mixed in the war

Chapter 209 The intention of the Soviet Union

Speaking of the most famous Soviet general in World War II, Zhukov is undoubtedly No.1.But under Zhukov, people such as Timoshenko, Vasilevsky, Chuikov and others are not much weaker.Compared with several other brave generals who performed on the battlefields of the World Wars, Cuikov not only has a strong ability to command combat, but also has a very exciting diplomatic career.The most dazzling place in Cuikov's diplomatic career is China.

"In the autumn of 1926, when I was still an intern in the Chinese Department of the Oriental Department of the Frunze Military Academy, I came to China with the senior diplomat Krozhko as a diplomatic attache. During my first trip to China, I I have been to China’s Harbin, Changchun, Lushun, Dalian, Tianjin, and Beijing successively. However, China is in the midst of war. That trip made me deeply feel the suffering brought by the war to the Chinese people.  … Years later, in the autumn of 1927, I formally completed my studies at the Oriental Department of the Frunze Military Academy and was sent to China again as a military advisor. During my two-year tenure as a military advisor, I traveled around, Almost all over North China, South China and Sichuan Province. I dare say that no one in the Soviet Union can understand China better than me.”

At this time, Cuikov's military rank was already very high, and he was the commander of the Soviet 9th Army... This army was part of the Soviet army that attacked Finland.However, Chuikov's face did not break the pride of a country.Thinking about it, with the strength of the Soviet Union, it took so long to fight against a small Finland, and it has not really completely occupied Finland until now. Such an achievement is really nothing to be proud of.

"I know that you have stayed in China for a long time, which can be heard from your Chinese proficiency." Qin Wei found it very interesting that the future Marshal of the Soviet Army could speak Chinese fluently. Guy really knows a lot about China.But this also made him more vigilant, the more he understood, the more dangerous he would be.Chuikov was a Soviet general.It is always impossible to learn Chinese because of any good feelings for China?

"I have a lot of affection for China..."

"Cough, cough, cough—"

A violent cough interrupted Chuikov's sensational performance.The future Marshal of the Soviet Army frowned, he was already very dissatisfied with Qin Wei.

"General Qin seems to have a bad impression of me?"

"I don't dare, I just have a sore throat... The weather is too hot recently, and I have caught a cold." Qin Wei laughed.

"I've heard of catching a cold from the cold, but I've never heard of catching a cold from the heat." Cuikov held back his breath.

"That means you don't understand China yet." Qin Wei said with a smile: "If you have the opportunity, you'd better learn Chinese medicine... In fact, being hot is also an important reason for catching a cold."

"Cough, cough!" He Yingqin also coughed twice.Cui Kefu came with bad intentions... He had received a report from the military command that the head of the Special Affairs Department of the Japanese China Expeditionary Force, Nakanishi Isao, was a Soviet spy and had fled to the New Fourth Army.And with the identity of that Chinese and Western skills.They are fully qualified to know that they cooperated with the Japanese to cheat the Soviet Union.But if Chinese and Western skills are known, naturally the Soviet Union will also know it.According to the report of the embassy in the Soviet Union, after the defeat of the Far Eastern Military Region, Stalin summoned them and severely expressed his dissatisfaction with China.And threatened to stop all aid to China.Chuikov is here.Apparently it was Xingshi who asked for the crime.But Qin Wei, one of the protagonists, behaved so badly... Doesn't this kid know that China still needs the assistance of the Soviet Union?By the way, the reason why the Chinese and Western skills can escape.It seems that Qin Wei sent the military commander to persecute him... What does he mean?

"I'll just say it straight: According to our intelligence, the reason why the Japanese Kwantung Army was able to achieve such great results on the Far East battlefield is that it has a lot to do with your country? Before I came, Comrade Stalin told me that this Impossible. Because it is impossible for China to cooperate with the Japanese, not to mention that our Soviet Union has been supporting your cause of the war of resistance...China is a country of etiquette, how could it be possible to do such immoral things? But considering my The purpose of coming here. Therefore, I still hope to confirm: Is the Chinese government cooperating with the Japanese and pushing Japan to invade the Soviet Union behind the scenes?" Cuikov asked with a sullen face.

"General Cuikov, do you think it is possible for us to cooperate with Japan? Moreover, even if we cooperate with Japan, how can we help the Japanese to be so devastated?" He Yingqin asked with a smile.

