Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2562 Goodbye Fighting Corpse

Chapter 2562 Goodbye Fighting Corpse
Even when I first met Peng Zhenyang, I didn't feel as panicked as I do now, and my scalp was numb. Could it be that this Purple Forest Guard is some kind of top master hidden in the chief helm of Guiyong Road?
When I turned around, I saw that the Purple Forest Guard was still five or six meters away from me. Before I had time to see his figure clearly, suddenly, a man swooped over from one side and knocked the Purple Lin Guard away. Lin Wei fell to the ground, opened his mouth and bit the purple Lin Wei's neck.

Being able to wear a purple cloak, one's cultivation level is already quite high, but he was bitten by the person who suddenly appeared. There was no room for resistance at all. After struggling for two times, he lost his voice.

Taking a closer look, I was suddenly surprised and happy. No wonder I had that frightening feeling just now. It turned out that what made me feel panic and uneasiness was not the Zilin Guard behind me, but the Zilin Guard who was jumping on him. of this person.

This man was wearing a tattered Taoist robe, his hair was messy, he was extremely lean, and there was no trace of blood on his face.

Less than five seconds after he bit the Purple Forest Guard's neck, he quickly raised his head and looked at me. His mouth was full of blood, and he was grinning with bared teeth. The sharp zombie teeth were particularly eye-catching.

And the Purple Forest Guard had been drained of his blood and became a single person.

"My dear grandson, long time no see..." The man smiled solemnly at me.

"Master... you... you are here too." I said excitedly.

The visitor was no one else. It was the Dou Zhi that I met in the forbidden area of ​​Dancheng Mountain when Elder Qinglong and the Blackwater Holy Spirit Cult were besieging Dancheng Mountain for hundreds of years. Dou Zhi has been trapped in that cave.

This Zombie Fighter is also the best among zombies. I was chased by Pontiva and had no way out, so I was pulled into the hole where the Zombie Fighter was hiding.

Thinking about it, I haven't seen his old man for a long time.

At that time, in order to survive, I said that I was Li Yi, a disciple of Dan Chengshan and the son of the real master. When I saw him again, I was not only pleasantly surprised, but also a little guilty. I was afraid that he would see through my identity and know that I had It was a lie to him, and that really caused trouble.

The fighting corpse stood up and walked towards me. I glanced at him and found that there were several heavy iron chains hanging on his body. The iron chains were engraved with small runes. If you don't take a closer look, When he came out, the iron chains rattled as he moved.

"My good disciple, grandson, our ancestor wants to kill you. You said you didn't even visit me. What have you been busy with for so long? If it weren't for the encirclement and suppression of Gui Yongdao, those unfilial bastards in Dancheng Mountain would also We will not let the poor people out..."

With that said, the zombie strode up to me and hugged me in his arms.

I shivered all over. This corpse was cold and as hard as iron. I was worried that he would open his mouth and bite my neck.

"Master Patriarch...It's great to see you. I was hunted everywhere during this time, and this time I'm here again with Gui Yongdao. I haven't had time to visit you old man..." I lied uncomfortably.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid... Now that the master has come out, which bastard has the guts to bully you? Let's see if the master doesn't suck him into a human." The fighting zombie let go of me and smiled.

While the two of us were talking, those Purple Forest Guards came over again.

Dou Zhi pulled me over and blocked me behind him. Two nine-ringed swords fell on Dou Zhi's forehead at the same time. The knives were so sharp that they curled up. Nothing happened to Dou Zhi. Then, he stretched out his hands, grasped the two big knives at the same time, pulled the two Purple Forest Guards over, grabbed the necks of the two Purple Forest Guards with both hands, and the nails of his ten fingers suddenly It became long and pierced into the blood vessels of their necks.

The two Purple Forest Guards suddenly trembled all over, their faces turned pale. Through the corpse-fighting hands, which were like withered vines, I saw the blood vessels on his hands bulging, and a steady stream of blood was delivered to the corpse-fighting body. middle.

In a short while, the two Zilin guards were killed, and were casually thrown aside by Dou Zong, leaving only two skeletons covered with skin.

Evil sect, this corpse fighting is indeed powerful, worthy of being the best in corpse fighting for hundreds of years.

There were several Purple Forest Guards who originally wanted to attack us. After seeing Douzhi killing several Purple Forest Guards so easily, they all showed timid looks and turned away. Ran.

"If you want to run away... that won't work, Pindao hasn't eaten enough yet." Dou Zhi obviously didn't want to let them go so easily.

With a flash of his figure, he was as fast as lightning, and he flew into the air like a civet cat, and instantly threw a Zilin guard to the ground.

The Zilinwei shouted, knowing that he could not resist, and his whole body swelled up like an inflated balloon.

Oops, this guy is going to trigger the restriction and blow himself up.

"Master...be careful!"

I reminded loudly, trying to get the zombies away quickly. Those people's self-destruction was no joke. It was much more powerful than a grenade explosion and was extremely lethal.

But the fighting corpse didn't seem to hear it, opened its mouth wide, and still bit the Zi Linwei's neck.

With a loud bang, the Zilin Guard finally blew himself up.

The blood, bones and flesh shattered into large pieces and flew everywhere. From such a distance, I had to use a void spell to turn into a strong energy barrier in front of me.

When I went to see the fighting corpse again, the Zilin Guard who had self-destructed himself was thrown away and fell beside me, rolling twice on the ground.

I was startled and walked towards him quickly.

At this time, the old man Dou Zhi quickly stood up from the ground. Except for the blood all over his body, he didn't seem to be injured anywhere.

He shook his head, stuck out his tongue and licked the blood around his mouth, and said in a daze: "What happened just now? Why did that guy explode?"

"Master...are you okay?" I looked up and down.

"Haha... What can happen to me? Pindao is a Dou Zhi, with copper skin and iron bones. His internal organs have long been petrified. He has been dead for hundreds of years. Is it possible that he can die again?" Dou Zhi laughed.

Fighting Zombie appeared beside me, and those bald envoys who were eager to try and besiege me suddenly didn't dare to come again.

This old man is too cruel and bloody. He is obviously a man of the right path, but he is even more frightening than the evil ones like them. Who is not afraid of him?

Although this old man is a zombie, he has human thinking, but his mind seems a little unclear and a little crazy. He doesn't act crazy like real person Wu Yazi, but he is really crazy, the kind of crazy person who will not recognize his relatives. .

(End of this chapter)

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