Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2560 Major sects

Chapter 2560 Major sects
This thunder struck down and landed near us. If it had strayed a little further, everyone would have been torn apart by the thunder. However, the thunder did not fall in vain. Just before the thunder struck, At the place where the sky thunder struck down, about twenty or thirty special envoys of Guiyong Dao were blasted into the sky by the sky thunder. Under the mighty power of the sky, they were unstoppable. Most of those who were bombarded by the sky thunder were torn into pieces and their bodies were broken. Blocks are flying.

After the thunder passed, the surrounding scene suddenly changed. We finally returned to the real state from the magic circle. There were dense crowds of people in all directions, fighting each other and fighting fiercely.

After everyone looked around, they soon showed signs of relief.

Really all the masters from various sects came over. I glanced at them. I didn’t know most of these people, but their cultivation levels were definitely strong. Many masters practiced hard in secret places like hanging cliffs in various sects. , just like the masters of Qingshan's "chen" generation and the masters of "qing" generation.

A large, densely packed area began to slash and kill on a large open space outside Shiju City.

I saw Nan Jiuzi, standing in various directions outside Shiju City, holding swords in their hands, pointing directly at the sky. Under their guidance, one after another thunder fell on their swords, and then It suddenly fell down and landed among the crowd of bald envoys like Gui Yongdao. A thunderstorm could kill a large area.

Beside everyone in Nan Jiuzi, there were many masters wearing blue Taoist robes, with wings around them to prevent those Guiyong Taoists from stopping them from joining Tianlei.

However, Nan Jiuzi couldn't attract many thunders. As far as I know, the nine of them must work together to attract nine thunders, so they can no longer use this technique.

However, the power of these nine sky thunders is extremely powerful, much more powerful than the sky thunders induced by Yi Yiyang.

The thunder that fell beside us just now must have been caused by Nan Jiuzi.

In addition, I also saw the people from Qingshan, the master of Qingshan, Longhua Zhenren, the criminal dean, Long Shan... and the old Taoists from the 'Chen' generation and the 'Qing' generation, all came here.

In addition, masters from Lingxiu Mountain, Yunrao Mountain, Chenshan Mountain, Wudan Mountain, Xuanshan Sect, Nanshan Mountain, Snow Mountain, etc., wearing various colored robes and monk robes, also rushed here.

As soon as these people came over, they got into a scuffle with the people at the helm of Guiyong Road, and no one had time to say hello.

Qingshan is worthy of being the leader of Taoist sects in the world. He responds to every call and masters from all walks of life come to support him.

Sometimes, there is a gap between the various sects, but as soon as they hear about the matter of dealing with Bai Maitreya, they will put aside their past grievances and fight side by side.

After all, Bai Maitreya is the common enemy of the entire world. Just a while ago, Dancheng Mountain, Xuanshan and Qingshan were almost destroyed by Guiyong Dao. If they don't unite at this time, they will have to be killed one by one by Guiyong Dao. To break it.

"Wu Nianxin!"

While a few of us were looking around at the fighting situation, a very angry voice suddenly sounded behind us.

When I looked back, I saw that it was Zhao Tianyi who was walking towards us quickly with a long sword covered in blood. Zhao Chen was also following him, and his face was also gloomy.

"Brother Zhao, what are you..." My great-grandfather turned around and looked at Zhao Tianyi, with some confusion on his face.

"The magic circle outside suddenly activated just now, but you secretly evacuated with your people outside the city, leaving all the people from our three major clans in the magic circle. You know that in less than half an hour, we How many people died?!" Mr. Zhao Tianyi was very angry and pointed his sword at my great grandfather.

It turns out that he blamed us for leaving the circle without saying goodbye.

"My third uncle was killed by those thieves... 500 people from the Yilao clan were killed. The three major clans combined, more than 1000 people were killed. In less than half an hour, there was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood... ...You keep saying that you will lead us to encircle and suppress the leader of Guiyong Dao, but in times of crisis, you yourself broke out of the magic circle and secretly survived, leaving the members of our three major clans there to be killed like pigs and dogs. You What are you thinking about?" Zhao Chen also pointed at us and said.

Just as we were worried before, once we leave, the people of the three major tribes will definitely be suspicious of us and even resent us, because we are the ones who mobilized the people of the three major tribes to resist Gui Yongdao. In a sense, we We are the backbone of these three major clans. Once they can't see us, they will be in great fear.

They were also carried away by anger. In just a short period of time, so many people from the three major tribes were killed and injured, so it was appropriate for them to be angry at us.

My great-great-grandfather shook his head and didn't know how to explain it to them. He couldn't explain the matter clearly for a while, and the current situation was chaotic and noisy, with scuffles everywhere.

Li Banxian stood up quickly, cupped his hands, and said politely: "Mr. Zhao, you have misunderstood us. The magic circle activated by those in Guiyong Dao just now is called the Tianzhu Magic Circle. If you want to break this magic circle, you must start from the magic circle." Only outsiders can break through it. At that time, all of us were trapped by this magic circle. In order to rescue all the people of the three major clans, Master Huijue did not hesitate to waste a lot of Buddhist practice, and wanted to lead us to fight a way out. Blood Road, break the Tianzhu Array from the outside, but before they can rush out, masters from various sects have arrived. If you look at Master Huijue, you will know what we have experienced just now, it is no more dangerous than what you encountered. Few, and it also attracted more people from the other side to come and deal with us."

After hearing Lao Li's words, Zhao Tianyi looked at Master Huijue, but saw that his monk's robe was almost soaked with sweat, and his whole person looked a little depressed.

"Is this true?" Mr. Zhao Tianyi's expression softened a lot and he asked.

"If the younger generation wants a word to be false, it will be struck by lightning and die!" Lao Li said a little excitedly.

"Okay... I'm sorry, everyone. I wrongly blamed you, so I will apologize to you." After saying that, Zhao Tianyi saluted us.

My great-grandfather hurried over, grabbed Mr. Zhao, and said seriously: "Brother Zhao, what are you doing? I understand your feelings, after all, the three major clans have sacrificed so many people, but if you want to The Guiyong Dao who defeats the evil must pay the price of blood. This is inevitable. Since our group decided to come to Dahuang City to fight against the Guiyong Dao, we have never thought about living alone. If we were afraid, we would not Come here.”

(End of this chapter)

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