Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2565 Master Leng Yue

Chapter 2565 Master Leng Yue
This fighting corpse is indeed not very bright. There are a dozen or so immortal-level masters in front of him. As a fighting corpse with extremely high moral standards, he is a very evil creature. Good and evil have not existed since ancient times. He suddenly appeared. In front of these extremely jealous masters, isn't that just seeking death?

Seeing this situation, I quickly stepped forward and stood on the side of the zombie. If someone was harmful to the zombie, I had to step forward to stop it. If I couldn't stop it, I could call my great grandfather and the others to come over. help.

Hearing what the teacher from Lingxiu Mountain said, Dou Zhi became even more displeased and said disdainfully: "You old nigga, it's none of your business to kill people and drink blood. I didn't drink your blood. Your blood I guess it won’t go anywhere if I drink it. At this age, my blood is old..."

"You..." The old man's expression suddenly changed, and the fly whisk in his hand shook, as if he was about to take action.

"Master Lengyue, you must not be angry. Our biggest enemy now is the chief helmsman of Guiyong Dao. Although this old man is a hundreds-year-old fighting corpse and a top-notch evil creature, he still stands on the same front with us. We are dealing with Bai Maitreya together. Now that Bai Maitreya's matter has not been resolved, we can't start an internal strife, right?" My great-grandfather stretched out his hand and stopped the old nun.

"Oh, why do you want to fight with Pindao? Come on, Pindao can still be afraid of you?" The corpse-fighting old man bared his teeth, put on a posture, stretched out his hands, and ten sharp nails sprouted out More than ten centimeters long, it was green and black, like a sharp dagger.

Master Leng Yue had a dark face and was a little angry.

"Master...can you please calm down for a while? We are here to deal with Bai Maitreya. If you are still like this, I will have no choice but to lock you into the cave again. No matter what happens in the future, I will never lock you up again." Please come out."

The Earth Immortal Chong Ling Zhenren from Dancheng Mountain stood up, walked to Douzi's side, and offered kind words of comfort.

Dou Zhi was originally eager to give it a try, but when he heard what Master Chong Ling said, he suddenly lost his confidence and said in a low voice: "Okay, okay... I just want to see your face, so I won't argue with this old nun, but If she still makes trouble for me, I won't be able to spare her."

"Dear friends, my ancestor was a spiritual genius during the Dalin Dynasty. He went crazy and transformed himself into an evil thing. The ancestor at that time couldn't bear to destroy him. He has been imprisoned in Dancheng Mountain for hundreds of years. In the forbidden area, he has never appeared in the world, and he has never massacred any innocent person. Just now, Master Lengyue said that Pindao, the master, kills people and drinks blood. It is true, and everyone knows it. Beings like Zombie Fighter will go crazy if they don't drink blood, and even poor Taoists can't do anything about it. Therefore, Dan Chengshan often collects some treacherous and evil people or scum from all over the Yan Kingdom, and sends them to the Master for him to devour. , if you really can't find it, you can only go to the hospital's blood bank to buy some plasma, and you can make do with it for a while. It's not that Dan Chengshan wants to raise zombies, but the instructions left by the ancestor. How dare the disciples disobey... Please friends, please be considerate." Master Chong Ling said, cupping his hands towards everyone.

This Chong Ling Zhenren is a true cultivator and the first earthly immortal to appear in Dancheng Mountain in hundreds of years. Even his elders spoke up, but the rest of the people could not say anything.

Even Master Leng Yue, who had a gloomy face, softened a lot.

"Amitabha... there is indeed something unspeakable about Dancheng Mountain. Although this old man fights corpses, he has never killed innocent people. Don't worry too much about it." Master Huijue also said.

Master Huijue should be the most virtuous and respected one among this group of Earth Immortal masters, with a high status and the most important words.

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone nodded silently, indicating that they would not care anymore.

I glanced at Dou Zhi and finally let out a sigh of relief.

No matter what, this Zombie Fighter was kind to me. If he hadn't helped me resolve the evil spirit of the Zombie Demon back then, my cultivation level wouldn't have improved so fast.

And this old man seems to be very partial to me, he really regards me as a descendant of Dan Chengshan, I feel guilty towards him too.

My great-grandfather took a few steps forward, cupped his hand, and said politely: "This old man, this junior is called Wu Nianxin, and he is a descendant of a family that drives corpses. Just now, the old man suddenly appeared behind the junior, with an evil aura. He thought he was returning home." Yongdao's evil cult monster took action rashly and hurt the senior. It was really unintentional. I ask the senior to forgive me. If the senior really can't vent his resentment, the junior will accept the punishment after the matter is settled. How about it?" My great-great-grandfather said it very politely. The zombie suddenly opened his mouth, revealing his bloody fangs, and said with a smile: "Not bad, not bad... Knowing your mistakes can make a lot of improvements, and your cultivation is pretty good. Now, being able to lower your head and admit your mistake shows that you are sincere, and Pindao will forgive you. However, the move you just made was indeed very powerful. Pindao’s chest is still aching after being hit. He has not eaten anything like this in hundreds of years. loss……"

But I was thinking in my heart, old man Fighting Corpse, you can be content with that. With the finishing touch of my great-great-grandfather’s move just now, even if there is a thousand-jin boulder in front of you, with this move, you can smash it to pieces. Thanks to you, you are a fighting corpse. King Kong is indestructible, otherwise it would have been blown up and disappeared.

At this age, Grandpa Gao behaved very humbly. He even said yes, your old man was right. It was all the fault of the younger generation.

The matter was finally settled, and the anger in Dou Zhi's heart also dissipated a lot. Only Master Leng Yue didn't look good, and she was obviously still angry with Dou Zhi.

At this moment, a large group of people gathered at the gate of Shiju City. I looked back and saw that in addition to the 8000 people from the three major clans behind me, there were also 1 or [-] masters sent by various sects. In total, There are at least more than [-] people, which is at least twice the number of Guiyong Dao's chief helmsmen.

The overall strength is not inferior to these special envoys of Guiyong Dao.

Based on this calculation, it is still very promising to completely wipe out the Guiyong Road.

The most difficult thing is Bai Maitreya. A dozen or so Earth Immortal level masters are besieging him, and there are also monks like Hui Jue who have been reincarnated for seven generations. There is still a small chance of winning.

The battle just now left two to three thousand corpses on the ground. The corpses were scattered all over the field, which was extremely tragic.

Experiencing such a battle is absolutely thrilling.

"Let's go, everyone, let's rush into this stone city together, find that Bai Maitreya, and avoid future troubles forever!" Master Leng Yue said in a deep voice.

"Sister Lengyue, don't worry, there are dense magic formations in this stone city. If you go in hastily, you may not come back. We suffered a big loss just now." Master Wuyazi looked at Master Lengyue and said.

(End of this chapter)

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