mixed in the war

Chapter 295 His Majesty the Emperor 8 Ga Ya Lu

r I celebrate the New Year, but it is not the Spring Festival.

But Hirohito Digong really remembered the Chinese Spring Festival this time... On the first day of the Chinese Spring Festival, his site was bombed.

Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Fukuoka, Kitakyushu!

lost heavily.

Nagasaki's Sasebo Naval Port was bombed early in the morning on Chinese New Year's Day.Because the opponent threw a heavy bomb, which was powerful, and before the navy could react, six warships were sunk and eight warships were damaged.Among the warships that were sunk, there were three cruisers and two light cruisers. Of the eight warships that were damaged, three of them were severely damaged. It would be impossible to repair them within a few months, let alone cruise.This is not the most hateful thing, the most hateful thing is that one of the three severely damaged warships is the "King Kong" battleship.This is the treasure of the entire Great R Ben Empire.

In Kumamoto, the urban area was bombed with gasoline on a large scale, and half of the city was almost reduced to ashes under the winter sea wind.

In Fukuoka, the urban area was also bombed on a large scale, and the city caught fire. Although there were not many residents killed or injured, several people lost their homes overnight.

However, this is nothing compared to the loss of Kitakyushu that made Hirohito Digong feel angry... The pride of the Great Japanese Empire, the local Yawata Iron Works was blown up and several blast furnaces were blown up.Not only that, because the other party threw the fire, a large amount of coal used for steelmaking piled up outside the ironworks was ignited, causing a raging fire inside the ironworks...


"Misters, who can give me an explanation?"

Digong Hirohito, of course, that was just his previous name, he is now called Emperor Hirohito, and his reign is Showa. The 124th emperor of the Japanese Empire, in Japan, is regarded as the incarnation of gods in the mortal world.However, at this moment, although his tone was calm, the twitching of his face from time to time showed the anger in his chest...an anger that had been severely slapped a few times.From time to time, his eyes swept over the important officials kneeling on both sides, as if he wanted to pick someone out and stab a few times to vent his anger.

"Why, did no one speak?" No one replied, and the anger in Hirohito's chest became more and more intense: "Haven't we already pushed China to a dead end and established a new government there? Why did the Chinese bomb Will it still fall to the mainland? Who can tell me?"

"Your Majesty..." Prime Minister Minai Mitsumasa hesitated.Bite the bullet and bowed to Hirohito, "It's my fault. I didn't take precautions, I didn't expect that the Chinese would actually..."

"It's the army's fault." Marine Minister Yoshida Zengo suddenly interrupted Mitsumasa Minai's words, and stared straight at Lu Minister Hata Shunroku: "The reason why the planes of the Chinese people can fly to the mainland is because they have Ningbo is the closest base to the mainland. But it has been more than two years since the China Incident began, and the army has never conquered this city. This is why the Chinese have a forward base to bomb us."

"Baga! According to what Yoshida Haisang said, Ningbo is a seaside city, why can't the navy take it down?" Hata Junliu was furious, and immediately shouted.

"Hata Shunroku, what do you mean we should put wheels on the battleship? If that's the case, what do you need your army to do? Our navy can do everything." Yoshida Zengo sneered.

"Then I want to ask Kaisin Yoshida. How did you know that the plane of the Chinese people took off from Ningbo?" Hideki Tojo, the deputy army chief behind Shunroku Hata, asked in a voice.

"According to the description of the Sasebo Port Navy officers and men, the China Air Force flew over from the direction almost due east. But where is the due east of Nagasaki? Shanghai! But now Shanghai is under the occupation of the imperial army, so, only Ningbo, which has not yet been captured by the army, may become the starting point of the Chinese Air Force. Besides, this is not the first time. Didn't the "paper bombing" of the Chinese people start from Ningbo the year before last? "Yoshida Zengo said calmly.

"Navy officers at the Sasebo Naval Port?" Hideki Tojo sneered: "What a joke. The most important military port in the western part of the empire was bombed in broad daylight. The enemy walked away...do you still have the face to blame our army?"

