mixed in the war

Chapter 216 Doihara, who is good at studying

Japan, the Soviet Union, China, Germany... Qin Wei instinctively distrusted the Japanese.Because he knew very well that before the Germans really took action, although the whole world felt that they would target the Soviet Union, Germany's real target was Britain and France: the Gallic rooster proved the invincibility myth of the German Legion with its rapid defeat; People used to be extremely proud, but they could only stand up against the bombs of the Germans and refuse to surrender... If the Americans hadn't joined the war in the end, Germany might dominate the whole of Europe.Even like in a novel Qin Wei once read, Hitler would point his troops at America.

Unfortunately, these may not all be just impossible ambitions of the Germans.Inherent insufficiency made Germany go downhill every time after showing its sharpness in the early stage.Just like China is to Japan, the vast land and huge population, even without the United States participating in the war, are enough to drag Japan to death in the end; Will win against German Hans... Wars have never been determined by the strength of the army to determine the final success or failure.

There was no way the Germans would attack the USSR.

Hitler's number one target was Britain and France, which has not changed before, and should not change now.The reason why he hoped that the Japanese would strengthen their forces in the Far East was because he was worried that the Soviet Union would take advantage of his war with Britain and France to attack Germany behind his back.Stalin was no good man or woman.Zhao Kuangyin once said back then, how can you allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the couch!Both Germany and the Soviet Union were once enemies of the whole world, and were once enemies themselves. How could they let go of their guard against each other so easily?Especially when both sides are so aggressive, it is even more impossible to rest assured.The vast depth of the Soviet Union also determined that it was impossible for Hitler to make it his first goal.If it gets stuck and can't be pulled out, isn't it really a chestnut for Britain and France?

So.There is only one possibility for this trick played by the Japanese-a scam!


"Can this plan really fool the Kuomintang government?"

In Nanjing, Shouyi in the temple has a round and smooth face full of doubts.When Kenji Doihara told him about his plan, his first thought was to object: this is too ridiculous.How could the Chinese cooperate with them to fight the Soviet Union?Can Chiang Kai-shek have such courage?But he was finally persuaded by Doihara and put the plan into action.However, after receiving the news that Nan Zao Yunzi and others had arrived in Chongqing, he became worried again... If it doesn't work, won't he become a laughing stock?

"You can't be fooled." Kenji Doihara was straightforward, "There are many sober people in the national government, and they know very well that Japan and China cannot cooperate."

"Then what kind of cooperation plan do you want to make?" Just like what Qin Wei said, Si Nei Shou was top-heavy.Five short stature, with the most typical characteristics of a Japanese man.But the problem is that this not-so-good-looking guy, who even has some funny looks, is one of the highest-ranking figures in the Japanese Army, although his rank is still a general.It is similar to Doihara and others, but in terms of power.He once boarded the throne of No.1 in the Japanese Army.And it was Shouichi in the temple who came to power.It was only then that Umezu Yoshijiro, Sugiyama Moto and other officers of the ruling faction took control of the Japanese army, which also to some extent prompted Japan's full-scale aggression against China.

"We can't fool those sober guys in the national government, but we can make Chiang Kai-shek hesitate." Doihara showed a trace of contempt on his face, "That's a rich man. He wants others to know that he is rich, and he wants others to know that he is rich. Seeing his magnanimity, he fears that others will take advantage of him. On the contrary, he desperately wants to take advantage of others... If he just knows that we are willing to cooperate with him and attack the Soviet Union together, he Maybe he won't take it to heart. But if he knows that the Germans are also involved. He will definitely think it over."

"Isn't he afraid of the retaliation of the Soviets? After all, compared with us, the border between China and the Soviet Union is wider. It is also easier for the Soviet Union to attack them." Terauchi Shouyi.

"He will definitely think about letting the Germans do it first, or us. But before that, he will hesitate, and the time he hesitates is our time." Doihara said sternly.The national government dispatched large-scale troops and generals with the intention of counterattacking the vast occupied areas. Of course, it is impossible for them to be unaware.It's just that I still don't quite understand where the Chinese squadron will put the main targets... Nishio Hiszo and Doihara, including the successor Terauchi Shouichi, firmly believe that Chiang Kai-shek will choose a few important targets to counterattack instead of counterattacking across the board.Because they don't think the squadron has such power.However, as the war approached, signs of a full-scale counterattack by the squadron became more and more obvious.This made Temple Shouichi and Doihara panic.

The Battle of Nanchang, the Battle of Southern Guangxi... After the two battles, the Japanese army suffered great losses.And the losses are all famous and powerful divisions.It is impossible for the squadron's combat effectiveness to be so enhanced in such a short period of time. So, what is Chiang Kai-shek's confidence to dare to launch a full-scale counterattack?


