Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2585 Destroy the dream chapter sedan

Chapter 2585 Destroying Menghui Sedan

Those masters at the level of earth immortals surrounded Bai Maitreya in the middle, and greeted Bai Maitreya with the most ruthless tricks. Master Huijue led four eminent monks to control Bai Maitreya's cultivation base with the power of Buddhism, It makes it impossible to smoothly connect the power of the five elements of heaven and earth, and at the same time improves the cultivation level of those earthly immortal level masters.

This is what I think, because the last time Master Huijue dealt with Bai Maitreya, he adopted this method. This time with several eminent monks, the effect should not be worse than the last time.

The masters of the Earth Immortal level and the eminent monks joined forces to finally stabilize the situation temporarily and maintain a delicate balance, but they don't know when this balance will be broken.

In a battle of this level, those of us of the younger generation can't go forward at all, and it's not something we can bear to kill with a random sword qi.

The battle became more and more fierce, with people screaming and falling in a pool of blood every minute.

We juniors always stay together. We will not be afraid of any powerful masters coming from the other side, except of course, except for Bai Maitreya.

While fighting, Li Banxian suddenly came to my side and said to me: "Xiao Jiu... I have something important to tell you."

"What's the matter? Tell me quickly." I sent a red forest guard flying away with a sword and said without looking back.

"No matter what the outcome is this time, we must destroy Bai Maitreya's dream to return to the sedan chair. Last time, a ray of his soul possessed the paper man. After the paper man was destroyed, Bai Maitreya was riding on that dream Hui Jiao will evacuate Gui Yongdao and the rest of the Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect. If Bai Maitreya wants to escape again this time, we will definitely be unable to stop him. We can only destroy Meng Hui Jiao and cut off his escape route. "Old Li said anxiously.

Listening to Lao Li talking about this matter, I remembered what happened in Qingshan. Last time, the paper man possessed by Bai Maitreya was killed by my great-grandfather. Bai Maitreya used the dream to return to the sedan chair to kill all his men. Moved away.

This time, if Bai Maitreya feels that he is no match for these dozen Earth Immortal level masters, he will definitely take the opportunity to escape. If he escapes again with the help of Menghui sedan, we don’t know where to find him next time. .

Therefore, it must not happen next time.

No matter whether Bai Maitreya can be killed by us or not, this dream will be destroyed by him!

And if Bai Maitreya is allowed to escape, we will definitely not have any chance to breathe, and we will be dead.

Thinking of this, I turned my head and said to the people around me: "Brothers, let's destroy that Menghui sedan chair and cut off Bai Maitreya's retreat!"

As soon as I said this, Zhao Tianyi rushed up with twenty or thirty masters from the Yilao tribe and said to me: "Children, go ahead and do it. I will stop these thieves from the Guiyong Road for you!"

I glanced at Mr. Zhao Tianyi gratefully. He and a group of people immediately stopped the group of bald envoys from Guiyong Road who were entangled with us, and we were able to escape.

Looking at the Menghui sedan chair not far away, several of us old brothers gathered together again.

"Brother Xiao Jiu, last time there were four furry beasts guarding the Menghui sedan. What are they this time? They are weird." Bai Zhan couldn't help but ask.

"I'm not very familiar with it. I heard from my great-grandfather that it's the King of Corpses, much more powerful than Mao Hou. Don't worry about what it is. Just let it go before talking about it!" I said.

"Let's go, this is the Corpse King, he's more powerful than Mao Roar. He can't be knocked over just by knocking him over. We have to think of a comprehensive way!" Laohua said, touching his bare forehead.

"There is no comprehensive way to deal with such evil things. Let's go together and knock them over first. Then Brother Jiu stuffs his mouth with the Corpse Ruler and dissolves all their corpse energy. Isn't everything going to be okay? Is it solved?" Bai Zhan said.

Going up rashly, I felt a little unsure. After all, it was my first time to come into contact with the existence of the Corpse King, so I didn’t know what it was capable of.

Although the "Secret Techniques of the Wu Family" passed down by my ancestors contains many records about zombies, most of them record some relatively common zombies. Although there are also records about the Corpse King, they are only a few. He said that the thing was very powerful, but he didn't explain how powerful it was specifically. If my great grandfather hadn't mentioned it to me, I wouldn't have been able to remember it.

After a little hesitation, I suddenly had an idea. I quickly took out the Qingshan Emperor Bell, pinched my fingers and recited the incantation, and shook it slightly. Those people who had just fought to death on the ground suddenly turned into dozens of purple-haired zombies, and started to rush out. They bounced off the ground and formed two rows. I controlled them and jumped towards the corpse kings next to the Menghui sedan.

All this time, the four corpse kings had been standing motionless at the four corners of the Menghui sedan chair.

Even if the chaos is like this, there is no movement among the corpse kings. They are standing next to the Menghui sedan. No one is looking for bad luck for these corpse kings. If nothing else, just look at them. Son, no one dares to touch their bad luck.

I controlled the purple-haired zombies and quickly jumped towards the corpse kings. When I saw the purple-haired zombies in front of me were about to approach one of the corpse kings, the death that had been standing still suddenly appeared. In response, he first spit out a mouthful of green corpse energy, then jumped up and rushed towards the purple-haired generals in front of him.

The corpse kings each have a pair of pincers on their arms, some of them look like hairy crabs, and some of them look like big lobsters.

The pliers were covered with things that looked like undercut serrations. They clamped onto the purple-haired zombie's neck and forcibly cut off the purple-haired zombie's head.

Damn it, the purple-haired zombie is the best among the "hairy" zombies. In front of the zombie king, it ended up like this with a pair of pliers, even its head was gone.

The zombies without their heads could no longer put up any resistance. Soon the corpse energy leaked out and turned into ordinary corpses, falling to the ground one after another.

At first, I just used a few purple-haired zombies to test them. Unexpectedly, these zombie kings were more ferocious than we imagined. I simply activated the Qingshan Emperor Bell, calling all the zombies to move towards those zombies. Wang pounced.

There were at least seventy or eighty of these purple-haired zombies. They rushed forward and blocked the area around the Menghui sedan.

Seeing those purple-haired zombies entangling the corpse kings, I quickly called on everyone and took advantage of the chaos to destroy the Menghui sedan.

However, now the question arises, what kind of existence is this Menghui sedan, and what method should be used to destroy this Menghui sedan?
(End of this chapter)

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