Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2498: Possessing a tyrannical spirit

Chapter 2498: Possessing a tyrannical spirit
"Brother Zhao, what you said is really embarrassing. A group of us came to Dahuang City and ran around like headless flies. As soon as we arrived in Dahuang City, we encountered people from Guiyong Road, and they also broke into A big disaster happened and we were chased by enemies from all sides. If we hadn't been taken in by Brother Zhao, we might have been besieged by those from Guiyong Road. How could we be standing here talking to Brother Zhao like we are now? ." My great-grandfather cupped his hands and said very sincerely.

"Hey... If you want to blame it, you can blame the old man for being incompetent. We were the first to arrive at the Great Deserted City for not being able to lead the relatives of the Yilao clan. Became the overlord of this great deserted city, oppressing our Yilao people all day long, the old man dare not speak out, but if there is any slight disobedience, they will massacre the residents of our Yilao people, even this fight cannot defeat them... ...Alas!" Zhao Tianyi looked helpless and patted his thigh regretfully.

"Brother Zhao, you don't have to blame yourself. Gui Yongdao has always been domineering and cruel, and there are many masters among the chief helmsmen. Peng Zhenyang is a first-rate master in the world. Bai Maitreya has returned to life again, a righteous man. It is normal for these heroes of the tribe to be defeated. Not to mention the Yi Lao tribe, it is even more difficult for the whole world to contend with the Gui Yong Dao at this time, and the outcome is unpredictable." Master Wuyazi said sincerely.

Everyone was talking, and then someone walked quickly into the hall, and said with some panting: "Grandpa... those people who belonged to the brave way have searched here for a long time, but they found nothing, so they will go He left the Yilao Clan and headed in the direction of the Bashe Clan."

Zhao Tianyi nodded and said: "Everyone in the room, please retreat. Remember, do not tell other people in the town about these guests from outside the city. Once this matter is leaked to Guiyong Road, In his ears, our entire Yilao clan will suffer disaster."

The descendants of the Zhao family nodded quickly and said, "Grandpa, don't worry, everyone in the family knows, and no one will tell anyone."

Mr. Zhao waved his hand, and the Zhao family quickly exited the house and closed the door.

Everyone sat down in the hall again.

My great-grandfather said politely again: "This time I really thank you, Brother Zhao, for taking us in at a critical moment. Not only that, but you are also under such great pressure. You are betting the lives of the entire Yilao clan. It is us!" I’m causing trouble for you.”

"What are you talking about? You are all benevolent and righteous people. You are here for the people of the world. You are the ones who are truly not afraid of life and death. What we Yi Lao people have done is nothing at all." Zhao Tianyi said righteously.

As they spoke, everyone no longer hid their figures, and took off the human skin masks on their faces, revealing their true colors, and also took off the layer of leather armor worn by Guiyong Dao people. down.

When Zhao Tianyi saw the true colors of our group, he was full of praise and said: "Just by looking at your faces, I can tell that you are the best in the world today. You have a good face, and you have the aura of elixir in your body."

After saying that, Zhao Tianyi looked at Wu Yazi, Master Huijue and others, and then said: "These are..."

Immediately, my great-grandfather introduced us one by one to Zhao Tianyi, including Wu Yazi, Master Wuwei, and Master Huijue.

When I heard the names of some of their seniors, especially Master Huijue, an eminent monk who has been reincarnated for seven generations, I immediately felt awe and looked at us differently.

"Oh... I'm really disrespectful and disrespectful... It turns out that several of you are the top experts in today's arena. I have offended you in the yard just now, please forgive me..." Zhao Tianyi said politely again.

Everyone returned the courtesy, and then my great-great-grandfather introduced several of our juniors. No matter which one of them had a good background, even Yue Qiang and Yi Yan were disciples of Chenshan, and Yue Qiang’s grandfather was the leader of the Xishan Sect. My grandchildren are all from famous families.

Everyone chatted for a while, and then got back to the topic again. Zhao Tianyi asked very carefully: "What are your plans for coming to Dahuang City this time? I know that you are all top-notch masters, but To compete with the power of Gui Yongdao at this time is like a mantis's arm, it is simply impossible. You must also know that after Bai Maitreya borrowed a corpse to resurrect his soul, his strength increased day by day. With eighteen generations of cultivation, he is simply a monster. Ordinary existences, it’s not that I underestimate you, even if you are put together, and all the power of our Yilao clan is merged, you will not be the opponent of Bai Maitreya." "Brother Zhao is absolutely right, those of us who know ourselves must be Yes, otherwise we wouldn’t have fled to Brother Zhao for refuge just after coming into contact with the people at the helm of Guiyong Dao. The purpose of our trip is very simple. We just came here to make a stop and get to know the leader of Guiyong Dao. The strength of Duo and whether Bai Maitreya is hiding here, and then inform the masters from the various sects outside to come and destroy Gui Yongdao together, but even so, the outcome is unpredictable." My great-grandfather said worriedly .

"Yes, a few years ago, Gui Yong was not as arrogant and domineering as he is now. Although he was much stronger than our Yi Lao tribe, once we Yi Lao tribe decided to fight to the death with them, we could also fight against Gui Yong Dao. The chief helm caused a big impact. When they came, they also competed with us for the dominance of this deserted city. Both sides suffered losses, but in the end we lost and surrendered to Guiyong Dao. In the past few decades, they had We Yi Lao people are still polite and everyone is in peace. However, in recent years, since Bai Maitreya came back to life through his corpse, the people of Gui Yong Dao have become more and more arrogant. Even a small envoy dares to do justice to us. The Lao clan is dictating. You have also heard what Lord Tang who came just now said, we can only be bullied by them now, that Bai Maitreya is really too cruel." Zhao Tianyi said again.

"Have Brother Zhao ever seen Bai Maitreya?" Master Wuwei suddenly asked.

Zhao Tianyi who asked this question was stunned for a while, and said after a while: "I'm not sure if I've seen it or not. The last time Bai Maitreya appeared, he was sitting in a sedan chair of the Qinglian sect. I don't know where he got it from." Four Maohou carried the sedan out of Dahuang City. They passed by our Yilao tribe. At that time, I went out to take a look. When I appeared, the Qinglian Sect's sedan curtain opened a gap, and there was a faint shadow. He saw the appearance of a bald young man, but he always felt that it was not real. He glanced at me and felt cold all over his body. He is also shuddering when he thinks about it now. This person's cultivation level is simply immeasurable."

(End of this chapter)

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