mixed in the war

Chapter 18 Cousin: Qin Wei

() Tang vertically lied to Chiang Kai-shek.

In fact, Qin Wei didn't give lectures at major events. After contributing the "unconscionable cannon", Dai Li still left him in that small shelter for disabled soldiers, but this time there was an extra director of the shelter. Formal letter of appointment... Qin Wei himself did not object.The reason? Although he knew that Dai Li was trying to scare him, he was really afraid of that Nan Zao Yunzi.That is the famous female spy.Although in the film and TV, I must be cleaned up by my righteous side in the end, and I will die a bad life, but since I can get such a big reputation, I am definitely not an ordinary person.Qin Wei didn't want to be accused of being accused by the other party... He hasn't lived enough, even if it's just scratching the surface, it's not good, is it?

The asylum is so good, it is unobtrusive, and I have become the dean, so-so can be regarded as entering the ranks of civil servants.As for the level of his position, he has also been in society for some years, and he still doesn't think that he is really the fate of some protagonist. It is the two leaders of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.The only ones who can defeat these two are themselves, and everyone else is the fate of spectators.Moreover, this is the age when a human life is worse than a dog.The more adventurous people are, the more dangers are around them.It is enough to live this period of time in peace and stability, and then find another opportunity to go to Hong Kong or other places, relying on my own little to see a rich life first, and strive to become a rich man in a few decades.

Besides, he is not lonely now.As a highly educated person with "long-term vision", occasionally being invited by Ye Yuanlong, Ma Yinchu and others to give important lectures and enjoy the respect that he has never received, he still deserves it.Who told him to be a good teacher?It's called Pai'er to train a group of prestigious school students to look like the third grandson.

As for what he can tell the elite college students these days, don't worry. As a writer with the essence of an otaku, what do you not understand?It's enough for these guys to think about it for half a year, not to mention that he has a super killer trick. When he shows it, not to mention Ye Yuanlong, Ma Yinchu, the big bosses of Chongqing University, and even the nearby Zhongyang University. , and now, I heard that the news has spread to the Southwest Associated University in Kunming like flying, and they are planning to organize a delegation to come to Chongqing to ask him for advice... What do you ask for advice?

A major measure related to the great cause of China's education, because Qi Qi, Lu Xiaojia and others educate the soldiers in the asylum because their literacy speed is too slow, so he took it out:

Hanyu Pinyin!

But this is all secondary. He still has one most important thing to do, which is to contact Gu Changjun... This is even more important to him than the current war of resistance.

Unfortunately, Gu Changjun has been annoying him a bit recently.


"Old Gu, big brother, I'm going to call you uncle boss? I'm really wearing it, really..."

"I said, Lao Qin, don't bring such a thing. What's going on with you? I shut down the phone for more than a week, and just turned it on today, and you called again... on purpose?"

Gu Changjun was still typing on the keyboard.He has never annoyed his classmate like this before... Recently, many novels that travel to the world of martial arts have suddenly appeared on the website, and they are all well written. Of course, this is not the most hateful thing. What the guy writes is actually infinite flow... The rotation of world after world is enjoyable.Doesn't this make it clear that they are oppressing those unlucky bastards who can only live in one world?He regretted why he didn't think of this idea at the beginning. It is said that unlimited streaming is not new, is it?Why didn't I think about this, and chose a Lu Xiaofeng series that is not very prominent in the world of ancient dragons?Is Ximen Chuuxue so cute?Ye Gucheng didn't deserve a beating.Besides, this Gu Long's novels are not easy to handle, some of them are slanted, not as full as Jin Yong's world, and it is easy to get started.

"Lu Xiaofeng? If I had known earlier, I might as well have transmigrated into "Peerless Twins." Gu Changjun sighed secretly.

"Old Gu, Mr. Gu, I'm really wearing it."

The ear-piercing noise rang again, and Gu Changjun's distracted mind was pulled back mercilessly... This made him extremely angry.

"I said that you are enough, Qin, don't go too far. I haven't paid the rent for this month. If you delay my work, don't blame me for breaking up with you!"

"But Lao Gu, I really wear it, you believe me, you must believe me..."

"You..." Gu Changjun cried without tears, "Okay, I believe you, you've worn it, you've really worn it... It's all over? Okay, I'm going to write something, don't call anymore ...Your phone bill this month is probably enough for half a month's rent. If you have this spare money, you might as well give it to me directly... Hang up."

"do not--"

"Beep beep..."

There was an indifferent busy tone on the phone.

Qin Wei stared at the phone screen almost in a daze, also wanting to cry without tears.How much more can he call?It's been half a month since Fang Hong and others handed over the charger and the charged battery to him, and he started to make phone calls cautiously and nervously. He has made more than ten calls to Gu Changjun in total... It was okay at first Gu Changjun can still chat with him for a few words, but if he talks too much, or involves the issue of time travel, that guy will hang up immediately, no matter how sincere and pitiful he is.Even, in order to avoid his phone calls, this guy turned off his phone for a week... When he was hiding from the landlord, this guy was only turned off for three days.

But what can he say?Gu Changjun is his only lifeline right now.Not to mention whether it is possible to bring him back, just revealing a little necessary historical knowledge to him will be of great benefit to him.

"But why don't you believe me?"