Doihara got the answer without much thought.In the Battle of Nanchang, the accurate bombing of the Chinese Air Force was the main reason for the failure of the Okamura Ningji Group. Otherwise, Xue Yue and Luo Zhuoying would not be able to stop the Japanese army with a large number of heavy artillery and armored vehicles; It was the Japanese army that fell into the encirclement that the Chinese squadron had arranged in advance after the early advance, and after annihilating the Japanese forward in a short period of time, the Chinese squadron went straight to the fifth division that hadn't reacted... All this Everything proved the terrible lack of intelligence of the Japanese army.

But the Japanese have always been very good at intelligence work on China, so why was it copied by the enemy this time?

Doihara quickly locked on his opponent: Qin Wei!

The mastermind behind the Japanese-Soviet War!Those who pitted the Soviet Union to death, also pitted Japan to death.

If it was before, Doihara would definitely deal with this intelligence battle with confidence.Because he is very clear about his own abilities and the weaknesses of the Chinese people. He uses his own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses, and the Japanese army is far superior to the squadron's combat effectiveness.He didn't think he had the possibility of failure.But this time he lost confidence from the very beginning.

That guy is not only clear about the various military plans of the headquarters of the Chinese Expeditionary Army, but also can clearly investigate the various deployments of the Soviet Far East Military Region, and even knows the secret negotiations between the Germans and the Soviets... What else does he not know?According to the secret information from the military command, that guy Shen Zui was sent to Shanghai because he was bored, but he was sent so casually that almost killed him.

The trump card, it can even be said to be the trump card of the trump card!

If nothing else is involved, Doihara firmly believes that he will very much hope to fight against such a powerful person and learn the opponent's methods, but now their actions may affect the fate of the entire Chinese dispatched army... In order to support the Kwantung Army's attack on the Soviet Union fight.All kinds of logistics in the base camp, including troops, are tilting to the north.Although the Chinese Expeditionary Force is still strong, its ability to sustain combat has been severely weakened.Artillery probably didn't have enough shells to last a major battle, emergency air units couldn't cover their skies, even tanks and tanks were a little short...and that's all.Doihara is extremely worried that Qin Wei is already considering bombing their ammunition depots, granaries, tank bases, airports, artillery positions and other important facilities they have arranged in various places.Isn't that what Hideki Tojo did when he dealt with the Soviets?This hand is originally learned from the Chinese.The Soviet Red Army was so powerful that it could not resist due to various reasons such as logistics.He was defeated by the Kwantung Army.Their Chinese dispatched army may not be much stronger than the Red Army, but the Chinese army is definitely far more numerous than the Kwantung Army... Even if they can finally repel these enemies, the Chinese dispatched army has suffered a huge loss at that time ?

In order to prevent this from happening, Terauchi Shouichi thought of a trick.After careful consideration, Doihara agreed.

After discussing with some generals, the two began to transfer all kinds of war materials in their hands.A large amount of ammunition is issued... I would rather live in vain than let the Chinese blow up in vain.In addition, many important warehouses have also begun to be transferred.This is really not because of lack of guts, but because the Soviet Red Army has learned from the past: snow will fall in the north in a few months.However, due to the bombing in the early stage and the lack of logistics, the Soviets were still wearing summer clothes.It can be said that as long as they wait for a while, as long as they tenaciously stop Stalin's backup for a while, Japan will win without a fight in the Far East.This is of course a good thing, but if this kind of good thing is put on other people's heads, and then the relative bad results are put on oneself, it will not be good.

But after that, Doihara was still worried.

In the end, military operations still depend on actions to have results.But if others know about your actions and your deployment, no matter how strong you are, you won't be able to last a few rounds.Look at the Battle of Nanchang... Is Ningji Okamura's command ability weak?The Sixth Division was also one of the two elite divisions with the most outstanding military exploits in Japan, but they were completely wiped out!Looking at the Battle of Guinan again, Sakagaki Seishiro swept Shanxi with half of the Fifth Division, defeated more than [-] divisions of the Jinsui Army, and fought all the way to Xuzhou, playing the illustrious "Steel Army" In the end, it fell into the encirclement of the Chinese, and it was almost wiped out... After all, it was all because of intelligence!intelligence!intelligence!

But how can we ensure that the intelligence of the dispatched army is not known by that guy?

All information, before the official war, is limited to a few absolutely trustworthy people.But it's still not safe.In order to deal with the Chinese, troops must be dispatched.And as long as the army is mobilized, it is possible to be detected by the enemy... If Qin Wei's intelligence network is not dispatched to the headquarters of the army, but scattered in various troops, then he will definitely find out soon.

How to do?

Doihara racked his brains but couldn't think of a way.And just when he was thinking hard, he suddenly remembered the few outstanding attacks of the Chinese Air Force... It was a lie!Only by cheating can we gain the upper hand in front of the Chinese!

But how can we deceive the Chinese?

Doihara thought of the scene when Qin Wei urged them to fight the Far East: To benefit, it is best to bring together several other countries, so that the Chinese will not feel too weak... (To be continued continued..)

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