"The Chinese air force should have been wiped out a long time ago. For this reason, our navy loaned the aviation unit to your army for the first time, but what have you done? Instead, it made the Chinese air force stronger and stronger!" Yoshida Yoshida I said bitterly: "If it wasn't for the army's ability, how could we be humiliated like this today?"

"From Ningbo in China to the mainland, there is a large ocean...Don't your navy always boast that you want to protect the territorial waters of the empire? Why did you let the Chinese fly over from the sea?" Hata Shunroku exclaimed.


"Enough!" Yu Ren cut off the quarrel of several ministers in a deep voice, "What I want to hear now is not the quarrel between your army and navy, let alone who is responsible for this... I just want to know, what is the matter in the mainland?" Is it still safe? The Chinese can bomb Kyushu today, so will they be able to bomb Honshu tomorrow? Even Tokyo?"

"The minister is guilty!" [

Minei Guangzheng took the lead, and a group of important officials knelt down on the ground.

"The territory of the empire is sacred and inviolable!" Hirohito looked at the crowd with an expression on his face, "I don't want it to happen again."


"Minai Aiqing!" Hirohito looked at Minai Mitsumasa again.

"His Majesty!"

Minai Mitsumasa's scalp was numb from Hirohito's sight.In fact, he was not the prime minister he wanted to be, but was forcibly appointed by Hirohito.Because being prime minister at this time is never a good thing.His predecessor, Nobuyuki Abe, was a general of the army. He was good at discerning political trends and knew the art of "protecting one's life wisely". Therefore, after Konoe Fumama and Heinuma Kiichiro stepped down one after another, he was promoted to the prime minister's throne by the army.However, after taking office, Nobuyuki Abe made great achievements due to various reasons.

In terms of diplomacy, the "R-US Treaty of Commerce and Navigation" with the Americans expired but could not be renewed. This means that the United States can restrict or even completely ban exports to R at any time. As a result, it will not only make it difficult for Japan to continue the war, but will also greatly Affecting the rise and fall of r's economic development; in terms of internal affairs, the protracted war and the implementation of the wartime ruling economy have sharply disintegrated the foundation of r's national economy and destroyed the daily life of the people.Inflation.The scarcity of items has become so severe that even necessities such as matches and soap have disappeared from the market.Regardless of the life and death of the people, Abe Nobuyuki adjusted the rice price rule policy in November 1939, raised the price of brown rice from 11r yuan per stone to 38r yuan, and stipulated the public prices of food, metal products, fuel, and silk products, and issued price freezing orders and wage freeze.As a result of this policy of entrapping the nation, the black market trade flourished, and prices skyrocketed, which was nothing more than dredging the bottom of the pan for ordinary people who were struggling on the verge of death.

Abe Nobuyuki's failure in domestic and foreign policies has aroused dissatisfaction among the masses against the government.It also disappointed the ruling class, including the emperor. When the 1939th parliament was held in December 12, all political parties in the parliament spontaneously organized and jointly proposed a motion of no confidence in the cabinet, demanding that Abe step down.Abe adopted the method of reorganizing the cabinet, using two political parties.Attempts to disrupt the party's offensive.However, the political party's movement to overthrow the cabinet has not stopped.Once again mobilized 75 congressmen to jointly sign a letter to impeach Zheng Fu.Things have come to this.Abe also counted on the forcible dissolution of the parliament with the support of the army to prolong the political life.However, the military had lost confidence in him, and was afraid that the dissolution of the parliament would further fuel anti-military and anti-war sentiment among the people, so they decided to abandon Abe.That is to say, after the navy declared its opposition to the dissolution of the parliament, Prime Minister Hata Toshi met Abe on six occasions, hoping that he would consider stepping down for the sake of the political situation.so.Abe, who was initially carried on the sedan chair by the army, was pulled off the sedan chair by the army after only four and a half months in power.

