Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2504 Heart Gu

Chapter 2504 Heart Gu
Zhou Yiyang communicated with the Millennium Gu for a while, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he said to us: "As everyone thinks, Zhao Chen really has a Gu on his body, besides the Gu, there is also a layer of restriction, I don’t say that everyone has seen that prohibition. Once they are angered, they will explode and die. That Gu is also a very rare heart Gu, a special Gu poison that can control other people’s consciousness and emotions, causing them to lose their hearts. The kindness of Zhou Ben is used by the bewitcher. This is definitely a very clever poison technique. This kind of mind bewitching is probably extinct in the world."

"Can the Thousand-Year Gu be able to cure this heart voodoo?" Monk Hua asked curiously.

"Thousand-year-old Gu is the king of poisons. As long as there is a poisonous technique in this world, there is no poison that it cannot cure. And only Thousand-year-old Gu can cure the poisons under the Thousand-Year-year Gu." Zhou Yiyang said with some pride. .

"Then why are you still dazed? Quickly remove the poison from Zhao Chen's mind, let him regain his mind, and stop being bewitched by Gui Yong Dao." Lao Li also said at the side.

Zhou Yiyang nodded, and once again urged the thousand-year Gu to fly towards Zhao Chen.

This time, Zhao Chen was even more frightened and shouted, don't... don't do this, but he still couldn't stop the Thousand-Year Gu from flying towards him.

In the end, the Millennium Gu got into Zhao Chen's body, and when he looked at Zhao Chen again, he straightened his eyes, fell straight backwards, and trembled all over.

"What's wrong with this kid? Is he going to die?" Monk Hua asked worriedly.

"No, the heart voodoo is more difficult to solve. The thousand-year voodoo also requires a lot of effort. It should be solved soon."

As soon as Zhou Yiyang finished speaking, the Millennium Gu flew out of Zhao Chen's body, and got into Zhou Yiyang's body again, and that Zhao Chen passed out immediately.

After a while, Zhao Chen's body swayed slightly, and then he opened his eyes, and saw us around him. He was startled, and suddenly sat up from the ground, and said in a trembling voice: "Who are you?" who?"

Damn it, what's going on? He doesn't even recognize us.

Everyone turned their heads to look at Zhou Yiyang, and he said lightly: "It's okay, after the heart Gu is untied, you will lose a short period of memory, just be in a trance for a while."

"I'm Wu Jiuyin, do you remember?" I stepped forward and asked.

Zhao Chen shook his head, looking confused, expressing that he didn't know.

Isn't it over now? We originally wanted to get something out of him, but if he can't remember it, it won't be of much use to us.

"Don't worry, he is just a little confused for the time being. He will remember it soon. He will not forget what happened before. The heart Gu is only controlling him to be loyal to Gui Yong. His consciousness and personality are still intact." Zhou Yang seemed to be Seeing everyone's doubts, he said again.

After a while, Zhou Yiyang asked: "Do you know who you are?"

"I am Zhao Chen from the Yilao tribe." Zhao Chen said with some pain, as if his head hurt.

"Besides being Zhao Chen, what other identity do you have?" Zhou Yiyang asked again.

"I am Gui Yongdao's special envoy...I...I remember that I got an order from above today to come and search for people outside the city who entered the Great Deserted City...I...why am I here? Where is this?" Zhao Chen glanced around and said blankly.

"This is your home. In the secret room in the middle of the hall, do you still remember what happened just now?" I asked.

He shook his head and held his head, expressing his ignorance.

"Old brothers, how are you doing here?" Zhao Tianyi's voice suddenly came from above his head. He was probably impatient.

As soon as he heard Mr. Zhao's voice, Zhao Chen quickly raised his head, looked upward, and said excitedly: "Grandpa..."

"You kid, don't call me grandpa. I don't have your grandson...you unworthy grandson! It's best to be obedient and follow Gui Yongdao to help the evildoers. Grandpa can't save you. You can do it yourself." Zhao Tianyi said angrily.

"Grandpa...what are you talking about?" Zhao Chen said helplessly.

It seems that the small piece of memory he lost should be what happened after coming to Zhao's house.

And we also saw some clues. Ever since the Thousand-Year Gu unlocked his heart Gu, this kid's temperament has been completely different from before. He was arrogant and unreasonable before, but now his tone is very soft.

Hearing what Zhao Chen said, Zhao Tianyi also felt strange, so he asked us: "What's wrong with this kid? It seems like he has changed."

At that moment, my great-grandfather told Mr. Zhao what he had just done with the Thousand-Year Gu to help Zhao Chen get rid of the heart poison. Only then did Mr. Zhao suddenly realize.

"It seems that there is a way to this matter. Before the younger brother was taken away by Gui Yongdao, he was still very kind-hearted. You talk to him carefully and see if you can make sense. If not, we will find another way. I'll help you continue to watch what's going on outside." Zhao Tianyi said, closing the mechanism again.

Afterwards, everyone gathered around Zhao Chen, and Lao Li came forward and said to Zhao Chen, "Zhao Chen, let me tell you the truth, we came from a place other than the Great Wilderness City, and the purpose of our visit this time is to wipe out the returnees." Yongdao. Just now you brought a group of people to the Zhao Mansion, and you came to arrest us, but you didn’t succeed in the end. Instead, you were restrained by us. After you joined Guiyongdao, Guiyongdao’s In order to control you, people have planted a kind of Gu on you called Heart Gu. Only in this way can you follow Gui Yongdao to work hard and help them do some outrageous things. Now, your heart Gu has been untied , your consciousness is no longer under their control, you can think about it yourself, whether you want to help us destroy Gui Yongdao."

When Lao Li said these words, Zhao Chen frowned slightly and didn't know what he was thinking.

Lao Li had no choice but to continue to say: "You Yilao clan were the first batch to come to Dahuang City, and you lived a good life here, but later, people from Guiyongdao came and killed thousands of people from your Yilao clan. , and brought some people to Guiyongdao to do things for them, and every year ten children with good qualifications are given to join Guiyongdao. Grandpa has agreed to help us deal with Gui Yongdao's people together. Now we need you very much. Please provide us with the internal situation of Gui Yongdao. Now that you are free and will no longer be oppressed by Gui Yong Dao, do you choose to continue to be Gui Yong Dao's lackey, or do you choose to cooperate with us?"

(End of this chapter)

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