mixed in the war

Chapter 17 Becoming a Professor

() July 1938, 9.

Fuchikou, Huangshi, Hubei.

Bo Tianzhongyi stood behind the position, looking forward with a telescope from time to time... It has been three days.Under his command, the Botian detachment has made considerable progress and has driven the Chinese squadron to the other side of Fuchikou.According to this progress estimate, he will be able to conquer this strategic location in a few days.

"I heard that Fuchikou was the place where General Gan Ning of the Eastern Wu Dynasty stationed troops during the Three Kingdoms period. It was known as the 'Chujiang Key'. I don't know what the commander of the Chinese Army will look like when he hears that this place has been lost."

Beside Shigeichi Hatta, fellow major general Shojiro Iida put down his binoculars and began to show off his knowledge again. Ri himself is such a contradiction. On the one hand, he keeps expressing contempt for the current China, and on the other hand, he is proud of learning Chinese culture.

"If I was commanding local soldiers, then you could see the expression of Commander China now." Shigeichi Hada was still observing the battle ahead through the binoculars.He actually has nothing to command now. Although he has a Taiwan detachment, the combat effectiveness of this unit is not weaker than that of the Chinese army, or even higher, and the commanders at all levels are also Japanese officers. , He has a high combat quality and knows what to do on the battlefield. Moreover, he has always been proud of the record of the unit named after him.

The wave field detachment's real name is the heavy rattan detachment. On September 9th last year, it consisted of the 7st and 1nd Wings under the Taiwan Defense Command, the Taiwan Mountain Artillery Wing, and the newly formed Taiwan 2st and 1nd Sanitation Teams, and the Taiwan Temporary Automobile Team. , Taiwan's No. 2 and No. 1 Transport and Surveillance Teams were jointly compiled, with Major General Shigeto Chiaki as the detachment leader, with a total staff of about 2, which is equivalent to half a Japanese division or a division of the National Revolutionary Army.

On September 9, the Judo Detachment was officially assigned to the Shanghai Expeditionary Army. On the 9th, the Chongteng Detachment maneuvered towards Changshu via Chuansha Town, and then rested in place. On November 14th, it landed in Baikou together with the 11th Division, and occupied Changshu on the 13th.The 16th and 19th divisions captured Wuxi on November 9, and the heavy rattan detachment was able to set off from Wuxi and advance westward via the Shanghai-Nanjing line. On December 16th, the heavy rattan detachment occupied Danyang, and on the same day, Jurong was occupied. Two days later, the military department adjusted the rattan detachment and other three units to form the fifth army, preparing to land on the coast of South China.Therefore, the heavy rattan detachment did not participate in the general attack on Nanjing.

On December 12, the Japanese military decided to postpone the landing in South China, and the Shigeto detachment returned to Taiwan to rest.On February 22 of the following year, Japan revoked the fifth army system, and on the 2nd, the Shigeto detachment was assigned to the Central China Expeditionary Army. He Hata Shigeichi replaced Shigeto Chiaki as the detachment leader. In June, the Botian detachment began to gather in Hefei, and on July 15, it was incorporated into the 22th Army of the Central China Expeditionary Army.Prepare to attack Wuhan.According to the battle plan, the Potian detachment and other troops of the 6th Army went back to the west of the river, successively occupied Anqing, Jiujiang and other places, and in mid-August, they had entered the north of Ruichang. On August 7, the 4th Army ordered to attack Ruichang, and the Hada Detachment, together with the Maruyama Detachment of the 11th Division, attacked Ruichang from the north and east. On the 11th, Ruichang fell.The Botian detachment was ordered to rest on the spot. On September 8, the 8th Army ordered the Potian Detachment to attack the northwest area of ​​Ruichang. On the 16th, the Potian detachment launched an attack on the mountains in the northwest of Ruichang, and occupied the Ma'anshan-Yanjiashan line that night. On the 11th, the Botian detachment advanced another 9 kilometers. On the 24th, the Potian detachment had left Ruichang for 9 kilometers. On the 7th, the Nagai Battalion of the 11nd Taiwan Infantry Regiment under the jurisdiction of the Hada Detachment captured the dock town with the cooperation of other troops and the navy. On the 11th, the whole army of the Botian detachment conquered Kaowuke. On the 12th, a right-wing group composed of the 2st Taiwan Infantry Regiment, the 13nd Regiment Nagai Battalion, and a team from the Shanpao Regiment attacked Fuchikou...

It can be said that since its establishment, his detachment has made great achievements.

But it's a pity that despite the great military exploits, Hata Shigeichi has always been proud of these military exploits, but he still feels regretful in his heart. Because this is an army whose main soldiers are from Taiwan, although they wear the same uniforms as the regular Japanese army, The officers are all Japanese, but in the eyes of Hata Shigeichi, they are still not as good as the regular Japanese army. He even thinks that it is because the soldiers are not Japanese that they drag down his attack, otherwise, he would have been killed by now. It has crossed Fuchikou, occupied Huangshi, overcome all obstacles, and approached the three towns of Wuhan.

"Of course these Taiwanese soldiers cannot be compared with local soldiers. However, under the command of our officers, they can fight like this is quite good. Moreover, I believe that it will not be long before you will have the opportunity to command local soldiers." Iida Shojiro laughed.

"I hope it will be like this." Bo Tianzhong snorted softly, "It's just a pity that the Chinese have transferred four more armies, and the Ninth Division is fighting fiercely with them in the Yangxin and Daye areas, and they will not be able to support us in a short time .Otherwise, we can launch a general attack on the opposite side now."

"But now we are still attacking, and when the time comes, won't we be more proud to complete the task of conquering this strategic location alone?" Shojiro Iida said.

"Fuchikou is important, but I hope to go straight to Wuhan." Bo Tianzhong said.

