mixed in the war

Chapter 207 Disposal Recommendations

"Shi Yousan and Zhu Huaibing brazenly attacked the headquarters of our Eighth Army. We should confess that it was you, not us!"

"Shi Yousan and Zhu Huaibing's troops were only ordered to deploy for defense, but they were ambushed by the Eighth Route Army... If you don't confess, you will be a traitor."

"If you want to add a crime, why don't you have a reason? You are hitting back!"

"Beat it backwards? Then I don't know where I hit you? According to your statement, why did we, the beaters, get beaten instead? Put this on you, do you believe it?"

"Shi Yousan and Zhu Huaibing have repeatedly created friction between the two parties and provoked the Eighth Route Army many times. Our department has always put the overall situation first and has been patient. This time it is just a concentrated expression of their evil nature. Moreover, Zhu Huaibing personally went to the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army for exchanges. Learning, doesn’t he know where it is? Now that the defense has been transferred, why have two divisions been transferred to the headquarters of our Eighth Route Army? This is not a long-planned attack, what is it?”


Want to beat someone, but get beaten instead, and finally go to find someone to confess angrily... This kind of thing is shameless when it comes to individuals, but it is a manifestation of normalization when it comes to politics .However, Qin Wei is obviously not used to this kind of normalized political behavior.Sitting at the negotiating table, watching Zhou Enlai deal with He Yingqin and Bai Chongxi alone, and even occasionally adding a few others, such as Dai Jitao who once had an affair with Nan Zao Yunzi, he really didn't have much interest .Don't these guys know Premier Zhou's combat effectiveness in this kind of negotiation?They should all be old acquaintances.

"Arguing and arguing, don't you guys feel bored?" Taking advantage of the gap, Qin Wei, who was bored in every possible way, finally found a chance. He first glanced at He Yingqin and Bai Chongxi, then at Zhou Enlai, and then told everyone in the meeting Scanned them all: "So free. I think everyone might as well discuss capitalism and socialism first..."


No one answered.It's just that everyone looked at Qin Wei as if they were looking at a fool.

"I just think it's worthless to see you spending so much saliva on one thing. You are all important people, time is precious, what a pity to waste it?" Qin Wei felt very innocent: "Don't you think this problem is a little bigger? Son? Then we can discuss other things."

"Cough, cough!"

He Yingqin coughed twice.He suddenly realized that it was very unreliable to ask Qin Wei to participate in the negotiation.And Lao Jiang who made this mistake is naturally even more unreliable... The main reason is that the commissioner still has too little contact with Qin Wei.He thought to himself, and then saw Qin Wei push the teacup in front of him:

"Itchy throat? Drink saliva to moisten it."

"Thank you." He Yingqin didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"How long do you think the War of Resistance will last?" Qin Wei suddenly asked again.

"It should be two to three years." Bai Chongxi took a deep look at Qin Wei, and he felt that this kid probably didn't do it on a whim... There must be some purpose for bringing up this topic.

"Sir Bai is so confident?" Qin Wei asked.

"If it was in the past, I wouldn't dare to say such a thing. But now Japan is suddenly fighting with the Soviet Union..." At this point, Bai Chongxi gloated at Zhou Enlai and others across the negotiating table. "They are fighting on two fronts. During the First World War, Germany made this mistake and lost a lot. Although we are not as good as Britain and France, the Soviet Union still has some foundations. Japan is definitely far behind Germany. Therefore, Japan's strength will definitely be greatly consumed. In this way, our opportunity will come. And we have played well recently, and the Nanchang battle is an example."

"What do you think of Mr. Zhou?" Qin Wei asked Zhou Enlai again.

"The war of resistance is a long-term process. Although the Japanese suddenly launched an attack on the Soviet Union this time, it was beyond everyone's expectations. But with the strength of the Soviet Union, we can believe that the Japanese will not last long. They will eventually take the main The target is China." Zhou Enlai replied in a deep voice.

"I agree with this." Qin Wei smiled, "Although Stalin has the character of 'trying hard to take advantage, rather than suffer', he is also very practical. The situation in Europe is becoming more and more uncontrollable. It is possible to be attacked by Germany. That is the existence that dares to challenge the world on its own, purely in terms of military strength. The Soviet Union is far from being an opponent. Especially after the great purge, the combat capability of the Soviet Red Army has become more and more unbearable. It has been proven in Finland. So, as long as Vasilevsky can turn the situation around and drive the Japanese out of the Soviet Union, I can guarantee that Stalin can even allow Japan to occupy Outer Mongolia."

"Outer Mongolia?" Zhou Enlai was taken aback.

"Chief Qin, what do you mean..." Ye Jianying was also quite puzzled by Qin Wei's words.Outer Mongolia, why mention Outer Mongolia?He didn't believe that Qin Wei said it casually... At their level, there is no such thing as "casual".What's more, it is still in this situation.

"The Kwantung Army's offensive is fierce. After Vasilevsky arrived in the Far East, he has not been able to stabilize the front. If we send troops to help at this time..."

