Chapter 2586

Seventy or eighty purple-haired zombies rushed up and rushed towards the four corpse kings. There was a sudden commotion. Since Bai Maitreya used the corpse king to guard the dream car, it means that this corpse king is extremely difficult to deal with. Yes, the facts also proved this. The heads of the purple-haired zombies that had pounced on them were easily cut off by the corpse king with pliers.

So I had to let all those purple-haired zombies go up and entangle those corpse kings, so that we could take the opportunity to destroy the Menghui sedan chair.

After all, the corpse king is the corpse king. As soon as those purple-haired zombies pounced on them, all four corpse kings suddenly woke up. In one collision, more than a dozen of those purple-haired zombies were knocked away. However, the purple-haired zombies were in Qingshan. Under Di Ling's control, she was also fearless, and they shot up from the ground again, continuing to kill the corpse king.

Seeing these purple-haired zombies temporarily entangled the corpse kings, I turned back to look at Li Banxian and said anxiously: "Old Li, what on earth is this Menghui sedan? How can I destroy this Menghui sedan?"

Lao Li hesitated for a moment, and then said: "The Menghui Sedan is an enlarged version of the Wind Escape Talisman. When the spell is activated, it can carry hundreds or even thousands of people at the same time to places thousands of miles away in an instant. Such a magical weapon I just heard about it, but I didn’t expect that there is such a magical magical weapon in this world. It is not difficult to destroy it. For such a powerful magical weapon, the most fearful thing is the filth and pickled things. We will destroy them later. After killing the four corpse kings, if anyone urinates on the dream sedan chair, the dream sedan chair will lose its function, and then it will be set on fire."

I wiped it. Such a powerful artifact can be solved by just peeing. I didn't expect it.

In this case, what are you waiting for? Roll up your sleeves and kill those corpse kings first.

"We have to let Laohua handle this matter. He is still a boy, and his urine is more effective." Bai Zhan glanced at Laohua and smiled.

"You Bai Zhan, you act like you are no longer a boy. Let's pee together in a while!" The old lady gave Bai Zhan a rolling look and said.

I have also convinced these brothers, and now it’s time. Maybe at some point those dozen Earth Immortal masters won’t be able to hold on any longer, and it will be our turn to go to the West. They are still in the mood to joke around at this time.

At that moment, I waved my hand, and everyone quickly dispersed. Lao Li and I dealt with a corpse king, while Bai Zhan and Lao Hua were in a group. Yi Yiyang released the two old aunts at this time, and the three of them came together. Team, the couple Yue Qiang and Yi Yan are also responsible for dealing with a corpse king.

After everyone made arrangements, they immediately rushed towards the corpse kings. The sword soul in their hands jumped out again. First, with a finishing move, it hit a corpse king, and the purple beam of light happened to fall on it. The chest of one of the dead kings.

With a "boom" sound, the corpse king staggered back after being shaken, and white smoke rose from his chest.

The zombie king that I hit rolled his eyes and immediately looked towards me. After an angry roar, he rushed away from the purple-haired zombies in front of him and waved a pair of iron pincers. , and rushed towards me.

Zombies at the level of Zombie King must have some self-awareness of their own. When they see me attacking him, they know who is his biggest enemy and main target in this place.

That's why it rushed towards me like crazy.

"Be careful, this Corpse King is very difficult to deal with!" Lao Li stood on my side, looking nervously at the Corpse King rushing towards me.

But I stood there motionless with my sword soul sideways, wanting to see how powerful this legendary corpse king was.

In an instant, the corpse king came towards me with a strong corpse aura. The iron pincers made a crisp sound like gold, and they were about to clamp my neck with a "whoosh". I swept the sword soul and followed. The iron pincers collided violently, and the whole body was shaken, and the sword soul almost fell away.

Damn, this Corpse King's strength is really extraordinary.

This iron pincer failed to clamp me, and its other iron pincer hit me again.

This guy was not only strong, but also incredibly fast. I immediately urged Mizong to take eight steps and took two steps to the side. At this moment, Li Banxian appeared behind the corpse king with an extra gun in his hand. He took out two Corpse Suppressing Talismans and stuck them on the corpse king's back.

This guy, Lao Li, immediately turned around and ran away after putting on the Corpse Suppressing Talisman. He would never confront the Corpse King head-on.

This time, the Corpse King was annoyed again. He immediately turned around, set his target on Li Banxian again, and chased him.

As soon as the Corpse King turned around, I saw the two corpse-suppressing talismans attached behind it made two "puff" sounds, and immediately burned into a pile of ashes.

A corpse-suppressing talisman like Lao Li's is useless against zombies of the corpse king's level.

The Corpse King was moving very fast, and Lao Li was so frightened that he shouted: "Xiaojiu, hurry up...stop it!"

When the corpse king was chasing Lao Li, several purple-haired zombies blocked him again, but they were all knocked out by the corpse king, and there was no single enemy at all.

I was stunned for a moment, thinking that this thing is so difficult to deal with, how should I deal with it.

After thinking about it, I quickly got an idea and took out the corpse mirror from the Eight Treasures Bag of the Universe. This corpse mirror is the most effective against zombies. No matter what kind of zombie, as long as it is enveloped by the light of the corpse mirror Live, it will definitely have a good effect.

It's just that the corpse mirror was used by Laohua once not long ago, against Mao Hou. I don't know if it will work this time.

I didn't think much about it at the moment. After taking out the corpse mirror, I bit my finger and used the blood on my middle finger to draw a corpse-suppressing charm on the surface of the corpse mirror. I activated the corpse mirror and inserted it. The corpse king chasing Old Li was shrouded in the past.

A golden ray of light quickly emanated from the corpse mirror, instantly covering the corpse king, but with a "bang" sound, the corpse king was knocked away by the corpse mirror, and the corpse energy on his body It quickly steamed out.

However, the corpse king's body shook for a moment, and then he was about to be ejected from the ground again.

From this point of view, this corpse mirror does not have much effect on the corpse king. Perhaps it is because the magic power of this corpse mirror has not been gathered yet, so the effect is not very strong.

Seeing that the corpse king, who had finally suffered a loss, was about to get up again, how could I dare to give it another chance to show off its cruelty? I immediately took eight steps and came to the corpse king's side, and found out the method of lying on the corpse in my hand. He hit the chest of the zombie that had just ejected.

The corpse king had just stood up, but was hit by the voluntary ruler, and lay down on the ground again, with a roar from his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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