After the fall of Nobuyuki Abe, no one is willing to take over as prime minister.Because everyone knows very well that the current situation is a mess.Not only is the economy on the verge of collapse.The foreign war has also fallen into a practical quagmire.The most important thing is that the military has actually controlled the country. If the prime minister can't act according to the wishes of the military, he can't even think about taking power. In other words, there is no way to fundamentally solve the problems facing Japan.Therefore, even if Hirohito expressed his wish to hope that Mitsumasa Yonei would come forward to form a cabinet, Mitsumasa Yonei remained calm, as if he didn't hear it.But Minei Mitsumasa did not expect that Hirohito would announce loudly at the imperial meeting in the end, "I ordered Aiqing to form a cabinet"!The emperor is a god, and the will of the gods cannot be defied. This time, Mitsumasa Minai had no choice but to bite the bullet and become the prime minister.

Unexpectedly, less than a month after taking office, the Japanese mainland was bombed by the Chinese Air Force on a large scale.

At this moment, Minai Mitsumasa even wanted to die.


"The mainland of the empire has never been attacked. Even if the Chinese planes came two years ago, they could only drop some 'papers'. But now, four of our cities have been bombed. Sasebo Naval Port, Kumamoto, Fukuoka, Yawata Steel in Kitakyushu... Our losses are too heavy."

Hirohito said to Mitsumasa Minai in a sad tone that he was really sad, but also deeply afraid... The archipelago has never been attacked by outsiders.Even the most horrific event in history was a false alarm.The Mongol fleet was blown into the sea by a "kamikaze".Therefore, the Japanese archipelago is a "land blessed by gods" and will always be safe.But now, the Chinese are telling them with facts that r is not safe at all.Although their army is still raging in China, the Chinese can already fight back, even to his home.what does that mean?

"Your Majesty, our army will make the Chinese pay the price." Hideki Tojo suddenly shouted before Mitsumasa Minai could reply.

"Really? What price does Deputy Chief Tojo plan to make them pay?" Yoshida Zengo asked with a sneer.

"Naturally retaliate with an eye and bomb their cities on a large scale. Especially hong qng! The bombing should be focused on!" Hideki Tojo waved his fist and looked at Hirohito with high spirits: "Please rest assured, Your Majesty, the Chinese dispatched army has assembled A large number of aircraft will soon launch a large-scale bombing of Hong Kong. Not only that, but the aircraft gathered by Terauchi Shouichi and Doihara Kenji this time contain a large number of the most advanced Zero fighters, which can completely wipe out the Chinese Air Force. At this time, the sky of China is the back garden of the empire.”

"Don't let your entire army be wiped out by the Chinese people using the most common tricks like before... Your stupid command not only caused you to lose a general like Sugiyama Yuan, but also ruined the support of our navy. Many elite aviation units," Yoshida Zengo snorted coldly.

"That's just a trick used by the Chinese people. But no matter what the trick is, it will be useless in the face of absolute power." Hideki Tojo is full of confidence: "Shouichi-kun in the temple will definitely give us a satisfactory answer. It will be a surprise."

"Surprise? What surprise?" Yuren asked.

"The China Dispatch Army has obtained information that Chiang Kai-shek, the leader of the China Army, will attend a large-scale celebration ceremony. Mr. Shouichi has made a special plan for this, and will carry out a large-scale bombing of the ceremony site and surrounding areas on the same day... If it goes well If not, the empire's enemies in China will soon become a mess. They may even fall into civil strife again!" Hideki Tojo said triumphantly, "At that time, the empire's army will soon capture Hongqng, and then occupy The whole of China."

"Are you talking about the fact that those traitors in the army formed a rebel army?" Yoshida Zengo continued to hit him.

"Yoshida Kaisang!" Hideki Tojo glared at him immediately, "What do you mean?"

"I don't mean anything. I'm just asking." Yoshida Zengo sneered: "Aren't Neiji Okamura and Ryotaro Nakai from your army?"


"Yoshida-kun!" Hata Toshiroku frowned: "The people you mentioned are no longer members of the army. Moreover, apart from Chiang Kai-shek, Terauchi Shouichi and Doihara Kenji have another goal this time, which is to eliminate the empire. shame!"

"Very good!" Hirohito was also sullen, "Neji Okamura was once a soldier I was very optimistic about, but unfortunately he let me down. I hope that the love of the temple will not let me down again!"