Qin Wei sat on the edge of a stream not far from Guanyin Nunnery and kept sighing, expressing his mood at the moment... Gu Changjun seemed unwilling to believe him until his death.In the past, he would have taken the bus to the other party's door, but now he can't do anything, he can only hope that the other party suddenly finds out... But this is probably unlikely.Others don't know, but he knows that guy very well.Everything else is easy to talk about, but as soon as money is mentioned, the surname Gu will definitely turn around and leave immediately... No money!Life is more difficult than him.Although I had already stated in the previous phone call that I didn't want to borrow money, it was probably because of this that Gu Changjun was beaten to death and he didn't want to believe what he said... People these days are too open-minded.Gu Changjun is also a fan of Gu Long, and he likes to use the thinking method in Gu Long's novels to think about problems.The more I said that I was not borrowing money, the more that guy would definitely think that he had no money... He could still answer the phone, which was due to his friendship for many years.

"They are all brought down by the society, and people's hearts are not old."

Sighing again, Qin Wei picked up the phone again, stretched out his finger, and wanted to tap a few times on the screen, but after thinking about it, he finally put it away with a sigh.It's not that he didn't want to continue making calls, but he didn't dare.Because he doesn't know how much phone bill is left on his phone card...Of course, this kind of time-traveling call may not be charged, but he dare not gamble.You know, because of financial constraints, he has always recharged only 50 yuan each time.With such a small amount of money, he can’t even make a two-minute overseas call, let alone this kind of farther time-travel call... He is lucky enough to be able to persist in using it until now.

"What's the use of having a charger if the phone bill runs out and the phone is turned off? If I had known it earlier, I would have asked Gu Changjun to recharge the phone bill for tens of dollars... If nothing else, it should be okay?" Qin Wei Gritting his teeth for a moment, he finally shook his head with a wry smile: "That's the guy... If I lend him one hundred and eighty thousand, he may still consider whether I really need it urgently, a few dozen yuan for the phone bill? ...I'm afraid they won't even talk to me anymore."

"How on earth should we do this?"

Qin Wei recklessly lay down on the wet grass behind him.Although he is in a hurry, his current fu has tripled the monthly funding for the asylum he is in charge of, which is not bad.Zheng Zhenhua has not been transferred, and is currently helping him manage the asylum, and the soldiers in the courtyard respect him very much, so that he basically does not need special allowances from Qing University except for food and drink... Whoever calls him is currently considered a What about Ye Yuanlong's guest professor?If it weren't for the war of resistance now, he would be very satisfied.

"Even if I don't care about anything now, I'm afraid I can still do well in the future?"

Fingers kept rubbing the phone, Qin Wei thought to himself again.But, do you really care about nothing?

"Damn, I don't believe it yet, so I can't find a way to ask you to help!"

I don't know which nerve suddenly jumped a few times, Qin Wei sat up suddenly, picked up the phone and pressed it down again...


"I feel good when I see you..."

In the rented room, the phone kept ringing, which made Gu Changjun extremely irritable, so he simply stuffed it under the pillow... But even so, Coco Lee's singing kept drilling into his ears.Gu Changjun was finally furious, took the phone back, wanted to repeat the old trick, and turned off the phone again, only to hear a "tuk-tuk-tuk" ringing outside the bedroom.


It was a knock on the door.Gu Changjun didn't bother to answer Qin Wei's "sao nuisance call", and hurriedly got up to open the door... In case it was the renter, he didn't dare to keep the other party waiting.Of course, it would be even better if it wasn't the charter woman, but Qin Wei who has been harassing him non-stop these days... He is itching his fists and wants to punch someone.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Gu Changjun?"

"Ah, ah! I am, are you looking for me?"

Unexpectedly, the person standing outside the door was not that annoying woman, let alone Qin Wei who deserved a beating, but a woman in professional attire... But it is a pity that this eldest sister is already middle-aged, Except for the sharp eyes that stared at Gu Changjun's heart, there wasn't much about him that could be considered outstanding.

"Are you really Gu Changjun?" The other party looked at Gu Changjun and asked blankly.

"Do you still need to verify your ID card?" Gu Changjun frowned slightly, dissatisfied with this woman's attitude.How can you knock on someone's door, but keep asking for their name?He is Gu Changjun, not Gu Changwei, will someone impersonate him?

"Of course, the ID card must be checked." The middle-aged woman smiled suddenly: "Let me introduce myself, I am a lawyer assigned by Hong Kong Jiashun Law Firm to the Beijing representative office. My surname is Gao, Gao Hui."

"Lawyer?" Gu Changjun was startled, "You, why do you want me?"

"Can we go in and talk?" Gao Hui asked again.

"Oh, come in, come in," the lawyer!Have a lawyer find yourself?Although I haven't collected the rent yet, it's not time to pay the rent either!Gu Changjun hastily opened the door to let people in, and at the same time, he kept thinking about what happened... Why did a lawyer suddenly appear out of nowhere?

"Mr. Gu lives in this kind of place?"

Following Gu Changjun into the room, seeing the mess in the room, Gao Hui frowned involuntarily.

"Nine out of ten single men like us are like this... Can I ask, what is the matter with you, Lawyer Gao?" Gu Changjun didn't care, he didn't encounter any embarrassing situations when he was a salesman been?He is more concerned about the other party's purpose now.With a character like his, he never thought that one day he would be knocked on the door by a lawyer.

"Well, I'll get straight to the point." Gao Hui was also taken aback by Gu Changjun's ease, and then smiled: "Mr. Gu, do you have a cousin named Qin Wei?"


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