"I think this is the common thought of all commanders." Iida Shojiro said with a smile.

"of course, I……"


As soon as Bo Tianzhong finished speaking, he was interrupted by a heavy muffled sound on the front battlefield. Before he could react, the muffled "boom" sounded again one after another. Can feel the vibration of the ground.

"Baga, what happened to the artillery? Who told them to fire?"

Bo Tianzhong was furious.He saw through the binoculars that his soldiers had rushed up, and the distance from the Chinese Army's position was only more than 200 meters. Such a short distance, it is easy to be accidentally injured by shells...

"This doesn't seem to be our cannon!" Shojiro Iida was startled at first, but when he thought about it carefully, he realized something was wrong, "The sound doesn't sound like it!"

"Is it from China?"

The two looked at each other, and raised the binoculars at the same time... The Chinese army still has artillery, and Fuchikou is such a strategic location... But the problem is, the number of times the Chinese artillery fired during the attack in the past few days It can be counted on one hand, and it has never been so dense.But even if I hadn't counted the sound of "booming" sounded continuously just now, there might have been thirty or forty times... How could the Chinese army have so many cannons?Even if there is, why are they willing to use it like this?

"The troops are still attacking."

In the telescope, after being stunned for a while by the brief shelling, the Taiwanese soldiers of the detachment continued to attack the Chinese Army's position under the compulsion of the Japanese officers.The same attire, the same roar, and even the same tactics as the local army... Under normal circumstances, the Chinese army will stick to their positions as usual. , Either, drive the detachment soldiers down, or be driven away by the detachment soldiers...but this time is different.Hata Shigeichi and Iida Shojiro saw black objects suddenly "thrown" from the enemy's position opposite them. They were far away, and even with binoculars they couldn't see what they were. However, those objects landed on the ground The final effect was obvious... They could clearly see that with a muffled bang, the soldiers of the charging detachment were directly blown away or simply blown into pieces. , Those soldiers who were far away and not affected by the explosion actually fell directly to the ground after the explosion and never got up again...


"Our army has regained most of the Fuchikou, Yangxin, and Daye positions, and severely damaged the Japanese Army's Bo Tian Detachment and the Ninth Division, killing more than [-] enemy troops and injuring countless people."

During the camp in Wuhan, Tang Zong reported to Chiang Kai-shek the latest battle report. It can be seen that he is very energetic now.

"More than 3000? Are there so many?" Chiang Kai-shek asked in a deep voice.

"Principal, the students have been checked, and there are a total of 970 students." Tang Zong replied.He could understand Chiang Kai-shek's problems.Although it has been at war with the Japanese army for more than a year, from Shanghai, to Xuzhou, and now Wuhan, ** has fought many large-scale battles with the Japanese army, but it has never wiped out so many enemies in a single battle... ... Li Zongren commanded the troops of the entire Fifth Theater in Taierzhuang to win the battle. In total, only more than 2000 Japanese soldiers were killed, less than 1, and only more than [-] people were injured. It was already an exciting victory.But this time, the Third Army and the other four armies actually killed nearly [-] Japanese troops in one battle. No wonder Chiang Kai-shek didn't believe it, even he didn't believe it, otherwise he wouldn't have sent people to investigate again.You know, this kind of behavior offends the frontline commanders very much.

"Are you sure there are so many?" Chiang Kai-shek still did not believe there would be such a record.Three thousand Japanese army.Although tens of thousands of enemy troops have been wiped out in the battle so far, this is just a battle... Can people believe this?

"Back to the principal, the students can guarantee it." Tang Zong confirmed again.

"...Just because of that 'flying thunder cannon'?" Chiang Kai-shek finally believed it, but he still felt like a dream... He knew very well that Sun Tongxuan's Third Army had always been attacking the Bo Tian Detachment and the Ninth Division. If I hadn't gritted my teeth and transferred the four armies, I would have lost that direction long ago.But even so, Sun Tongxuan was still in a hurry and asked for help from time to time.But now, he suddenly launched a counterattack... Sun Tongxuan was possessed by his old boss Han Fuqu?But even if it is possessed by a ghost, what is Han Fuqu?He lost the Yellow River natural danger and the bastards in Shandong without letting go. Can he repel the Japanese army and cause the other party to suffer such a huge loss?But if it wasn't for Han Fuqu's possession, then it could only be the hundreds of gasoline barrels that he supported in the past few days. To be honest, if Tang Zong and Dai Li didn't fully recommend him, he didn't intend to agree...that thing can also For war?

"Principal, according to the report of the Third Army, the 'Flying Thunder Cannon' generally has a range of only 150-200 meters, but the explosion is powerful and has great destructive power to the defense facilities of the Japanese army. Not only that, but its damage range is also appalling. , not even under heavy artillery. The students also heard that many Japanese soldiers who were killed were intact on the surface, but their internal organs were shaken to pieces..." Tang Zong said again.

"Is it really that powerful?" The internal organs were shattered? Rao is well-informed, so Chiang Kai-shek couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"Short range is indeed a big deal. The Japanese army was caught off guard and was attacked by our army. The artillery was unable to show its power, which made it suffer again and again. But from the students' point of view, even if they can use the artillery, it may not be a big deal. The effect, after all, our army has used their artillery hard before... Besides, the shells are much more expensive than the explosives." Tang Zong said.

"Let Sun Tongxuan write a report to describe in detail the specific power and results of the 'Flying Thunder Cannon'." Chiang Kai-shek said.


"What's the name of the one who invented the flying thunder cannon..." Chiang Kai-shek asked again suddenly.

"Qin Wei." Tang Zong said.

"Well, Qin Wei," Chiang Kai-shek nodded, "what is he doing?" Qing University became a professor! "


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