Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2561 Come to send people's heads

Chapter 2561 Come to send people's heads

The righteous words of Grandpa Gao made Mr. Zhao Tianyi even more embarrassed and ashamed. He sighed and said: "I'm sorry, everyone. I wrongly blamed you. I saw so many relatives who lived together day and night lying in a pool of blood." , as well as the people of the Naba Snake Tribe and the Huagu Tribe, they all got involved in this matter because of what I said. They each killed and injured so many people. I was also overwhelmed with grief and anger, and got carried away in my head, so I misunderstood. Everyone..."

"Brother Zhao... we don't need to mention these words anymore. The top priority is that we must rush into the stone city in one go and kill all the evil cult monsters like Gui Yong Dao. You see, all the masters from various sects have arrived. Come on, if you have any questions, let’s wait until we destroy the chief rudder of Guiyong Dao!” said Master Wu Yazi.

"Okay, I will appease the people of the three major clans. Let's go into Shiju City together and wipe out these thieves from Guiyong Road!" Zhao Tianyi said, then he took Zhao Chen and left here quickly.

After Zhao Tianyi left, everyone looked at each other again, and their faces were not very good-looking.

Just now we tried to find a way to break out of the formation, but due to the urgency of the situation, we didn't even have time to inform Zhao Tianyi, which led to the following misunderstandings. It was indeed too hasty at the time, because when the formation was generated, the enemy was hidden in the void. In the middle, it is virtual and real, and it can also use the power of earth escape. People are dying almost every minute and every second. We can only seize the time to quickly break the formation.

Fortunately, people from various sects arrived in time. As soon as the opponent changed the magic circle, people from various sects appeared from the outside and killed many bald envoys from the Guiyong Dao General Helm from the outside, and arranged them The Heavenly Punishment Formation was completely disrupted.

As a result, the opponent was in disarray, and the Tianzhu array was completely destroyed.

I don't know exactly how many masters came from each sect. People from all sides were fighting together in such a mess that I couldn't even count how many people there were.

This is no longer a battle between rivers and lakes, but a massive war between practitioners.

This battle was more massive than any other war.

There was thunder and lightning above the head. Looking around, people were coming and going. Various magic weapons and terrifying killing moves were being deployed. Sword energy was shooting out everywhere. The evil spirits released by someone were making fierce ghost sounds. Xiao, someone released Gu worms, crawling around on the ground...

The battle was extremely fierce. The masters of the various sects in the rivers and lakes joined forces and were far more powerful than the three major clans in Dahuang City combined. Some were even true Taoist cultivators who had never left the mountain gates for decades. , the cultivation level is even more impressive.

In terms of numbers, we have been able to completely defeat the people like Guiyong Dao Commander.

However, the strength of the opponent should not be underestimated, especially those Bai Lin Guards and Purple Lin Guards. Some powerful Bai Lin Guards can approach Peng Zhenyang's cultivation level. Three or five more powerful Bai Lin Guards surrounded my great grandfather, and even his elders felt that it was not good. Get away.

Master Wuyazi looked at Master Huijue beside him and said with concern: "Master Huijue, you just broke the formation and consumed a lot of cultivation and spiritual power. Just sit here and adjust your breath for a while to recover. The matter is left to us.”

Master Huijue waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter. I have recovered a little now. I think Bai Maitreya must have noticed that he made such a big noise. He is our biggest enemy. This time If we cannot destroy his spirit and soul, there will be endless troubles."

When mentioning Bai Maitreya, everyone's hearts were in doubt.

The last time Bai Maitreya went to Qingshan, he used a paper man with a ray of soul attached to it, which had such great lethality that he almost killed everyone in Qingshan. But this time, Bai Maitreya himself was here, but I don't know if we people can kill Bai Maitreya, a monster like Bai Maitreya.

More than 100 years ago, Bai Maitreya's Dharma body was destroyed, but his soul still existed. A hundred years later, Bai Maitreya resurrected through his corpse, causing such a big mess. Therefore, to destroy Bai Maitreya this time, both his body and soul must be destroyed forever. Trouble in the future, otherwise there will be endless troubles in the future.

No one wants to hit Bai Maitreya three times again. The whole world can no longer bear such a catastrophe.

While we were discussing, suddenly a group of people wearing purple robes and cloaks rushed toward us.

These people looked familiar, as if they were the people who brought us to Shiju City.

They rushed toward us without any fear. Perhaps they felt that they captured us too easily last time, and they could capture us as easily this time.

Haha... He just came here to give someone away.

The last time everyone kept their hands, it was because they were captured alive on purpose. This time, they were fighting for life and death, so who would spare their hands?

Seeing those people charging towards them, everyone turned around and revealed their magical weapons. Before those people could get closer, Wu Yazi master swung them over with his sword, and the mighty sword shadow immediately crushed them away. .

These Purple Forest Guards were indeed well cultivated, and most of them were able to dodge, but there were also four or five people who were chopped to pieces by the sword shadow shot out by Master Wu Yazi.

The people on our side dispersed quickly, identified their targets, and rushed towards the Purple Forest Guards.

These Zilin Guards all used broad-headed swords, which were very fierce. As soon as I saw their swords, I thought of Wanluo Sect's great enshrined Mad Sword King Aotian. I don't know if he is here.

As soon as those people got close to me, I used the fire dragon shocking move and hit those people on the opposite side.

The flames that spewed out suddenly turned into a fire dragon, getting bigger and bigger, and swept away.

The Purple Forest Guards were startled, and they all fled and scattered around. However, once the fire dragon came out, it would not give up until it found its target. After all, it swept up two or three Purple Forest Guards and knocked them out. Became a fireman.

The rest of the Zilin guards learned a lesson and quickly dispersed, not attacking me from one direction.

I sneered, thinking that no matter how hard you try, you will still die in the end. I have killed Peng Zhenyang, and his cultivation has been completely devoured. What can these Purple Forest Guards do to me?
I felt a Purple Forest Guard appear behind me. He was the first to approach me. For no reason, I actually felt a numb scalp. Go ahead!Why is this Zilinwei so powerful, several levels stronger than Peng Zhenyang? What is his origin?

As soon as I felt the terror of this Purple Forest Guard, I quickly turned around to see where this Purple Forest Guard came from. However, I just felt like my eyes were blurred...

(End of this chapter)

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