Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2503 Hot Potatoes

Chapter 2503 Hot Potatoes

Jiang is still old and hot. This kid Zhao Chen wanted to trick us, but we tricked him. He had no idea what level of opponent he was facing. He thought that a small gas bomb could kill us all. When people are knocked down, what he thinks is really simple.

After Zhao Chen was slapped on the back of the head by my great-grandfather, he had no room to struggle and fell to the ground as soon as his body went limp.

Before we could all get closer, Mr. Zhao Tianyi hurriedly poked his head out above his head, and asked in a panic: "Brothers... are you all okay? Although this kid is a fool...please ask me... Just be polite and don't hurt his life..."

"Brother Zhao, please rest assured that we will not hurt his life. Can you please help me take care of the rest of the people on Guiyong Road above? Let's interrogate him first and see if we can find out anything." My great-grandfather whispered. road.

"Okay, okay... When I go to deal with those people, you must not hurt his life. After all, he is also the son of our old Zhao family..." Mr. Zhang said with some worry.

Grandfather Gao responded and said nothing more. Mr. Zhao hesitated for a moment, then restored the mechanism again. With a "click" sound, the chair returned to its original position again.

Everyone looked down at Zhao Chen who was knocked unconscious, and for a moment they didn't know how to deal with it.

You can't kill him. If you stay here, those people from Gui Yong Dao outside will definitely become suspicious and come looking for him.

Just as we were hesitating, we heard Zhao Tianyi open the door outside and say hello: "Dongzi, the holy envoys of Guiyong Dao are here. We won't let them leave at noon today. We will collect the fine wine in our house." Take them all out and entertain these distinguished guests, and the old man needs to chat with the third son for a while..."

"Okay, grandpa, I'll have someone prepare the food and wine right now..." someone said.

"Haha... Then respect is worse than obedience, thank you, Mr. Zhang..." Someone who should be Gui Yongdao responded, and the rest of the people also followed suit.

The people outside were busy for a while and then dispersed quickly.

Not long after, the mechanism opened again, Zhao Tianyi poked his head in, and said to us: "You guys think about how to deal with this situation, and come up with a way as soon as possible. Those who returned to Yongdao have been separated by me, I guess. I'll be back to meet the mistress in an hour or two. I'll be watching from outside, so you should hurry up..."

"Okay, let's find a solution as soon as possible." My great-grandfather said.

Immediately afterwards, the mechanism was closed again, and everyone looked at each other, feeling a little undecided for a moment.

"Wake him up first, and then ask," said Master Wu Yazi.

Grandpa Gao nodded and slapped him on the back of the head again. Zhao Chen woke up leisurely, opened his eyes and saw that there were so many of us, and they were about to break out again.

I dispersed the numbness in my spirit. I had been preparing for him for a long time. Zhao Chen, who had just stood up, slumped down again and looked towards me incredulously.

"You...who are you?" Zhao Chen said in horror.

"My name is Wu Jiuyin, and it was my great-grandfather Wu Nianxin who knocked you unconscious just now. Do you have anything else to ask?" I said.

"The murderer...Wu Jiuyin?" Zhao Chen's expression suddenly changed.

"It's good that you know, and cooperate with us obediently, otherwise we will look better than you." I said with a smile.

"Wu Jiuyin, you are very courageous. You dare to come to a place like Dahuang City. You are really impatient." Zhao Chen glared at me.

"In this world, as long as I can go, there is no place I dare not. Stop talking nonsense and answer our questions, or I will kill you!" I said sharply again.

"I don't believe it. You dare to kill me here. This is my Zhao family, and there are many of my brothers from Guiyong Dao outside. You can try to touch me!" Zhao Chen looked at me with squinting eyes. disdain.

"Damn, I really think there's nothing I can do about you, right?" Bai Zhan's fiery temper came up, and the Fire Essence Red Dragon Sword in his hand was aimed at his heart.

"You are awesome, come on, kill me if you want, and none of you will get out alive!" There was no fear in Zhao Chen's eyes, it felt like he didn't want to live anymore.

"Fuck you!" Bai Zhan's eyes suddenly showed murderous intent, and he was about to take action immediately. He was the last person to be provoked.

Lao Li immediately went over, grabbed his arm, and said, "Xiao Bai, calm down, don't kill him."

Bai Zhan took two steps back unconvinced. At this time, Lao Li walked up to him and said in a deep voice: "Zhao Chen, you are clearly a member of the Zhao family. Why do you follow Gui Yong Dao to help the tyrants and oppress you?" People from the Lao tribe? This will not be of any benefit to you. I advise you to cooperate with us obediently and we can discuss everything easily."

Zhao Chen sneered and said: "I don't know who gave you the courage. I, the Guiyong Dao, have stood on the rivers and lakes for thousands of years and are invincible. Just a few of you still want to be the enemy of my holy religion. It's simply It’s just an idiot’s dream! And I, Zhao Chen, have been deeply cultivated by the chief helm, and I have the cultivation I have now. It is simply impossible for me to betray the Holy Religion. If you want to kill me, just kill me, stop talking nonsense.”

This guy is just a bastard and won't let go.

Everyone took a deep breath, really helpless to him.

He is like a hot potato to us, we cannot kill him, we cannot keep him.

At this time, Zhou Yiyang suddenly stepped forward, stared at him for a while, and then said: "I think the reason why Guiyong Dao is able to control the followers of Guiyong Dao and make them follow Guiyong Dao wholeheartedly is And all of them are brave and unafraid of death. It should be someone from Gui Yongdao who has tampered with something. Just like what Mr. Zhao said before, it feels like someone has been poisoned. I feel a bit like it. How about I will release the thousand-year poison and let it see if this kid has been poisoned?"

At this time, everyone had no other choice but to treat the dead horse as a living doctor. I said: "You try it. The people at the helm of Guiyong Road are all like lunatics. They will blow themselves up and die if they disagree with each other. They are all devoted to Gui Yong Dao, so I also think there must be something wrong with it."

Zhou Yiyang nodded, then patted his chest, and the Thousand Year Gu flew out from Yi Yang's body and flew towards Zhao Chen.

As soon as Zhao Chen saw the thousand-year Gu flying towards him, his face turned extremely pale and he said excitedly: "You... what are you going to do? Stop... stop it quickly!"

How could the Thousand-Year Gu listen to his words? It flew directly around Zhao Chen, but did not burrow into Zhao Chen's body. It quickly returned to Zhou Yang's side, flying in circles, as if communicating with Zhou Yang. What are you wearing?

(End of this chapter)

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