mixed in the war

Chapter 217 It's Me

Doihara's research on Chiang Kai-shek is indeed very thorough, and he also has a very good understanding of China's political system, knowing that the actual situation of the National Government is that Chiang Kai-shek is a dictatorship.If his plan is placed in countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States, it will be implemented affirmatively, because a sober person will stop it after seeing it.But China is different.As long as Lao Jiang fell into the trap, it means that most of the national government has also fallen into the trap.

And the fact is just as Doihara expected.After listening to Nan Zao Yunzi's words relayed by Dai Li, although Lao Jiang did not stop the ongoing counter-offensive preparations, he was moved...Of course he would not dare to challenge the Soviet Union.Although the Soviet Union does not seem to be very capable of fighting at present, it is hard to guarantee that people will be banned from beating them.Lao Jiang knew very well that even if he teamed up with the Japanese and the Germans to fight against the Soviet Union, he would not be able to fight for long with the Chinese army's foundation, and as long as the Soviet Union's industry did not stop, it would have the ability to fight back at any time.But what about China?Is it possible that at that time, we will have to ask the Japanese or Germany for more weapons?Are you kidding me?What Lao Jiang likes is to take advantage, but he doesn't like to be pinched by his neck.

But since it was an opportunity to come to your door, there was no reason to take the initiative to go out.The weapons and equipment of the ten German weapon masters are one thing, and the Japanese are willing to take the initiative to give up some territory... If this kind of advantage is not taken, isn't it too unreasonable?

As a result, the negotiations were carried out in such a secret manner.

In this regard, Qin Wei and some more sober people, such as Bai Chongxi, reminded Lao Jiang that this was most likely a Japanese scam.It is very likely that the opponent has already noticed their counterattack plan, and doing so should only buy time for preparation.However, after the Japanese voluntarily gave up the territory of the three counties, Lao Jiang ignored these words.Uh, it's not exactly deaf ears, he still has some worries.Therefore, all troops on the front line were ordered to pay close attention to the movements of the Japanese troops.But Doihara and Terauchi's plans don't stop there.The Japanese army began to mobilize, first regiment by regiment, and then brigade by brigade to move to the north... It seems that just like what Yunzi Nanzao said, they wanted to move the troops of [-] divisions to the north. sent to the Far East. [

It would have been a great time.As long as you seize the time to launch an attack, you may be able to achieve greater results than the planned counterattack.But Lao Jiang once again used his disgusting military talents. He wanted to wait until the Japanese withdrew more troops to the north.Fourteen divisions, even if only half of them are withdrawn, it is enough to make one-third of the Japanese-occupied area less defensive.At that time, if we launch a counterattack at that time, how huge will the results be?


"The Japanese are obviously playing a trick of building plank roads openly and crossing the warehouse secretly. The front line is almost ready. If the chairman doesn't give an order, wait until the Japanese are ready. We will suffer."

Qin Wei came to the Huangshan Villa on a rare occasion.But he didn't come to see Chiang Kai-shek, and seeing him would be for nothing anyway.A local rich man, he wants to take advantage of the cheap... If the Japanese are so kind, how can there be a war of aggression against China?What he met was Soong Meiling... Entrusted by others, but also out of his own wishes, he hoped that the first lady of the Republic of China could give Chiang Kai-shek a pillow, and stop delusional thinking that the Japanese would suddenly switch to vegetarianism.

"I've heard from the chairman about this matter." I haven't seen you for a long time.Song Meiling was still graceful, but it was obvious that she didn't pay much attention to Qin Wei's proposal: "The Japanese must have some kind of conspiracy. But our army has already prepared, so what can they do even if they have a little trick? What's more. Recently, the Japanese army handed over Yuhang and Fuyang, which are rich places. The Japanese still have some sincerity."

"As the old saying goes, if you want to take what you want, you must give it first. The Japanese suddenly changed their minds. What do they want to do? Terauchi Shouichi, Doihara and others are eager to swallow the whole of China, but now they are doing the opposite It's... madam. The chairman has been fooled." Qin Wei said with a dark face.

"Oh? What information do you have?" Song Meiling asked with a smile.

"The Japanese army's so-called northward withdrawal was actually just acting. They withdrew only about half of their troops at most..."

"Dai Li reported this to the chairman." Song Meiling said with a smile: "But this is also normal. We can't all withdraw all at once, right? Then who will stay behind? The Japanese army was defeated repeatedly and lost more than four divisions. The military strength is already very tight. Now that we want to support the Kwantung Army and keep the existing territory, this is the only way to do it.”

"The Kwantung Army did not fight hard in the Soviet Union. Except for Vladivostok, [-]% of the Soviet towns in the Far East have fallen into their hands." Qin Wei sighed, "They don't need reinforcements."

"But the reinforcements from the Soviet Union are already on their way." Soong Meiling gently put down the teacup in her hand, "I heard that there are two army groups. This is more than 20 people. And all of them are mechanized troops, and the leaders have just laid down Finnish general Timoshenko. The Japanese have just conquered a territory as large as the Far East, and before they can digest it, they have to divide their troops to defend... definitely need more troops."

"But according to reliable information, Terauchi Shouichi's troops didn't actually go to the north. They just went around the sea and came back again. And they are gathering on a large scale!" Qin Wei shouted.

