapter)

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