mixed in the war

Chapter 208 Cuikov is Coming

"The New Fourth Army is withdrawing to the north?"

"Yes, this is Qin Wei's proposal."


The meeting ended quickly after Qin Wei put forward his own suggestion.He Yingqin reported Qin Wei's suggestion to Chiang Kai-shek, and the result immediately aroused Chiang Kai-shek's interest.In fact, Lao Jiang has no intention of attacking the New Fourth Army yet.Qin Wei relied on a little foresight to "sell" him, He Yingqin, and Bai Chongxi once. Judging from the time period, it can be said that they have been wronged to death.But the problem is, even if they are wronged, no one will redress them.Is it true that Hu Zongnan surrounded the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region?Is it true that Shi Yousan and Zhu Huaibing attacked the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army?Is it true that Yan Xishan attacked the Anti-Japanese Death Squad led by Mao Zedong?And inferred from this, how could Lao Jiang give up dealing with the New Fourth Army?Although the development of the New Fourth Army is not as exaggerated as the Eighth Route Army, but as one of the two main forces of the Communist Party of China, and has been developing in the traditional power areas of the Kuomintang, Lao Jiang should have regarded it as a thorn in his flesh and a thorn in his side.When dealing with the Eighth Route Army, Lao Jiang always aimed to hit Huanglong directly. How could he not be ruthless when dealing with the New Fourth Army, which was right at his elbow?Therefore, this "unjust case" cannot be called an unjust case at all.Even if the Communist Party failed to find any evidence to prove this after receiving Qin Wei's warning, it was only because Lao Jiang's plan had not yet reached the stage of concrete implementation...

But now, Qin Wei put forward the suggestion of the New Fourth Army withdrawing northward.

"It seems that he is still on the party-state side."

Chiang Kai-shek was very satisfied with Qin Wei's attitude.That day after he lost his temper at the meeting, he just left the house when he heard Qin Wei speak out about his adulterous behavior, so he was naturally very annoyed.That's why He Yingqin was asked to bring someone to negotiate with the police, because he really wanted to force Qin Wei to clarify his position.But now it seems to be working fine.If you think about it, Qin Wei has no roots.But they must be rich people. Even if they don't show up in Chongqing, they must be some kind of big capitalists in the future. How could they mix with those poor representatives?

"The meaning of the appointment is to talk to Zhou Enlai and the others according to Qin Wei's proposal?" He Yingqin asked again.

"What do you think?" Chiang Kai-shek asked back.

"The New Fourth Army has developed very fast in the past few years, and its strength has become stronger and stronger. Especially with the Eighth Route Army, one north and one south echo each other, which is extremely detrimental to the party and state. Therefore, we must take necessary measures to prevent it. But I think Qin Wei's move is a little bit It means Heximu." He Yingqin replied.

"And mud?"

"Qin Wei's point of view is obvious. He doesn't approve of us attacking the Communist Party before the victory of the War of Resistance. I think this is mainly because he is not on the same side as us, so he doesn't pay much attention to the struggle between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. The blood feud between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party doesn't care about it for decades. That's why it's so easy. But he also knows that we have suffered a loss this time. So he made this suggestion, one is to give an explanation to the outside world, and the other is to Take care of our face. But I think this is not good. The New Fourth Army is powerful. Although the scope of influence is much worse than that of the Eighth Route Army, Ye Ting and Xiang Ying are not easy to deal with. The Eighth Route Army is already so difficult. Once the New Fourth Army is forced to go north Go back. Is there any place for us to talk in North China?" He Yingqin said seriously.

"You mean...not agree?" Chiang Kai-shek asked.

"The best thing is to let the New Fourth Army from Jiangbei come to Jiangnan." He Yingqin said, "Our strength in Jiangnan is much stronger than that in Jiangbei. The Ninth War Zone just won Okamura Ningji and wiped out three Japanese troops. The division is the time when the momentum is the most powerful and the troops are the most abundant. Xue Yue is also a veteran at dealing with **..."

"Hmm..." Chiang Kai-shek thought about it for a while, "You have a good idea. Just go and talk to Zhou Enlai."


"But Qin Wei's face must also be taken care of." Chiang Kai-shek pondered for a while: "So...Shi Yousan is dead, don't care about him. Zhu Huaibing, the Eighth Route Army headquarters only has a small force. His two main divisions went up and still returned. Being beaten to a crippled...just like what Qin Wei said, he will be dismissed!"


************************************************** ***************

Lao Jiang was discussing with He Yingqin, and the Eighth Route Army Liaison Office was also hesitating because of Qin Wei's proposal.

No one thought that Qin Wei would take the initiative to ask the New Fourth Army to withdraw northward.

"This is what he reminded us of." Bo Gu felt that his head was full of confusion at the moment, "Let us be careful about Chiang Kai-shek. But now he himself proposes to let the New Fourth Army withdraw to the north... What does he want to do?"

"Could it be that Lao Jiang and the others came up with some new demon moth?" Ye Jianying looked at the crowd hesitantly and asked.

"Who knows? We have suffered such a big loss at our hands. With Chiang Kai-shek's character, he will definitely retaliate." Dong Biwu squeezed his beard, "But the Kuomintang's strength in the north is relatively weak, and it has just After suffering a loss, Chiang Kai-shek knew that there was no point, so it may not be impossible to get revenge on Ye Ting, Xiang Ying and the others."

