Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2566 Chaos True Spirit Cauldron

Chapter 2566 Chaos True Spirit Cauldron

Master Lengyue didn't seem to be a very talkative person at first glance. When Master Wuyazi called him Sister Lengyue, she immediately snorted in displeasure and said: "Old madman, please be more respectful. This poor nun is a monk." If you are a person with pure six sense organs, please call me Poor Ni Lengyue."

Master Wuyazi was rejected and was not angry. He just smiled and said: "What Master Lengyue said is that before you became a monk, you were as beautiful as a flower, and many heroes in the world coveted it. It's just that you became a monk." After that, my temper became much cooler, I shouldn’t, I shouldn’t…”

"Can you try to say something again?" Master Leng Yue's face turned gloomy again.

Let me go. Master Lengyue is a monk and is so angry. However, it is true that Master Wuyazi is crazy and does not act according to common sense. At this critical moment, he is teasing the top master of Lingxiu Mountain. , it would be strange if people are not angry.

My great-great-grandfather quickly came out to smooth things over and said: "Everyone, what the old madman said just now is right. A group of us once walked back and forth in Shijucheng, the headquarters of Guiyong Road. This Shijucheng looked the same as usual, but inside it was different. There are many crises and the magic circle is densely covered. Once it is activated, the power of the magic circle will start to operate, which is really terrifying. These magic circles should have been arranged by Bai Maitreya in advance, and Bai Maitreya's attainments in the magic circle have reached the realm of transformation. We must all It should not be underestimated, everyone in the Punishing Array also saw that day, in less than half an hour, more than 1000 people from the three major clans were strangled."

Hearing what my great-great-grandfather said, everyone nodded and agreed very much with what my great-great-grandfather said.

Bai Maitreya is a demon who has reincarnated in the nineteenth generation, and is also a close disciple of Qinggu, one of the three ancestors of Qingshan. Qinggu is definitely the No. 1 person in the world who has arranged magic circles. There is no one before and no one to come after. This Bai Maitreya arranged It is definitely not that easy to break into the magic circle.

Suddenly, an old Taoist turned to look at Master Lengyue and said politely: "I heard that there is a magic weapon in Lingxiu Mountain. It is a sacred tool that has been passed down for thousands of years. It was blessed by hundreds of eminent monks thousands of years ago. The artifact that I have passed can be used to specifically break formations. This object is called the Chaos True Spirit Cauldron. I don’t know that Master Leng Yue brought this magical weapon here, so I might as well take it out and use it..."

"Master Zhidao of Wu Danshan is really well-informed. He even knows about the sacred artifact in our Lingxiu Mountain. Not many people seem to know about this sacred artifact, right?" Master Lengyue looked at the old Taoist.

I have discovered that Master Lengyue always quarrels with everyone, as if someone owes him millions. It is really hard to understand how a monk at such an old age can have such a strong temper.

This reminds me of a person, Haohai Shenni from Kongming Island. If the two sisters get together, they may be able to match their tempers.

Perhaps those old masters knew this master well and did not argue with him. The Taoist Master of Wu Danshan said politely: "When I was young, I was fortunate enough to see this thing. The master Jingkong of that year used this thing." I have cracked the magic circle set up by the Beihai people, so the memory is still fresh."

"This thing is the treasure of our Lingxiu Mountain. Of course you have to take it with you. Don't waste any more time. Kill Bai Maitreya as soon as possible so that we can go back to the mountain gate separately. This place is smoky and the people look weird. , I don’t want to stay for even a minute longer.”

As Mrs. Lengyue said, she waved behind her, and a group of nuns in monk's robes followed her, making signs to walk towards the stone city.

I have to say that Master Leng Yue had such a loud tone, as if Bai Maitreya was like a chicken or a dog, stretching his neck and waiting for her to kill him. If Bai Maitreya was so easy to deal with, why would he let the masters of various sects do it? They all rushed over, and they didn’t know who gave her the courage.

I took a look at the nuns. They were generally older. Some of the younger ones were around 70 or [-] years old. They were all expressionless and had long faces.

Soon, I discovered that among this group of nuns, there was a little nun. She looked like she was less than 20 years old. She was very beautiful, with bright eyes and white teeth, and her skin was very white. She could break with a blow, especially A pair of big, watery eyes that looked very smart, mixed in among a group of old nuns, so they looked very eye-catching.

I was confused. The people who could come to this deserted city were all top masters from various sects. What was it like bringing a little girl with him?
Just this little girl, with her delicate skin and tender flesh, it is estimated that even a red forest guard could easily kill her, which would be a drag.

Zen Master Lengyue and his disciples were about to walk into Shiju City. After taking only two steps, Master Huijue stood in front of her, blocking the way and said in a deep voice: "Amitabha...it's dangerous inside Shiju City." It is extremely important that Master Leng Yue should not be careless, I will have to discuss this matter carefully before making a plan."

Master Lengyue must know the identity of Master Huijue. She would not dare to make any mistakes in front of him. She just said lightly: "Master Huijue, don't take Bai Maitreya too seriously. Everyone present is close to him." With Earth Immortal’s cultivation, we can’t deal with a Bai Maitreya together, and besides, the poor nun carries the Chaos True Spirit Cauldron with him, so it’s easy to break his magic circle.”

"Master Lengyue, human life is at stake and is not something to be trifled with. Why don't you let me get some zombies to explore the way and save lives? After a while, you will see the terror of that magic circle and you won't be as confident as you are now." .”

After saying that, my great-grandfather looked at me and said, "Xiaojiu, bring the Qingshan Emperor Bell."

All this time, a few of us have been watching these seniors talk, and no one dared to speak or interrupt. Even experts at their level have no chance to interrupt us juniors.

When I heard Grandpa Gao calling me, I quickly took out the Qingshan Emperor Bell and handed it to Grandpa Gao.

After Grandpa Gao took over the Qingshan Emperor Bell, he quickly activated the magic technique. With a slight sway, and with the sound of 'ding bells', the large area of ​​corpses behind him, numbering three to four hundred, all stood up. At least one of them stood up. Half of them were very high-level purple-haired zombies, and the rest were all green-haired zombies. They spewed out zombie aura from their mouths, lined up in several rows, and jumped toward my great-grandfather.

"What a great trick! He deserves to be the best master in the world. He really deserves his reputation for nothing." Wu Danshan's Zhi Dao Zhenren sincerely praised him.

The other seniors were also very surprised when they looked at the zombies lining up to jump towards us. Even Master Lengyue's expression changed. He could transform hundreds of corpses into corpses at once, and it was still... Apart from my great grandfather, probably no one in the world can achieve this level of zombies.

(End of this chapter)

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