"Toshiichi Terauchi first arrived in China. There will definitely be a period of adaptation. Especially because of the war against the Soviet Union, the China dispatched army has always been somewhat insufficient in strength, and some failures are inevitable. But he is a general of the empire after all..." Hata Shunroku Yuren's words startled a little.What is "let me down again"?This shows that Hirohito has long been dissatisfied with Terauchi Shouichi's performance in China.Thinking about it, Nishio Hiszo also lost a battle and was transferred back to Tokyo to idle.He had been investigated before, but although Shousuchi Terauchi had not experienced the defeat of losing three divisions at once in the Battle of Nanchang.From the Battle of Southern Guangxi to the Battle of Changsha.The losses of the Chinese dispatched army were not less than those in the battle of Nanchang.Compared with the previous record of the Japanese army, Hirohito would of course be very upset.

"What a joke. What does it mean to first arrive in China? Hasn't Terauchi Shouichi been to China before? Who blindly led the army across the border designated by the base camp, led the troops to occupy the entire North China, and finally brought the empire into the current quagmire of war Among them?" Yoshida Zengo interrupted Hata Shunroku, and continued to sneer.

"Yoshida Zengo, what do you mean? Don't tell me. Are you trying to deny Terauchi-kun's military exploits?" Hideki Tojo shouted.

"Military exploits? In my eyes, there is only one unqualified soldier who will disobey the orders of his superiors." Yoshida Zengo snorted coldly.


"Senior Tojo, before His Majesty the Emperor, can you pay attention. Don't always utter bad words?" Minai Mitsumasa also looked at Tojo Hideki coldly.He was born as an admiral of the navy, and his relationship with the army has always been bad.Especially last year, after the Germans captured Poland and showed their extremely strong strength, the army began to advocate the German-Italian R alliance...but this is different from turning R to the opposite of Britain and the United States.Their navy did not want to provoke Britain and the United States, so he has always been opposed to the army's proposal, which made his already bad relationship with the army even worse.Since Hideki Tojo became the deputy chief of the army, whenever there is a dispute, he must be the vanguard of the army, and he often utters evil words, which seems extremely vulgar, which makes them, the group of naval officers who have always regarded themselves as "nobles", extremely Hate.

"Evil words? It's better than..."

"Enough!" Hirohito had no choice but to interrupt the quarrel with his subordinates again, "The empire is now in a difficult period, and the army and navy should work together, but you always fight over what? Is there any point in war?"

"Your Majesty's forgiveness!"

"China bombed the mainland, and the empire can't just swallow it, it has to respond. Aiqing Tojo just now..."

"His Majesty!"

Just as Yuren was talking, a waiter suddenly walked in from the outside, and when he arrived in front of him, he knelt down on the ground, raised his hands, and presented a telegram in front of him:

"Your Majesty, this was just sent by the Ministry of War... Please read it!"

"This must be a good news from the Temple Lords and the others! Your Majesty, before rushing to the palace, I specially arranged for you to report to the palace immediately if there is any news about the actions in China." Tojo Hideki jumped up with an excited expression on his face. shouted loudly.

"Really?" Hirohito was overjoyed, and didn't care about Hideki Tojo's rudeness, "I'll take a look!"

"Your Majesty, did you kill Chiang Kai-shek?"

Watching Hirohito open the telegram, Tojo craned his neck.Beside him, Minai Mitsumasa, Hata Shunroku and others also looked eager... The mainland was bombed by the Chinese, and the impact was extremely bad, but they, political leaders, had to explain to the outside world.But the bombs were all blown up, and the losses were extremely heavy. How do they explain it?And if at this time the imperial aviation unit successfully bombed Hong Kong on a large scale, and even injured or killed the Chinese leader Chiang Kai-shek, the news would be different.That will cancel out any negative effects.Therefore, they all wanted to see the news at the first time and get a definite answer, but they soon discovered... Yu Ren's face suddenly became ugly after seeing the telegram.

"Baga Yalu!"

His Majesty the Emperor slammed the telegram at the excited Tojo. (to be continued..)

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