"Really?" Soong Meiling still didn't change her face, "But according to the report of the military command, there are Japanese troop carriers arriving at Lushun Port from time to time. At present, at least 5 to [-] troops have arrived in the Northeast. How do you explain this? "

"That's fake. They're cheating!" Qin Wei said anxiously, "Ma'am, on the surface they are transporting troops to the Northeast, but in fact it's just the Kwantung Army staying in the Northeast going around in circles! One soldier from the Chinese dispatched army None of it passed."

"Hehe..." Song Meiling smiled, "Qin Wei, I know that your organization has a strong intelligence capability. But you can't be strong enough to collect all the intelligence in this world. Then you are God Yet?"

"I didn't mean that. But this time..."

"Qin Wei." Soong Meiling interrupted him, "You are now a lieutenant general and the deputy commander of our air force. You can no longer speak as casually as you did before when you were in the military. You think you are so easy to be deceived like me and the chairman people?"

"Of course not. But the Japanese really invested a lot of money this time, they..."

"They are indeed plotting." Soong Meiling smiled, "But we have been prepared for a long time. All theaters are preparing for the counter-offensive. As soon as the military order arrives, they will immediately launch a large-scale counter-offensive across the board. Even if the Japanese did not transfer These troops. We can also defeat them. What's more, they are still deploying troops? Therefore, we don't have to be afraid of any conspiracy by these Japanese, we just plan to carry out the counterattack plan a little later." [

"But what if the Japanese concentrate a large number of troops to attack our key areas?" Qin Wei asked: "We can attack them, and they can also attack us...Terauchi Shouichi and Doihara are both good at finding opportunities in the attack General. As long as a hole is torn somewhere, they will swarm like commanding the Japanese army. With the strength of our army, it is difficult to stop their massive attack."

"Ningji Okamura's big attack was blocked by us, and we fought back; Rikichi Ando's big attack was also blocked by us, and we fought back..."

"This time, the targets of the Japanese army are Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Changsha..."

"Hehe. Isn't that even more impossible?" Soong Meiling covered her mouth and chuckled: "You just said that the Japanese made a circle on the sea. These are all inland cities. Especially Changsha, which is farther away from the sea. There are thousands of miles, can the Japanese fly?"

"It's just a covert march..." Qin Wei was a little lacking in confidence. Gu Changjun couldn't find any information this time. It seemed that the history books didn't change before their changes this time, even the upcoming war. There is no record. This is also an important reason for Qin Wei's anxiety recently.

"Okay, okay, I'll pass on your words to the chairman. Is this okay?" Song Meiling didn't want to listen to Qin Wei's words.She was not interested in military affairs, if it wasn't for Qin Wei's special status and being her "favorite general", she wouldn't have listened to this guy rambling so much, "It's rare for you to come to my place As a guest, let's talk about something happy. The Air Force has been doing well lately, but I heard you haven't been running out of napalm or something. Is that right?"

"This thing is too easy to make. As long as there is a formula, there is almost no technical threshold. After preparing all the necessary things, a few people in charge will lead a group of workers to assemble it in the mountains of Chongqing." Qin Wei sighed. "Some time ago, the military command also caught a few Japanese spies around that mountain... Doihara's nose is really extraordinary."

"Oh? Has the secret been leaked?" Soong Meiling asked with concern.Napalm is the killer weapon of her air force, and she has heard Zhou Zhirou praise this good thing more than once.

"No." Qin Wei shook his head.

"But it's always made in the mountains of Chongqing. It doesn't seem to be safe enough. And it's always not enough...Zhou Zhirou often complains to me." Song Meiling laughed.

"Outside. The more people there are, the easier it is to leak secrets. And I worry that it will not only be Japan. Britain, the United States, France, Germany and the Soviet Union, I am afraid that these countries will be interested. This kind of thing is too vicious, and the less people know about it, the better. " Qin Wei said.

"That can't delay the air force's operations." Song Meiling said: "We still need to expand the scale of production."

"Ma'am means..." This bitch wants to snatch her!Qin Wei held his breath a little.Since napalm was exposed in front of Lao Jiang and others, he didn't have to invest money himself... No matter how stingy Lao Jiang is, he will not be so stingy that he personally pays for the weapons needed by the air force.But he has been strictly controlling the production of napalm, but he is unwilling to spread it to the outside world, and Lao Jiang is also unwilling to make him angry about it, so he simply allocated funds to him... a large part of the money was invested in gasoline production On the other hand, he left a small part to Ye Yuanlong.And with this money, major recently started a new research: transistors.This requires him to keep throwing money into it, but if Song Meiling gets over the production of gasoline, the money will probably be cut off.

"Don't think wrong." Song Meiling saw Qin Wei's thoughts at a glance, and couldn't help laughing.Qin Wei's little jiujiu can't hide it from anyone at all, and she and Chiang Kai-shek both know about the important things of giving money... In fact, Qin Wei is the person who is under the strictest surveillance by the military commander in Chongqing, and his rank is even higher Those guys who passed the Eighth Route Army Liaison Office... But I have to admit that although this guy doesn't speak very well, what he can do can really make many people blush.Scientific research, of course she knows how important it is, but how many people in China are willing to invest money in it?Even if it is "corruption" money!She wouldn't risk making this guy angry by intercepting such a meaningful sum of money.

"I just want to introduce someone to you. With her help, gasoline production can definitely be scaled up more easily."

"Oh?" Qin Wei was startled: "Who is it?"

"it's me!"

At the back door of the living room, Kong Lingwei in a suit stood proudly.

(To be continued)

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