"Are you kidding?" Bai Chongxi looked at Qin Wei in surprise, "With the character of those old men, how could it be possible for us to send troops to their territory? Don't forget, it was so difficult to fight against Finland, and even the Japanese They are already ashamed of being beaten so miserably. If they let others help in the battle, where can Stalin face face?"

"Who said they sent troops to their territory?" Qin Wei laughed and said, "We can send troops into Outer Mongolia! That's our own territory, so we don't care whether Stalin agrees or not."

"Speak lightly!" Dai Jitao from the Kuomintang side snorted coldly: "If you say send troops, you will send troops? Not to mention the reaction of the Soviet Union, the Japanese are easy to provoke? You also said that the Kwantung Army is now aggressively attacking... ...Send soldiers over there for others to fight?"

"Pai is a little mean, declare your sovereignty." Qin Wei shrugged, "Besides, how do you know that the Kwantung Army can defeat us?"

"A joke." Dai Jitao sneered: "The Kwantung Army is known as the strongest army in Japan. The Soviet Union is a good example for its combat effectiveness! Moreover, Outer Mongolia is so far away from us. No matter who is sent there, logistics will be a big problem. How to fight the Japanese? "

"That's true, but... it doesn't have to be face-to-face." Qin Wei smiled, and then raised his chin at Zhou Enlai, "Mr. Zhou, what do you think?"

"What does Chief Qin mean?" Could it be that we want the Eighth Route Army to go north?Zhou Enlai felt that he seemed to have touched Qin Wei's pulse.But to enter Outer Mongolia...he would also like to, but does the Eighth Route Army have this strength?

"Although the Soviet Union claims to be socialism and talks about democracy and freedom, its actual behavior is similar to those of imperialism, especially after several years of 'Great Cleansing', Stalin has become a de facto dictator..." Qin Weiza He pursed his lips, "This person is a 'Great Slav'ist, very aggressive. His early goal in the Far East, or Asia, was to bring China under his control... But there is a problem, That is, China is too big. Once its huge population and territory are incorporated into the Soviet Union, it will inevitably snatch the leadership of the Soviet Union at some point in the future. This is not something that can be changed by someone’s subjective will. Therefore, he later changed his purpose …He wants to control part of China’s power and at the same time split China. And in terms of splitting China, his goals are Xinjiang, Northeast China, and Outer Mongolia!”

"What evidence do you have to prove this?" Bogu couldn't help asking.Although he was one of the 28 and a half Bolsheviks who came back from studying in the Soviet Union, after years of experience, especially after witnessing the Soviet Union’s invasion of Finland, he did not directly refute Qin Wei’s comments on Stalin...but the Chinese Communist Party and the Soviet Union In terms of relationship, he had to ask this question.

"There is no need to prove it. Everyone is very clear in their hearts. It's just that they can't express it because of their respective positions. But I believe that everyone here is actually very wary of the Soviet Union. Of course this includes you, Mr. Bogu." Qin Wei laughed.

"Chief Qin, don't talk nonsense." Bogu's face changed slightly.He didn't understand why Qin Wei suddenly made it clear... People who engage in politics can't do that.Because doing so will leave no room for everyone to change.

"Hehe, why can't you talk nonsense? This world is a free world. Didn't the Soviet Union also advertise democracy and freedom? What's the matter with a few words of my own speculation? Could it be possible that Stalin could send someone from his security committee to arrest me? Put me on trial in Moscow, and then clean me out?" Qin Wei laughed.

"I think we should stop talking about this topic? After all, the Soviet Union is still our friend. Since the Anti-Japanese War, only the Soviet Union has been supporting us." Zhou Enlai said with a wry smile.He also suddenly realized that getting in touch with Qin Wei was not an easy job.Because you don't know what this guy will say out of the blue...it doesn't matter the occasion.

"What's the matter with talking? Now is the break time, you can say anything. And I think General Qin's words are quite reasonable." Seeing Zhou Enlai's embarrassment, Dai Jitao began to support without principle Qin Wei.

"What exactly do you want to say?" He Yingqin asked Qin Wei seriously.He and Bai Chongxi are the ones who have had the most contact with Qin Wei among these people.They knew exactly what this guy was like.Out of tune, out of tune, but it's definitely not the guy's style to suddenly say such rambling and irrelevant things in a meeting like this.

"I just hate that you guys keep arguing about one thing." Qin Wei sighed softly: "Isn't it just a matter of face? Let me tell you, it's just like this...Shi Yousan and Zhu Huaibing were dismissed and investigated. Now, the military committee will issue another statement, no matter who makes friction or deliberately provokes in the future, they will be severely punished."

"How can this be done?" Dai Jitao quit first, "Obviously their Eighth Route Army attacked our **, how could..."

"I haven't finished yet." Qin Weibai glanced over, and said again: "The New Fourth Army retreats northward. Give up the Jiangnan base area to the government..." (To be continued...)

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