"Intelligence!" Cuikov said with a gloomy face, "as far as I know, someone leaked our military deployment in the Far East. The Japanese offensive also showed this exactly. At the beginning of the war, the Japanese air force bombed the The headquarters of our 1st Army, as well as many airfields, artillery positions, and ammunition depots... Especially the ammunition depots, actually penetrated to the division and brigade level! Without detailed and accurate information, they could not have done this. "

"As far as I know, a general in your country seems to have defected." Qin Wei smiled: "That general seems to be your highest military commander in the Far East? Am I right?"

"...There is indeed such a thing. However, after the defection, our military deployment in the Far East has been changed."

"But you can't change that general's interpersonal relationship. Similarly, you can't change the Japanese penetration of the Far East... The Japanese offensive to the Far East shows that they have coveted those lands for more than a day." Qin Wei said.

"Even if it was premeditated, it is impossible to investigate the intelligence so accurately." Cui Kefu retorted: "Besides, it is impossible for Japanese spies to penetrate into the various departments of the Far Eastern Military Region."

"You can send Sorge's team and infiltrate this team to the Japanese Prime Minister, so why can't the Japanese send their spies to your center?" Qin Wei said curiously: "And as far as I know, As early as the period of Tsarist Russia, the Japanese had already had contact with you Bolsheviks. During the Russo-Japanese War, Akashi Motojiro funded Lenin and Trotsky to engage in the '1905 Revolution', with the purpose of corruption, or no goal They created a series of social unrest, such as terrorist attacks, strikes, peasant protests, riots, etc... At that time, the Japanese had already achieved this step. After all these years, how can you be sure that the Japanese have already Withdrawing their black hand from you, instead of going deeper and deeper?"

"You are making malicious speculations." Cuikov's face darkened even more.He didn't expect Qin Wei to mention this matter... This is indeed a disgraceful deed of the Bolsheviks.For their own benefit, they accepted funding from abroad and actually betrayed their own country.Now if someone brought up this matter in the Soviet Union, people from the Security Committee would definitely come to the door immediately, and then all relevant people would be cleaned up...even if the cruel "cleaning" was over.But having said that, this is China, and the person who said this was a senior Chinese general... In the past, he could protest and ask the national government to deal with Qin Wei to a certain extent.But now that the Soviet Union is too busy to take care of itself, what can it do to Qin Wei?

"Whether it's malicious or not, it's meaningless, but it is indeed a possibility... Akashi Motojiro can even buy Lenin and Trotsky, how can he not buy other people?" Qin Wei said again road.

"Lenin cannot be bribed!"

"That's Trotsky! That guy is the leader of the Trotskyists, and he is an enemy of Comrade Stalin... He has already experienced treason once. For his own benefit, why is it impossible to rebel again? Otherwise , who has the ability to disclose the detailed information of your Far East Military Region to the Japanese? God?" Qin Wei asked back.

"Trotsky doesn't have this ability either. The Trotskyites have already been defeated, and they have no place in the Soviet Union," Chuikov said hastily.Trotsky?If Qin Wei's conjecture was told to Stalin, what would be the result?Thinking back to the struggle between Stalin and Trotsky, and then thinking about the cruelty of the Great Cleansing... Chuikov suddenly felt his heart skip a beat.

"If Trotsky doesn't have this ability, then who else? General Chuikov, you have to understand that we in China are too busy to take care of ourselves now, so how can we have time to join the Japanese in finding trouble with the Soviet Union?" Qin Wei asked again.

"Some things are hard to say. Didn't the Japanese attack the Soviet Union just rescue China?" Cuikov said.

"Then what do you want? Let us send troops to help you fight? If you insist, I can make suggestions to our government...we are friends." Qin Wei said.

"The Soviet Union can solve Japan by itself without any reinforcements." Let China send troops to help?Cuikov felt that Qin Wei was satirizing the Soviet Union.

"That's it...that would be a pity. In fact, we are really happy. Although it may be a bit difficult, since the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the whole world, that is, the Soviet Union, has been supporting us. We really want to repay Just a little bit." Qin Wei sighed, and looked at Cuikov with hope again: "Can't you report to Comrade Stalin? Let us use volunteers! If you are really sorry, you can use these to offset part of the aid. We're totally fine with that."

"No need." Cuikov said coldly.Human Offset Aid?The Soviet Union has no shortage of people.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter... Then we really have nothing to do." Qin Wei sighed again, "Although we admire your determination, there is really nothing we can do."


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