"Could this be some kind of smoke screen created by the Kuomintang? This Qin Wei has always been closely related to Chiang Kai-shek, He Yingqin, Dai Li, and others. Although he has never shown any political stance, who can guarantee his attitude towards us?" If this is a game he, Chiang Kai-shek, He Yingqin and others jointly set up, the New Fourth Army will suffer a lot." Lin Boqu said suddenly.

"I still believe that Qin Wei's attitude towards us is friendly." Zhou Enlai pondered, "There must be some special reason for such a proposal. But we still have to be careful about this matter. First report to the Central Committee, and then look at the Kuomintang What will it say over there?"

"What if the Kuomintang really wants to let the New Fourth Army withdraw to the north?" Ye Jianying asked.

"I think it should be recommended to the central government to firmly oppose it." Bo Gu said: "The development of the New Fourth Army is going well, although recently there have been some frictions with Gu Zhutong in the third war zone, and with Xue Yue and Luo Zhuoying's troops in the ninth war zone, so we were forced to give up. There are some base areas, but the overall situation is still good. We have no reason to throw away comrades’ efforts over the years just because of a few words from someone.”

"Most of the activities of the New Fourth Army were areas under the direct jurisdiction of Chiang Kai-shek, and most of the surrounding troops were Chiang's direct descendants. The Jiangnan area has always been the sphere of influence of the Jiangsu-Zhejiang consortium... Just like Qin Wei reminded us back then. Chiang Kai-shek will not Allow Ye Ting, Xiang Ying and the others to grow up in these places. Once there is a sign that it is difficult to control, he will immediately deal with it." Zhou Enlai said in a deep voice: "Although the New Fourth Army has developed well in the past few years, overall But it is still far behind the Eighth Route Army. How many people are there in total in the New Fourth Army now? Gao Jingting’s four teams have 8000 people. It is already the strongest one, but if you really compare it, I’m afraid it’s the actual force controlled by a main regiment of the Eighth Route Army... North Withdrawal may not necessarily be a bad idea."

"I think this matter is between two things. Withdrawing to the north has the benefits of withdrawing from the north. For example, it is more convenient to contact the central government, and it should be more convenient to develop, which is more conducive to our concentration of fists; if we don't withdraw, we can Continuing to hold back some of the Japanese forces in the Jiangnan area and drive a nail in the traditional sphere of influence of the Kuomintang is beneficial to the future..." Dong Biwu seemed a little embarrassed.This is the difficulty of being a leader: you have to make the right choices when necessary.But who can guarantee that their decision will always be correct?so.When making a decision, they must think carefully and try their best to consider every possibility clearly, but in this way, the time is too late.


"Tuk Tuk!"

It is necessary to choose those that are closest to the truth among countless information.And it can be difficult to make decisions that are best for one's own side based on this information. **Several leaders of the Southern Bureau discussed for a long time, but could not come up with any results.Because for the New Fourth Army.Withdrawing to the north is indeed a dilemma.And just when they can't get the result.Just as they were about to end the discussion, there was a knock on the door.After that, Deng Yingchao walked in with a telegram, and at the same time, everyone in the room saw that Sister Deng's face was very bad.

"What happened?" Zhou Enlai suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"A telegram from the headquarters of the New Fourth Army, they shot Gao Jingting dead."


************************************************** *********

"Neji Okamura has decided to cooperate with us."

White mansion.Qin Wei just came back not long ago.Xu Yuanju made a report to him.

"The old devil bowed his head so quickly?" Qin Wei was a little surprised, "I thought he could last another month or two."

"Your three shots have already killed his temper. Another month or two? He is afraid that you will shoot him a few more times." Xu Yuanju said with a smile.

"Shooting him a few shots is not too much... Has this matter been announced to the public?" Qin Wei asked again.

"Ningji Okamura's condition is: not to announce that he has surrendered." Xu Yuanju smiled wryly.

"Being a bitch has to set up an archway." Qin Wei curled his lips in disdain, "How long does he think he can hide this?"

"Hey, didn't you give him the 'Bombing King' saber bestowed by the Emperor Kikuji Okuda?" Xu Yuan raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "The old devil let this knife go. I thought of an idea: Let the Ryotaro Nakai, the head of the 106th Division, took the top of his tank."

"Nakai Ryotaro?" Qin Wei was startled, and then smiled again: "Don't mention it, I'll forget about this guy if you don't mention it... In the Japanese army, there are always defeats, and not many of them are defeated so badly." .101 and 106 are the most brilliant ones. By the way, how is Ryotaro Nakai?"

"It's still closed." Xu Yuanju twitched his lips, "This guy was neither shot nor tortured, so he has always been quite stubborn."

"Then let him keep his mouth shut." Qin Wei smiled, "But if he finds out that he was framed by his immediate boss one day, will he still be so stubborn?"

"I don't think so." Xu Yuanju laughed.

"It makes sense, hahaha..."

Qin Wei laughed, happy to see the scene of the two lieutenant generals biting each other, and at this moment, Zhou Tian walked in from the outside.

"What's so fun?"

"There are a lot of things about Coke. Shall I tell you, and then we can have fun together?" Qin Wei asked with a smile.

"I'm afraid you won't be happy after listening to what I said." Zhou Tian looked at him, "The Soviet Union sent someone, called Cui Kefu, I heard they were here to ask for trouble...Ministry of National Defense Chief He personally called , ask you to go over and discuss how to deal with it.” (To be continued..)

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