Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2499 United Front

Chapter 2499 United Front
From this point of view, the Bai Maitreya that Mr. Zhao Tianyi saw is the same Bai Maitreya we met.

That is not the real Bai Maitreya at all, it is just a scarecrow with a ray of Bai Maitreya's soul and consciousness entrusted on it, and it does not even have half of the cultivation level of Bai Maitreya himself.

"Everyone here has seen Bai Maitreya," my great-grandfather said.

Zhao Tianyi was stunned and said in surprise: "Have you seen him? You have seen him, how could he still be alive?"

"To be honest, Brother Zhao, the Bai Maitreya you met back then was not the real Bai Maitreya, but just a clone. You may not know that the reason why he took people out was to destroy Qingshan, and he almost It was successful. We brothers got the news and rushed over in time. We jointly killed Bai Maitreya's clone, and Qingshan was saved from disaster. However, Qingshan was also hit hard that time, and at least half of his disciples were lost. But the essence is still there, and it is slowly recovering now..." My great-grandfather said solemnly.

"Then... that one turned out to be Bai Maitreya's clone? A clone is so powerful..." Zhao Tianyi said in disbelief.

"Yes, we only had a narrow victory against Bai Maitreya's clone. If it was Bai Maitreya's real body that went there, I'm afraid none of us would be able to survive." Grandfather Gao said noncommittally.

"Brother Zhao, have you met Bai Maitreya just once?" Master Wuyazi asked again.

"Well, just that once. The main helm of Guiyong Road is in Stone City in the center of Dahuang City. It is impossible for any idle people in Dahuang City outside Stone City to get close to Stone City unless the main helm of Guiyong Dao is. Only when important people summon us can we enter. I have been to that place twice, but I have never seen Bai Maitreya." Zhao Tianyi said.

"Senior Zhao, before, I heard from Lord Tang below that there is an agreement between you and Guiyong Dao. The people from Guiyong Dao have nothing to do with the people of your Yi Lao clan. Under normal circumstances, the people from Guiyong Dao are not related to each other. People will not interfere with your lives. Are there any other conditions for this agreement?" I couldn't help but interject.

"This agreement was made decades ago, when the helmsman of Guiyong Dao just moved to Dahuang City. We, the Yilao tribe, have been here for more than 100 years. We have gone through untold hardships and lost countless people. , we defeated the Huaguo tribe and the Bashe tribe and took over the position of overlord of this deserted city. As soon as the people from Guiyong Road’s helm came over, they wanted to take their place. We will commit any crime wherever we are willing, so we will follow Gui Yongdao. The people at the helm of Yongdao fought hard, and the people at the helm of Guiyongdao were too strong. We were naturally defeated, so we were willing to surrender. As the victorious party, we must put forward conditions, and the defeated party must also put forward conditions. Contribute something. At that time, the conditions they proposed were to allow some of the young masters from our Yi Lao tribe to join them in Gui Yong Dao. One was to weaken the strength of our Yi Lao tribe, and the other was to compensate for the loss of manpower in Gui Yong Dao. Increase their manpower. Those who joined the Guiyong Dao were bewitched. They obeyed the general helmsman of the Guiyong Dao and no longer recognized our Yilao clan. In addition, every year, our Yilao clan We must contribute ten young people with the best qualifications and send them to Guiyong Dao to serve as their manpower. Otherwise, our Yi Lao tribe will suffer." Senior Zhao said.

"So, most of the people at the helm of Guiyong Road are from your Yilao tribe?" Monk Hua also interjected.

Zhao Tianyi shook his head and said: "Not necessarily. Every year, Gui Yongdao brings some children with very high cultivation qualifications from outside and trains them to become emotionless killing machines. Each of them has extremely high cultivation, and those children, they Experts who specialize in identifying people will be sent out to look for people outside. As long as they are interested, they will do everything possible to bring them here. The outside world is so big, and it is not uncommon for one or two hundred children to be missing every year..."

Let me go, I said that everyone in the Guiyong Dao General Helms can take on their own role. It turns out that they are all selected people with excellent qualifications and have been carefully cultivated in the Chief Helms. The training and practice they face He is more cruel than orthodox Taoist and Buddhist disciples. Apart from practicing every day, he probably has nothing else to do, which is why he is so powerful.

"Since the people at the head of Guiyong Road are so oppressive to you Yi Lao clan, why don't you get out of here and go back to the outside world?" Bai Zhan also asked curiously.

"It's not that we don't want to, it's that they don't allow us to go out at all. You saw it when you came here. The entrances and exits are now controlled by the people at the helm of Guiyong Road. Even the maritime patrol team doesn't know how many people there are. Where can they go?" If anyone dares to go out, they will die if they find out." Zhao Tianyi said.

That's right, this deserted city is now completely controlled by the chief rudder of Guiyong Road.

The Yiluo people have become nothing more than puppets and tools for their use.

Zhao Tianyi sighed and said: "Guiyong Dao is too deceptive. When we came to Dahuang City from outside, the total number of men, women, old and young was only a thousand or a hundred people. After decades of reproduction, until Guiyong When General Dao Duo came, our total number had reached tens of thousands. After a fight with General Duo Guiyong Dao, we lost 3000 to 5000 people. At that time, some of the masters were forcibly pulled into Guiyong Dao. Now, Ten more people have to contribute every year, and the number is getting smaller and smaller. Now the total is less than [-]. If this continues, I don’t know how long our Yi Lao tribe can last..."

Judging from the current situation, the Yi Lao people are on a united front with us. On the surface, the Yi Lao people surrender to Gui Yong Dao, but in fact they have always been grudges against them. They just dare to be angry but dare not speak out. If we unite with the Yilao tribe to fight against Guiyong Dao and destroy the chief rudder of Guiyong Dao, this will also be a great good thing for the Yilao tribe. No matter what the starting point is, the Yilao tribe will probably help us.

"Brother Zhao, you have lived in this deserted city for more than a hundred years, and you must know a lot more about Guiyong Dao than we do. I just want to ask what is the current situation of the Guiyong Dao helmsman? How many people and strength do they have? To what extent can it be achieved? Also, do we have a chance to sneak into the stone city where Guiyong Dao is headed and take a look and get a feel for their details?" My great-great-grandfather asked again.

"This...I don't know the specific number of people, because every year, the Guiyong Dao Chief Helmsman will add many masters, and there will also be losses. Especially in the past one or two years, they have changed a lot. According to me, It is estimated that their number must be at least five thousand, and all of them are masters with good cultivation..."

(End of this chapter)

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